Decision details

West Lancashire Borough: LCC/2023/0043 Restoration of Ravenhead Quarry through the importation of non-hazardous material. Ravenhead Quarry, Chequer Lane, Up Holland

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


LCC/2023/0043 Restoration of Ravenhead Quarry through importation of non hazardous material. Ravenhead Quarry, Skelmersdale
Site Visit report


A report was presented on an application for the restoration of Ravenhead Quarry, Chequer Lane, Up Holland, through the importation of non-hazardous material.


It was reported that this planning application had been received in December 2023 and proposed the restoration of an existing quarry through the importation of non-hazardous materials, comprising construction and excavation materials. The scheme would involve infilling the existing quarry void to levels corresponding to adjacent ground levels. This would amend the previously approved restoration scheme for the site.


The Senior Planner presented a Powerpoint presentation showing site location plans and an aerial view of the site and proposed restoration.


The planning application had attracted 12 representations from members of the public and objections from Up Holland Parish Council. Due to the large scale of the development, it was considered that members of the Committee should visit the site and the surrounding area before they determined the application.


Resolved: That the Committee visit the site before considering the planning application.


Divisions Affected: West Lancashire East;

Contact: Jonathan Haine Email: Tel: 01772 531948.

Report author: Jonathan Haine

Date of decision: 24/04/2024

Decided at meeting: 24/04/2024 - Development Control Committee

Accompanying Documents: