Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Annual report on the Constitution, membership
and terms of reference of the Audit, Risk and Governance
The committee considered a report detailing the membership, Chairmanship and Terms of Reference for the 2024/25 municipal year. The report also provided a review by officers of the Local Government Association's "Ten questions for audit committees" and the proposed process for the appointment of an independent co-opted member to the committee.
The Chair highlighted the importance of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee's independence in fulfilling its role and thanked officers for their comprehensive review of the committee's terms of reference with regard to the LGA's "Ten questions for audit committees".
Following a period of discussion on the appointment of an independent co-opted member, it was agreed that:
· The word "significant" should be removed from paragraph (g) of the role's restrictions on eligibility, so that the independent co-opted member would not have any business dealings with the council; and
· The restriction on political party membership should remain, to ensure the co-opted member's independence. It was noted that a similar restriction applied to the council's Independent Persons on conduct matters.
Resolved: That
i) The appointment of County Councillor A Schofield as Chair and County Councillor J Singleton as Deputy Chair of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee for the 2024-25 municipal year be noted;
ii) The membership of the committee, following the county council's Annual Meeting held 23 May 2024, be noted;
iii) The Audit, Risk and Governance Committee's Terms of Reference be noted;
iv) Officers' review of the Local Government Association's "Ten questions for audit committees" be noted and commended;
v) An Appointments Sub-Committee, to manage and oversee the recruitment of an independent co-opted member to the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee, be established as set out in the report;
vi) The Appointments Sub-Committee be authorised to determine the job specification and recruitment timeline, consider and shortlist applications, and carry out interviews for the role of independent co-opted member to the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee; and
vii) The Appointments Sub-Committee's recommendation be presented to the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee's next meeting on 14 October 2024.
Divisions Affected: N/A;
Contact: Hannah Race Email:
Report author: Hannah Race
Date of decision: 22/07/2024
Decided at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Accompanying Documents: