Agenda item

Call In Request: Decisions taken by Cabinet on 13 June 2019, in relation to the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing's area of responsibility


Following requests from eleven County Councillors in accordance with the Call In procedures, the Committee considered a report outlining the decisions of the Cabinet on 13 June 2019 in relation to the Lancashire Wellbeing Service, the Health Improvement Service and Integrated Home Improvement Services.


The Chair welcomed County Councillor Shaun Turner, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing; Sakthi Karunanithi, Director for Public Health and Wellbeing and Clare Platt, Head of Service for Health, Equity, Welfare and Partnerships.


Presenting the case for the Call In for decisions made relating to the Lancashire Wellbeing Service were County Councillor Azhar Ali, along with Teresa Jennings, chief executive of N-Compass North West and Rhaya Barnes, a Lancashire Wellbeing service user.


County Councillor Ali provided additional information, detailing data and financial information showing the benefits of the Lancashire Wellbeing service. This was pre-circulated to the Committee in advance of the meeting and a copy is set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered a number of issues in connection with the original decision, including: the impact on service users; the potential effect on other Lancashire wide services; the financial information provided; the potential for increased costs in other services; the consultees responses; new models of working supported by partner organisations and budget pressures across the county council.


County Councillor Ali proposed that the service be funded for a further twelve months to ensure a smooth transition to the intended new way of working that would provide an efficient proactive method of wellbeing support for the residents of Lancashire.


It was moved by County Councillor Peter Steen and seconded by County Councillor Eddie Pope that the Committee support the decisions made by Cabinet on 13 June 2019 in relation to the Lancashire Wellbeing Service.


The following amendment was proposed by County Councillor David Whipp and seconded by County Councillor John Fillis:


That the Committee request Full Council to review the decisions in relation to the Lancashire Wellbeing Service and decide whether it should be reconsidered as the additional documentation reviewed at the meeting highlighted that the report to Cabinet did not include the full consequential costs and was therefore contrary to the Budget and Policy Framework set by the Full Council.


On being put to the vote the amendment was LOST.


The substantive motion was then put to the vote and was CARRIED.


It was proposed by County Councillor Eddie Pope and seconded by County Councillor Britcliffe that County Councillor Shaun Turner report back to the Health Scrutiny Committee on the progress and success of the community based approach to providing wellbeing support to the residents of Lancashire in six months.


It was therefore:


Resolved: That


(i)  The Committee supported the decisions made by Cabinet on 13 June 2019 in relation to the Lancashire Wellbeing service and therefore should not be called in.


(ii)  County Councillor Shaun Turner report back to the Health Scrutiny Committee on the progress and success of the community based approach to providing wellbeing support to the residents of Lancashire in six months.


Presenting the case for the Call In for decisions made relating to the Health Improvement Service were County Councillor Azhar Ali, along with County Councillor Steven Holgate.


County Councillor Ali provided additional information detailing the social return on investment in targeted exercise and weight loss programmes. This was pre-circulated to the Committee in advance of the meeting and a copy is set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered a number of issues in connection with the original decision, including: the social impact of the service; the availability of similar replacement services; investment in and suitability of alternative facilities for maintaining a healthy lifestyle; potential longer term cost implications; the suitability of digital pathways and the importance of maintaining face to face interaction to promote healthy living; the re-procurement of drug and alcohol rehabilitation services and responding to the consultation to ensure the reduced budget is spent to best effect.


County Councillor Ali proposed that the service remain in place until December 2020 until the emerging neighbourhood services were established to ensure a positive transition.


It was moved by County Councillor John Fillis and seconded by County Councillor David Whipp that the Committee refer the decisions relating to the Health Improvement service back to Cabinet for reconsideration.


On being put to the vote the motion was LOST. It was therefore


Resolved: That


The decisions made by Cabinet on 13 June 2019 in relation to the Health Improvement Service not be referred back to Cabinet for reconsideration.


County Councillor Azhar Ali presented the case for the Call In for decisions made relating to the Integrated Home Improvement Services.


The Committee considered a number of issues in connection with the original decision, including the potential longer term cost impact of ceasing the services; the results of the consultation; the potential of utilising alternative funding streams for the service; district councils' role in funding home adaptations and the necessity of effective pathways to ensure correct referrals are made following a hospital discharge.


It was moved by County Councillor John Fillis and seconded by County Councillor David Whipp that the Committee refer the decisions relating to the Integrated Home Improvement Services back to Cabinet for reconsideration.

On being put to the vote the motion was LOST. It was therefore


Resolved: That


The decisions made by Cabinet on 13 June 2019 in relation to the Integrated Home Improvement Services not be referred back to Cabinet for reconsideration.

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