Agenda item

Newton Consultants


Emily Roche, Newton Consultants led the Committee through a presentation on the Children's Pathways Review and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities findings (SEND).


The presentation included the findings from assessments completed on the Children with Disabilities (CwD) and Integrated Assessment and Monitoring (IAM) teams within the Special Education Needs and Disabilities service.


Emily discussed the findings from the ticksheet exercise, caseload variations, assessment duration and transitions for the Children with Disabilities Team.  It was identified that in relation to the caseload information, there was a need to have a single source to determine an accurate picture of the data, and where the majority of the assessments were completed within the final week of the statutory deadline, this highlighted that potentially the processes currently available were not sufficient to support staff.


Children with Disabilities social workers were reported to have a mix of cases and would likely work with a child on a Child in Need plan long term depending on the nature of the disability. Children with moderate learning difficulties would be managed under Children's Social Care if required and not Children with Disabilities.


Referrals into this service were received from Contact and Referral Team (CART), Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and from a variety of partner agencies such as Police, schools, special schools and health. 


The Committee were informed that the threshold for children with severe mental health problems resulting in a disability was flexible and other services where required would be provided to support.  The new Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans would assist with this to bring these services together.


Emily then outlined the findings from the ticksheet exercise, caseload variations, assessment duration and transitions for the Integrated Assessment and Monitoring Team.


The ticksheet results indicated that only 4% of time was spent with the child/family.  The challenge was then to identify how the amber time could be reduced and to test this to ensure a successful outcome.


Data showed a significant caseload variation and Emily confirmed that further work was required around this caseload data to weight by complexity for a more comprehensive understanding of this data. 


Work to improve the level of understanding for staff using the LiquidLogic Children's System was actively taking place. Training for staff was also taking place around the recording of information onto the IT systems. 

In addition, with the introduction of EHC plans, the SEND service has sent a request to LCS to identify a simple and efficient IT platform for EHC plans to assist with the delivery of this element of the service. 


Brendan confirmed that a FACE (Functional Analysis of Care Environments) assessment tool and Yoga tablets had been purchased to use out in the field for assessments.  Testing of the algorithm behind this tool was ongoing to ensure the thresholds were set as agreed.  In addition, the Local Offer for SEND (which identifies what is available in the local area) would also be uploaded as a further information source for families. 


The Committee was advised that in relation to the assessment duration, capacity was further complicated by partner agencies such as health, and in particular the challenges working with the six Clinical Commissioning Groups in Lancashire.  To assist with the timescales within this process, two designated Medical Officers for Lancashire have been agreed.


Resolved: The Committee noted and commented on the presentation


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