Agenda item

Fylde Borough: Application number LCC/2018/0019
Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 05/09/0152 to allow the period for landfill/recycling/waste transfer operations to continue until 01 June 2028.
Westby Landfill Site, south side of Anna's Road, Westby.


A report was presented on an application for the variation of condition 1 of planning permission 05/09/0152 to allow the period for landfill/recycling/waste transfer operations to continue until 01 June 2028 at Westby Landfill Site, south side of Anna’s Road, Westby.


The report included the views of Fylde Borough Council the county council's Highways Development Control, the Environment Agency, the county council's Specialist Advisor (Ecology), Natural England, and details of 12 letters of representation received.


The Development Management Officer presented a PowerPoint Presentation showing an aerial view of the site and the nearest residential properties. The committee was also shown photographs of the site including the landfill cells, the soil production area, wheel wash and the site access.


The Officer reported orally that further representations had been received from an objector with regard to vibrations being experienced at properties near to the site and by the applicant in relation to the proposed conditions 13, 19 and 28.


Full details of the above together with the advice of the officers in relation to such, together with additional amendments to the conditions and the imposition of an additional condition in relation to wheel cleaning measures were set out in the Update Sheet circulated at the meeting. (Copy set out at Annex A to the Minutes).


Ms Hollowell, a local resident, addressed the committee objecting to the application.  She informed the committee that the field purchased by the applicant for land raising was being portrayed as a former clay pit to justify the recycling activities.  However, the land raising was taking place in a field and not the quarry.  Concern was also raised with regard to the mud and dust being tracked out of the site. Ms Hollowell called for an additional condition to be imposed to ensure the wheel wash was cleaned out every week to prevent silt being tracked out onto the roads. 


Mr Raynor Porter, Site Manager of the Westby Landfill Site addressed the committee and made the following summarised points in support of the application:


·  The site provided work for 25 employees and various contractors and helped to support the local economy.

·  The recycling activities helped to divert waste away from landfill

·  The importation of inert waste to the site would assist in restoring the land to the agreed levels.

·  The site was well screened from the road.

·  The application had attracted ten letters of support.

·  Fylde Borough Council, the Environment Agency and the LCC's Highways had raised no objection to the application.


The applicant also mentioned that landfill cells 1 and 2 had already been completed and capped.


Following debate and questions to officers with regard to the time extension and the increased number of vehicle movements associated with the application, it was Moved and Seconded that:


"The Development Control Committee visit the site prior to determining the application".


On being put to the vote the Motion was Lost.


Following further discussion, the committee agreed that an additional condition be imposed requiring the existing wheel wash to be cleaned out on a weekly basis. It was also suggested that the local liaison committee be reconvened.


In response to the concerns raised with regard to the wheel wash, the officer explained that the applicant had been asked to review the wheel cleaning measures at the site. Whilst they considered that the existing wheel cleaning measures were adequate, the applicant had mentioned that if a further planning permission was forthcoming, they would undertake further improvements to the internal site roads including increasing the amount of surfaced road. It was considered that this would improve the cleanliness of vehicle wheels to the benefit of the local environment. It was therefore considered that the further condition as set out in the Update Sheet (Condition 12) would address the local resident's concerns.


Despite the additional measures outlined above and the advice of the officer, Members reaffirmed their wish for an additional condition to be imposed requiring the wheel wash on the site to be cleaned out on a weekly basis following which it was:


Resolved:- That subject to the amendments to conditions 2, 3, and 13, the deletion of condition 28, the inclusion of condition 12 as set out in the 'Update Sheet' and the imposition of an additional condition requiring the wheel wash on the site to be cleaned out on a weekly basis, planning permission for the variation of condition 1 of planning permission 05/09/0152 to allow the period for landfill/recycling/waste transfer operations to continue until 01 June 2028 be granted as set out in the report to the committee.


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