Decision details

Wyre Borough: LCC/2023/0003 Proposed development of an Energy Recovery Centre and associated infrastructure. Land at Hillhouse Business Park, Bourne Road, Thornton-Cleveleys

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


Proposed development of an Energy Recovery Centre and associated infrastructure. Land at Hillhouse Business Park, Bourne Road, Thornton- Cleveleys


A report was presented on an application for the proposed development of an Energy Recovery Centre and associated infrastructure on land at Hillhouse Business Park, Bourne Road, Thornton-Cleveleys.


The proposed development was subject to an environmental impact assessment and the application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement and non-technical summary.


The report included the views of Wyre Council, the Head of Enterprise Zone, the Environment Agency, Atkins Realis (Air Quality), Natural England, Marine Management Organisation, Atkins Realis ((Ecology), Lancashire County Council Ecology, Atkins Realis (Landscape), Lancashire County Council Highways, Lancashire County Council Lead Local Flood Authority, Lancashire County Council Archaeology, the Health and Safety Executive, United Utilities and Cadent. Three representations objecting to the application had been received.


The Senior Planner presented a Powerpoint presentation showing site location plans and an aerial view of the site, proposed site layout, proposed east and west elevations, proposed north and south elevations, Enterprise zone Masterplan, site MRT13 plan and photographs of the view from the north of the site looking south, view towards the east/Wyre Estuary, view towards the west/houses under construction and views along Bourne Road.


George Lucan, applicant (Sesona), addressed the Committee and said the following:


'Sesona are an independent UK business working with a reputable contractor who has delivered and operates multiple energy from waste plants throughout the UK.


What is this facility? It's an energy recovery centre for up to 120,000 tonnes of refuse derived fuel, which is waste which cannot be economically or feasibly recycled at the present time. The plant has the potential to supply electricity and heat to local business or electricity direct into grid. Sesona has an electrical connection agreement in place with Electricity North West and will look to advance this agreement once planning permission is granted. The committee will be pleased to hear that we have already engaged with Victrex PLC to consider the possibility of supplying heat direct from our plant to their neighbouring chemical processing facilities.


How much waste are we talking? Well, between 2019 and 2022, regrettably, landfill waste disposal in Lancashire actually increased by 6.5% from 203,000 tonnes to 217,000 tonnes, and over twice that volume exists in the joint authority area. There is an opportunity to target this waste and move the disposal further up the waste hierarchy.


What are the environmental benefits? Well, avoiding local waste being sent to landfill obviously, and releasing methane to the atmosphere when in landfill. To this must be added the benefits from energy recovery, being the displacement, at least in part, of fossil fuel which would otherwise be burnt to generate grid electricity.


Do we look to improve on these savings?  Yes, anticipating ever tightening emission standards, we are already engaged with carbon capture specialists to see what can be retrofitted in the future. Given our considerable distance from the carbon capture hub at Hynet near Liverpool, that would be easy, but we have some solutions already.


What are the local economic and social benefits of the facility?  It will provide some hundred jobs during construction, 40 full time employees during operation, and we believe as many again created indirectly as a consequence of operation. We've estimated some 3.2 million positive impact on the local economy annually, including direct benefits in terms of rates.


In conclusion, the facility is compactly designed, being an operating site commensurate with the existing transport network, and fitted with emissions controls which meet with the Environment Agency's best available techniques criteria for our already validly issued permit, we recommend strongly for approval.'


Mark O'Brien, NPL Estates (site landowner), addressed the Committee and said the following:


'I'd like to express my support for the proposed energy centre located at the Hillhouse Enterprise Zone. I'm the managing director of NPL Group and one of my key responsibilities is the development of the Hillhouse Enterprise Zone. I was a member of the team who bid to establish the EZ status in the first place and I helped to develop and continue to develop the master plan on the site.


The Masterplan categorises the land that's nominated for an Energy Recovery Centre. Power for production for use by others on site was always planned for this location.The proposal complements the existing and planned businesses for the site, consistent with the Masterplan. The facility helps with much needed investments in the area that will provide both power and heat for use on the site directly, in addition to the creation of new jobs in the area, both during construction and operations. I look forward to the permission being granted and continuing to work with Sesona to deliver the project and to help the Enterprise Zone reach its full potential.


The ex-ICI plant that was located on the project site was demolished over 25 years ago and it's been unused since. Please support us in our goal to bring a new lease of life to this area to help us introduce new industry to the area and to add new jobs and help the EZ at Hillhouse to reach its full potential. Lancashire County Council and Wyre Council helped us achieve EZ status. Please continue with your support and help us move our plans and objectives forward by granting the application.'


The officers answered questions from Committee. After a discussion it was:


Resolved: That, after first taking into consideration the environmental information, as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, and subject to the applicant first entering into a Section 106 Agreement for a commuted sum of £12,000 for highway safety improvements on Fleetwood Road North and to secure biodiversity net gain, that planning permission be granted subject to conditions including controlling commencement, working programme, construction environmental management plan, building materials, tonnage throughput, reversing alarms, surface water drainage, landscaping, employment and skills, lighting, R1 status, site investigation, groundwater protection, hours of construction working, heat pipes, highway matters, electric charging points, cycle storage, showers and changing facilities, and decommissioning, as set out in the Committee report.


Divisions Affected: Cleveleys East;

Contact: Jonathan Haine Email: Tel: 01772 531948.

Report author: Jonathan Haine

Date of decision: 24/04/2024

Decided at meeting: 24/04/2024 - Development Control Committee

Accompanying Documents: