Issue - decisions

Internal audit assurance

19/08/2019 - Internal Audit Assurance

The Head of Internal Audit presented a report which summarised the work undertaken during 2018/19 and confirmed that follow up action from the previous year had been completed and substantial assurance was given in relation to oversight of the Lancashire County Pension Fund.


In considering the report the Committee noted the work to date by the internal auditor appointed by the Local Pensions Partnership and that some planned audits had not been completed. The Chair reported that the outstanding audits had been discussed with the Partnership and confirmed that he had received written confirmation that all seven audits had been completed. In view of the update it was proposed that the Head of Internal Audit review the findings of all the audits and present a further report to the Committee in September 2019 in order to give the Council an assurance on the administration and Investment operations of the Partnership.


Resolved: That the Head of Internal Audit review the findings of all seven audits of the Local Pensions Partnership referred to in the report and present a further report to the Committee in September 2019 in order to give the Council an assurance on the administration and Investment operations of the Partnership.