Use the search options below to find decisions.
Alternatively you can view delegated decisions that have been taken by individual councillors in relation to council officers under the Scheme of Delegation to Officers:
Key Decision definition: A key decision means an executive decision which is likely:
(a) to result in the council incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are significant having regard to the council's budget for the service or function which the decision relates; or
(b) to be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards or electoral divisions in the area of the council.
For the purposes of (a) above, the threshold for "significant" is £2.2 million (from 1 April 2024).
The Financial Safeguarding Team (FST) currently act as corporate appointee and deputy for people who receive services from LCC and lack capacity to manage their own finances. The team have reached capacity and have a growing waiting list of people requiring the service. In addition, LCC's Disability Service has a number of people who have no current arrangements in place to manage their finances.
This presents a major safeguarding issue as people are unable to pay their rent, utilities and groceries. This has increased the use of temporary arrangements such as using petty cash in care homes, corporate credit cards and visits to food banks.
Following discussion with Legal and Procurement it was agreed that a direct award could be made under Schedule 3 'Light Touch' procurement.
The rationale for making a direct award is due to the ongoing and growing safeguarding issue of people being unable to access their finances. There are a few organisations who provide services for appointeeships or deputyships, but few can manage both. The decision was made to award the contract to Money Carer Foundation as a preferred provider, who provide a comprehensive service and are based in the North-west.
The contract will either be to the value of £600,000 or 2 years, whichever happens first. The short-term arrangement will provide extra capacity and will allow for an options appraisal and procurement of a long-term solution for managing the finances of vulnerable adults. The contract value would not be paid by LCC but is indicative of the total value of referrals we would send to the provider, paid from the benefits and savings of the people referred.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 19/07/2024
Kashif Ahmed, Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning, took a decision to approve the direct award of the contract, to the value of £600,000, to Moneycarer Foundation to manage the finances of vulnerable adults in Lancashire.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Kashif Ahmed
A decision to award the contract/framework for the provision of Rookery Cloud Config Snapshot Licence & E-Business Support.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 27/07/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, on behalf of the Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
A decision on the approval of a contract for the provision of continuity contract for the renewal of the Siteimprove Web Governance Suite.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance on behalf of the Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
A report to Capital board was approved on 27th July 2024 for funding to be allocated to the Burnley Road (Laund) project to allow that project to continue to completion.
The funding was from projects within the existing Bridges Maintenance approved capital programme consisting of an amount from the 22/23 unallocated budget and cancellation of two projects for repairs to Larkhill Lane footbridge that cannot be delivered due to issues with adjacent properties.
The approved amounts are as follows:
12772 22/23 9661 Lark Hill Lane £100,637.70
11634 21/22 Lark Hill Lane £107,387.00
15404 Unallocated bridges maintenance 23/24 £68,964.38
The total approved allocation is £276,989.08.
The revised budget for the 13936 22/23 Burnley Road (Laund) project is £598,892.59.
In November 2022 the "Burnley Road Laund" Highway retaining wall supporting the A682 between Rawtenstall and Burnley collapsed into the adjacent river.
The A682 is part of the resilient route network and classified as a 3a priority main distributor road.
In early 2023 a project was established to enable temporary measures to be installed to prevent further collapse, protect public safety, safeguard essential utilities, and allow the road to remain open.
The site is currently barriered off with, no footway provision and an open excavation to the river. It is in a safe condition but is vulnerable to further damage if water levels increase. The status of the route, the risk of disruption to infrastructure and the vulnerability of the site mean that this is the highest priority site currently in the bridges programme.
Design of a project to repair the wall has been ongoing and works are now planned to commence this year to complete the reinstatement.
The anticipated cost of the proposed works has increased beyond those originally envisaged due to the proximity of major utilities and difficult ground conditions.
The current available budget is £150,630.98 and additional funding is required to allow the works to commence.
The project was established within the 20/21 DfT retaining wall programme. The retaining wall programme covered to works to a number of retaining walls in East Lancashire identified as requiring varying priorities of maintenance. An initial budget was established by moving funding from projects that were either completed or could sustain a reduction in scope. One project was cancelled on the basis that it was a lower priority and could be funded from a future allocation within the bridges maintenance capital programme.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service Highway Operations and Design, took a decision to approve the reallocation of funds to deliver the Burnley Road (Laund) Retaining wall repair project.
Divisions affected: Mid Rossendale;
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
Works are currently in progress to repair a
collapsed retaining wall at Burnley Road Laund in Rawtenstall. The
wall supports the A682 adjacent Limey Water.
There is an Environment Agency restriction on the works period that
requires works to be completed by the end of September.
The project requires the use of specialist equipment to undertake
installation of temporary works. This is needed because of ground
conditions and limits on vibration for vulnerable utilities.
Prices for the works have been sought from a number of suppliers
but only one has provided a response for the work specified.
If the work was retendered, the project could not be completed
within the current programme resulting in the works being delayed
until summer 2025.
This would expose the site to risk of inundation by the river and
potential further collapse with associated risk to utilities and
use of the highway.
Head of Service is asked to approve the direct award to a single
supplier for the provision of a specialist works on the basis that
there is an urgent need for the works to be carried out within the
planned programme and that retendering is unlikely to result in a
reduction in cost for provision of the work because of the
specialist nature of the work and the equipment needed.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 07/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Highways Operations and Design, took the decision to agree the proposed single tender action on the basis that there is an urgent requirement to undertake the works.
Divisions affected: Mid Rossendale;
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1800 towards electrical
repairs from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Chorley Rural East
Decision published: 08/08/2024
Effective from: 08/08/2024
County Councillor Kim Snape considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £225 to Sea Cadets Chorley towards the cost of electrical repairs.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Chorley South
Decision published: 08/08/2024
Effective from: 08/08/2024
County Councillor Julia Berry considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £225 to Sea Cadets Chorley towards the cost of electrical repairs.
Divisions affected: Chorley Central; Chorley North; Chorley Rural East; Chorley Rural West; Chorley South; Clayton with Whittle; Euxton, Buckshaw & Astley; Hoghton with Wheelton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
Negotiations with AVT and the NHS are ongoing in relation to new contracts for the provision of CT scanning. The purpose of this decision is to secure the continuing delivery of services, as per the current agreements, until negotiations with all parties are concluded and we are in a position to enter into new contracts.
A further letter of intent has been produced to be signed by the two parties. The letter of intent captures a non-exhaustive list of matters that still need to be agreed.
Decision Maker: Director of Law and Governance
Decision published: 07/08/2024
Effective from: 02/08/2024
Josh Mynott, Head of Democratic Services, took a decision to agree a further extension to the existing contract for the provision of CT scanning services.
Divisions affected: None;
Lead officer: Josh Mynott
Approval to extend the contract for provision
of Ground Investigation Services with BEK Enviro, CC Geotechical,
Central Alliance and Ian Farmer from 01st August 2024 to 31st July
2025 as permitted in the current terms and conditions of contract.
The extension is compliant with the Council Standing orders and EU
Procurement Laws.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 07/08/2024
Effective from: 07/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Highways, took the decision to approve the extension of a contract for provision of Ground Investigation Services with BEK Enviro, CC Geotechical, Central Alliance and Ian Farmer from 01st August 2024 to 31st July 2025.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
Approval is sought for the County Council to enter into an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, for an obligation for the developer to pay a sum of £75,000 for sustainable travel.
When consulted by Chorley Borough Council for a housing development
consisting of up to 55 dwellings on land north of Gorsey Lane,
Mawdseley the County Council responded requesting that the
developer should be required to contribute £75,000 for
sustainable travel (bus service improvements).
Chorley Borough Council's Planning Committee resolve to approve the
application, subject to the developer entering a s106 agreement for
various matters.
Authority to take this decision has been delegated under the Scheme
of Delegation to Heads of Service.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 07/08/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
John Davies, Head of Highway Network Management, took the decision to approve that the Director of Law and Governance is authorised to enter into an agreement under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 in connection with the proposed development, providing for obligations on the owner or developer of the land to pay a sum of £75,000.
Divisions affected: Chorley Rural West;
Lead officer: John Davies
A decision on the approval of the BSF Interim Settlement Agreement.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 07/08/2024
Effective from: 05/08/2024
Noel O' Neill, Director of Finance and Commerce (Interim), took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Noel O'Neill
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £300 towards the cost of professional
photographers, Presentations and workshops for their members from
the Champion Older People.
Decision Maker: Champion for Older People
Decision published: 07/08/2024
Effective from: 07/08/2024
The Head of Service Democratic Services, following consultation with County Councillor Joan Burrows, Champion for Older People, approved a Champions Grant application for the reduced amount of £100 to Leyland Photographic Society towards the cost of speakers and models at their group meetings.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
It had been requested that updates on
overpayments are provided on a regular basis to the Committee. This
report is to sum up the financial period 2023/2024.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Noel O'Neill
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Stuart Basnett, Senior Audit Manager at Grant Thornton UK presented the Audit Progress Report and Sector Update as of July 2024.
It was highlighted that the LGA's "Ten questions for audit committees", referenced in the report, had already been considered by the council's officers and the committee.
In response to a question about the appointment of independent co-opted members to the committee in line with best practice, it was noted that the committee had already agreed the process to recruit one independent co-opted member, but this did not prevent it from considering another appointment in future.
Members were also informed of another piece of work being undertaken by officers to assess the council against the LGA's improvement and assurance framework for local government. The outcome of that work would be reported to a future committee meeting.
Resolved: That the Audit Progress Report and Sector Update for July 2024 be noted.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Stuart Basnett, Senior Audit Manager at Grant Thornton UK presented the Lancashire County Pension Fund Audit Plan for 2023/24.
It was noted that the audit fees had increased compared to the previous year.
Resolved: That the Lancashire County Pension Fund Audit Plan 2023/24 be noted.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Stuart Basnett, Senior Audit Manager at Grant Thornton UK presented the Lancashire County Council Audit Plan for 2023/24.
In response to questions, members were informed that:
· Property was generally revalued every three years, but some larger buildings or assets would be reassessed every year.
· The investment properties held by Lancashire County Developments Limited (LCDL) were valued at approximately £85m and included business parks in Lancaster and Leyland. The valuation was twice Grant Thornton's materiality threshold and valuers relied on assumptions to determine valuations, which is why it had been identified as a risk for the 2023/24 audit. There had not been any significant change in valuation compared with the previous year.
· A completion date of September may never be achievable for the audits of large, complex authorities like Lancashire County Council, although Grant Thornton aimed to be closer to that date in future.
· This was the first audit of the new Public Sector Audit Appointments (PSAA) contract. The adjustments to the audit fees related to new auditing standards, which had not been included in the original PSAA fee, and the additional work required by expert valuers on land and buildings.
Resolved: That the Lancashire County Council Audit Plan 2023/24 be noted.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Resolved: That the press and members of the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that there would be a likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
It was considered that in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Resolved: That the minutes of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee meeting held on 22 April 2024 be confirmed as an accurate record.
To seek approval for changes to the credit
matrix for investments
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Mike Jensen, Director of Investment presented a report which set out a proposed amendment to the council's Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25.
It was highlighted that the differences between the current strategy and the proposed amendments were very small and overall the council's risk profile would remain balanced.
In response to members' questions and comments, it was confirmed that the proposed minimum credit qualities were still investment grade and therefore the additional risk level was not concerning.
Resolved: That the amendment to the Treasury Management Strategy 2024/25, as set out in the report, be recommended to Full Council for approval.
Divisions affected: None;
Lead officer: Paul Dobson
Brief Summary
The committee's terms of reference require it to review the
assessment of financial crime risks and potential harm to the
council from financial crime, bribery and corruption, and monitor
the counter-financial crime strategy, actions and resources.
The report at Appendix A sets out the current crime landscape that
the council faces and provides a summary update as to:
• the investigations completed in 2023/24.
• the whistleblowing complaints received, and action taken in
• Details of ongoing and planned anti-financial crime
The committee is asked to consider and note the Financial Crime,
Investigations and Whistleblowing Annual Report.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Peter Walker
Approval of the Council's Statement of
Accounts for 2023/24
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Khadija Saeed, Head of Corporate Finance presented the 2023/24 Statement of Accounts for Lancashire County Council and Lancashire County Pension Fund for approval.
Members thanked the Corporate Finance Team for their work to prepare the council's accounts by the statutory deadline and to Khadija for delivering the member briefing on the statement of accounts, held Friday 19 July.
In response to questions from members, it was clarified that:
· Additional supporting information would be provided to members after the meeting on the difference in figures between the borrowing figures included in the accounts' balance sheet and the previously reported summary of treasury management.
· 'Payments in advance' referred to payments made by the council in advance of a service being delivered, i.e. a payment in one financial year to cover services for future financial years, which would not be considered expenditure for the year in which the payment was made. Payments in advance often allowed the council to get an early payment discount.
· Consideration would be given to including additional notes, for clarification, about the council's earmarked reserves in response to members' queries.
Resolved: That the 2023/24 Statement of Accounts for Lancashire County Council and Lancashire County Pensions Fund, as set out, be approved.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Khadija Saeed
a summary of the treasury activity in 2023/24
and the position at 31 March 2024.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Mike Jensen, Director of Investment presented a report which provided a review of the council's treasury management activities during 2023/24 and the position at 31 March 2024.
In response to questions, members were informed that:
· The level of short-term borrowing had increased compared with the previous year partly due to a £350m Floating-Rate Note which was due to mature in March 2025. Options to reinvest were currently being considered, including a sustainability bond.
· Benchmarking information was available through the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), although Lancashire was generally an outlier compared to other local authorities due to its different approach. Previously, taking a different approach had produced positive results. Although there had been an overspend in the last financial year, it was not currently recommended to change the council's policy.
It was noted that reinvesting in sustainability bonds would align the council's treasury management activity with the council's corporate priorities and objectives.
Resolved: That the review of Treasury Management Activity 2023/24 be noted.
Divisions affected: None;
Lead officer: Paul Dobson
This report provides an updated (Quarter 1
2024/25) Corporate Risk and Opportunity Register for the committee
to consider and comment on. The register has been refreshed to
reflect the council's current operating environment and is
presented to this committee to provide a progress update and
assurance that the current risk management arrangements are both
robust and effective.
An Executive Summary is attached at Appendix 'A' and the updated
Corporate Risk and Opportunity Register is attached at Appendix
Some risk entries contain exempt information, so are provided at
Appendix 'C' and included in Part II of the agenda.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Heloise MacAndrew, Director of Law and Governance presented the updated Corporate Risk and Opportunity Register.
It was noted that the individual risk entries provided a helpful progress update.
Resolved: That the updated Corporate Risk and Opportunity Register be approved.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Hannah Race
The committee has considered periodic reports
of progress throughout the year that support this overall report
and the conclusion that moderate assurance can be provided over the
county council's systems of internal control and governance. This
report summarises the work that the Internal Audit Service has
undertaken during 2023/24 and the key themes arising in relation to
internal control, governance and risk management across the county
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Andy Dalecki, Head of Internal Audit presented the Internal Audit Annual Report for 2023/24.
It was highlighted that the council's control environment, particularly in relation to Oracle Fusion, was improved compared to the previous year.
In response to members' concern about cybercrime and the risk it posed to all public sector organisations, it was highlighted that the council's business continuity planning and technical specialists improved its resilience to respond to and mitigate possible attacks. The council used specialist auditors from Salford City Council to provide it with technical assurance, allowing the council's Internal Audit Service to focus on digital governance.
The committee expressed its thanks for the clear and informative annual report.
Resolved: That the Internal Audit Annual Report 2023/24, and the information it provides to support the council's Annual Governance Statement, be noted.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Mark Baskerville
Previously the Audit, Risk and Governance
Committee agreed several actions to enhance its effectiveness as an
element of the council's governance framework. One of the actions
agreed was that the Chairman should prepare an annual report of the
committee's activity to facilitate assessments of its
The Annual Report 2023-24 is set out at Appendix 'A'.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
County Councillor Alan Schofield, Chair of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee presented the Chairman's Annual Report for 2023/24.
It was noted that the report contained a mistake and the correct information regarding attendance at previous committee meetings was as follows:
Meeting Date |
Committee Members |
Substitute Members |
Absent Members |
24 July 2023 |
7 |
0 |
1 |
16 October 2023 |
7 |
0 |
1 |
29 January 2024 |
7 |
1 |
0 |
22 April 2024 |
6 |
2 |
0 |
Resolved: That the Chairman's Annual Report for 2023/24 be noted.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Hannah Race
This report sets out the draft work plan for
the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee for 2024/25.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
The committee considered the draft work plan for the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee for 2024/25.
It was noted that the committee's final meeting of the municipal year was scheduled for March, rather than April, due to the county council elections taking place in May 2025.
Resolved: That the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee work plan for 2024/25 be noted.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Hannah Race
Annual report on the Constitution, membership
and terms of reference of the Audit, Risk and Governance
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 22/07/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
The committee considered a report detailing the membership, Chairmanship and Terms of Reference for the 2024/25 municipal year. The report also provided a review by officers of the Local Government Association's "Ten questions for audit committees" and the proposed process for the appointment of an independent co-opted member to the committee.
The Chair highlighted the importance of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee's independence in fulfilling its role and thanked officers for their comprehensive review of the committee's terms of reference with regard to the LGA's "Ten questions for audit committees".
Following a period of discussion on the appointment of an independent co-opted member, it was agreed that:
· The word "significant" should be removed from paragraph (g) of the role's restrictions on eligibility, so that the independent co-opted member would not have any business dealings with the council; and
· The restriction on political party membership should remain, to ensure the co-opted member's independence. It was noted that a similar restriction applied to the council's Independent Persons on conduct matters.
Resolved: That
i) The appointment of County Councillor A Schofield as Chair and County Councillor J Singleton as Deputy Chair of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee for the 2024-25 municipal year be noted;
ii) The membership of the committee, following the county council's Annual Meeting held 23 May 2024, be noted;
iii) The Audit, Risk and Governance Committee's Terms of Reference be noted;
iv) Officers' review of the Local Government Association's "Ten questions for audit committees" be noted and commended;
v) An Appointments Sub-Committee, to manage and oversee the recruitment of an independent co-opted member to the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee, be established as set out in the report;
vi) The Appointments Sub-Committee be authorised to determine the job specification and recruitment timeline, consider and shortlist applications, and carry out interviews for the role of independent co-opted member to the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee; and
vii) The Appointments Sub-Committee's recommendation be presented to the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee's next meeting on 14 October 2024.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Hannah Race
Planning Application LCC/2023/0020. Change of
use of site to storage of inert waste material and product mounds
as an extension to the existing waste transfer station. Land
between Stopgate Lane and Simonswood Industrial Estate,
Decision Maker: Development Control Committee
Made at meeting: 24/04/2024 - Development Control Committee
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 24/04/2024
Committee were informed that the applicant had withdrawn this application.
Divisions affected: West Lancashire West;
Lead officer: Jonathan Haine
A decision on contribution towards LUF Accessible Nelson Project.
Decision Maker: Director of Growth, Environment and Planning
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
Andy Mullaney, Director of Environment and Planning, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Brierfield & Nelson West; Nelson East;
Lead officer: Andrew Mullaney
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £600 towards the cost of a
special bag for every choir member and publication of poetry books
to mark the choir's 3rd anniversary from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Cleveleys East
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor Andrea Kay considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £200 to Trinitas Day Choir towards the cost of a special bag for every choir member and publication of poetry books to mark the choir's 3rd anniversary.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Fleetwood West & Cleveleys West
Decision published: 08/08/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor Stephen Clarke considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £100 to Trinitas Day Choir towards the cost of a special bag for every choir member and publication of poetry books to mark the choir's 3rd anniversary.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Thornton & Hambleton
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor John Shedwick considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £200 to Trinitas Day Choir towards the cost of a special bag for every choir member and publication of poetry books to mark the choir's 3rd anniversary.
Divisions affected: Cleveleys East; Fleetwood West & Cleveleys West; St Annes North; Thornton & Hambleton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
The request is to balance the blacktop structural defects budget between districts by moving £99,000 from 24/25 Wyre Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14968) to 24/25 South Ribble Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14966).
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 05/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Highway Operations and Design, took a decision on the approval of budget amendment to 24/25 Structural Defects programme as detailed above.
Divisions affected: South Ribble East; South Ribble West;
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
A decision on the approval of a contract award for the provision of Development Management & Cost Consultancy for Samlesbury Strategic Sites.
Decision Maker: Director of Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 02/08/2024
Simon Lawrence, Director of Growth and Regeneration, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Ribble Valley North East; South Ribble East;
Lead officer: Simon Lawrence
This report sets out the constitution,
membership and terms of reference for the Appointments
Sub-Committee established by the Audit, Risk and Governance
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee - Appointments Sub Committee
Made at meeting: 01/08/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee - Appointments Sub Committee
Decision published: 05/08/2024
Effective from: 01/08/2024
The committee considered a report which set out its membership and terms of reference, following the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee's meeting on 22 July 2024.
Resolved: That the constitution, membership and terms of reference of the Appointments Sub-Committee be noted.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Hannah Race
The Audit, Risk and Governance Committee has
established this Appointments Sub-Committee to oversee and
recommend the appointment of an Independent Co-opted Member to the
committee's membership.
This report sets out the proposed process, timescales and role
information for the appointment process.
Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee - Appointments Sub Committee
Made at meeting: 01/08/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee - Appointments Sub Committee
Decision published: 05/08/2024
Effective from: 01/08/2024
The committee considered a report which set out the proposed process, timescales and role information for the appointment of an independent co-opted member to the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee.
During a period of discussion, it was agreed that:
· The advert for the role should be shared with appropriate stakeholders and networks, including parish and town council clerks and the Lancashire Association of Local Councils.
· The amount of the allowance should be removed from the job advert, while the Independent Remuneration Panel considered benchmarking information and finalised their recommendation.
· The fourth bullet point of the Job Description be amended to add: "… by sustaining and enhancing the effectiveness of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee."
· The third bullet point of the Person Specification be amended to: "Integrity, objectivity, discretion, impartiality, and the ability to make decisions.
· The eighth bullet point of the Person Specification be amended to add: "Technical expertise in…"
· Upon their appointment, the independent co-opted member should be asked to complete a DBS check, as other members of the council did.
It was noted that the independent co-opted member would be required to abide by the council's Code of Member Conduct and the Seven Principles of Public Life.
The next meeting of the sub-committee would include officers' recommendation on applicants to shortlist and a proposed interview process.
Resolved: That
i) The process for the appointment of an independent co-opted member to the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee, as set out, be approved;
ii) The schedule of Appointments Sub-Committee meeting dates, as set out, be approved; and
iii) The role information and application form for the role of independent co-opted member, as amended, be approved.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Hannah Race
The purpose of the road hump and speed
cushions along Sandygate Burnley is to slow traffic and allow safe
passage of pedestrians and students due to the increase in traffic
from the new education development.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 05/08/2024
Effective from: 02/08/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took a decision to approve the use of road humps and speed cushions along Sandgate, Burnley, Burnley Borough.
Divisions affected: Burnley Central West;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
The purpose of the 20mph zone is to improve
the safety for all highway users especially pedestrians and
increase the sustainability for the development.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 05/08/2024
Effective from: 02/08/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision to approve the Lancashire County Council (Sandygate, Burnley, Burnley Borough) (20mph Speed Limit) Order 2024.
Divisions affected: Burnley Central West;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
The purpose of the proposed speed cushions and
Junction table are to improve the safety of motorised and
non-motorised users, mitigating against additional traffic flows
from the new housing development and to improve the sustainability
and social inclusion of pedestrians on Cumeragh Lane.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 05/08/2024
Effective from: 02/08/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took a decision to approve the proposed speed cushions and Junction table on Bleasdale Road and Cumeragh Lane, Whittingham, Preston City.
Divisions affected: Preston Rural;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
The car park is provided in exercise of s7 powers of the Countryside Act 1968 (The Countryside Act) which gives the power for a County Council to provide Country Parks and picnic sites in its area and the ability to charge for the use of the car park is triggered in accordance with s43, on the basis that the car park is a facility or service provided under the Act.
The £1 parking charge has been in operation since 2010, however, due to the vandalism, a decision was made in 2020 to remove the cash facility, leaving two options for paid parking consisting of card payment at the machine, or payment by mobile phone, which has resulted in the amount of damage to the machines being reduced.
The purpose of this proposed order is to formalise the current pay and display on Lancashire County Council's Country Parks Off-Street Car Parks, that are provided to allow safe parking for visitors to the amenities, whilst contributing to the maintenance of the facilities whilst promoting the correct use of the available spaces by enabling effective enforcement by the council's civil enforcement officers
The proposal does not change the types or machines, current restrictions or tariffs.
Formal consultation was carried out between 19 January-2024 and 16 February-2024 which included advertising in the local press and notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the consultation documents posted on the council's website.
In order to ensure consistency over the five Country Parks a modification was carried out to include an exemption for both the emergency services and local authority vehicles in pursuance of statutory powers or duties to park safely within the car parks. The consultation for the modification was 11 March-2024 to 25 March-2024 with no objections or comments received.
During the consultation period one response was received on the grounds that the move to cashless payments for parking has rendered it economically unviable to have a cash option in country parks. The respondent believes that the existence of new forms of technology is not a justification for removing from people their basic right to make payment in legal tender in whatever manner they wish. The correspondent states that a public authority should not be participating in the growing tendency to move, what can be a useful facility, into a source of draconian restriction.
The main points raised in the objection along with Officer comments are outlined in Appendix C.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 05/08/2024
Effective from: 02/08/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took a decision to approve the order to proceed following discussion with the Cabinet Member and considering the objection.
Divisions affected: Preston Rural;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
A decision on the approval of waivering the County Council's procurement rules, to comission Phill Wilson Consulting Limited.
Decision Maker: Director of Environment and Planning
Decision published: 05/08/2024
Effective from: 02/08/2024
Andy Mullaney, Director of Environment and Planning, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Andrew Mullaney
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £500 towards new equipment from
the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Euxton, Buckshaw & Astley
Decision published: 02/08/2024
Effective from: 02/08/2024
County Councillor Aidy Riggott considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £500 to Friends of Euxton Library towards the cost of new equipment.
County Councillor Aidy Riggott declared a non-pecuniary interest as the Chairman of the Friends of Euxton Library.
Divisions affected: Euxton, Buckshaw & Astley;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision on the approval to award contracts for the Provision of Peer Advocacy.
Decision Maker: Director of Adult Services
Decision published: 01/08/2024
Effective from: 30/05/2024
Charlotte Hammond, Head of Service for Adult Social care and Learning Disability & Autism, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Charlotte Hammond
Increase of budgets owing to temporary
increases in Oracle fusion. Temporary increases to be funded from
underspends on PPMS13957 Moorland Road
PPMS ID Increase take from
12726 £1,607.21 13957
14352 £8,500.00 13957
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 31/07/2024
Effective from: 29/07/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service – Highways Operations and Design, took the decision to approve the adjustment of budgets to PPMS 12726 and PPMS14352 as set out above.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
A decision taken on procurement of permanent cold-lay surfacing material.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 31/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Matt Townsend
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1,200 towards the cost of a
special bag for every choir member and publication of poetry books
to mark the choir's 3rd anniversary from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Cleveleys South & Carleton
Decision published: 31/07/2024
Effective from: 31/07/2024
County Councillor Alan Vincent considered and approved a Local Member Grant for the reduced amount of £600 to Trinitas Day Choir towards the cost of a special bag for every choir member and publication of poetry books to mark the choir's 3rd anniversary.
Divisions affected: Cleveleys South & Carleton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision taken on Architectural Design Support and consultancy.
Decision Maker: Director of Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 31/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
Steve Burns, Head of Strategic Development, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Ribble Valley South West; South Ribble East;
Lead officer: Steve Burns
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £867 towards the cost of a
street planter containing ornamental tree and seasonal
underplanting from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Clitheroe
Decision published: 31/07/2024
Effective from: 31/07/2024
County Councillor Sue Hind considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £867 to Clitheroe Civic Society towards the cost of a street planter containing ornamental tree and seasonal underplanting.
County Councillor Sue Hind declared a non-pecuniary interest as a member of the Clitheroe Civic Society.
Divisions affected: Clitheroe;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £900 towards the cost of
supplies for gardening workshops, singing sessions and refreshments
from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Ribble Valley South West
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor Alan Schofield considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £100 to Rosemary and Time CIC towards the cost of gardening workshops, singing sessions and refreshments.
Divisions affected: Longridge with Bowland; Preston East; Preston North; Preston Rural; Preston South East; Ribble Valley North East; Ribble Valley South West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £500 towards the cost of
installing a public access defibrillator in Hardhorn village from
the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Poulton-le-Fylde
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor Alf Clempson considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £500 to Wyre and Fylde Community Defibrillators Fund towards the cost of installing a public access defibrillator in Hardhorn village.
Divisions affected: Poulton le Fylde;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2,000 towards the cost of
signage at their football grounds from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Accrington North
Decision published: 01/08/2024
Effective from: 01/08/2024
County Councillor Loraine Cox considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £500 to Official Accrington Stanley Supporters Trust towards the cost of signage at the football stadium.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Accrington West & Oswaldtwistle Central
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 01/08/2024
County Councillor Munsif Dad considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £500 to Official Accrington Stanley Supporters Trust towards the cost of signage at the football stadium.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Great Harwood, Rishton & Clayton-le-Moors
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 01/08/2024
County Councillor Carole Haythornthwaite considered and approved a Local Member Grant for the reduced amount of £201.76 to Official Accrington Stanley Supporters Trust towards the cost of singage for the football stadium.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Great Harwood, Rishton & Clayton-le-Moors
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 01/08/2024
County Councillor Noordad Aziz considered and approved a Local Member Grant for the reduced amount of £250 to Official Accrington Stanley Supporters Trust towards the cost of signage at the football stadium.
Divisions affected: Accrington North; Accrington West & Oswaldtwistle Central; Great Harwood, Rishton & Clayton-le-Moors;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
Proposals for the arrangements for the
appointment of a CEO
Decision Maker: Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 18/07/2024 - Employment Committee
Decision published: 29/07/2024
Effective from: 18/07/2024
Divisions affected: None;
Lead officer: Josh Mynott
Decision Maker: Employment Committee
Made at meeting: 18/07/2024 - Employment Committee
Decision published: 29/07/2024
Effective from: 18/07/2024
Resolved: That the press and members of the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that there would be a likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
It was considered that in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.
This report requests the waiver of the county
council's Procurement Rules for the procurement of specialist
surfacing works at Sunderland Point.
Decision Maker: Leader of the County Council
Decision published: 29/07/2024
Effective from: 29/07/2024
The Leader of the County Council, the Cabinet Member for Resources, HR and property (Deputy Leader), and the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, approved the recommendation as set out in the report.
This decision should be implemented immediately for the purposes of Standing Order C28 as any delay could adversely affect the execution of the county council's responsibilities. The reason for this is set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Gary Petherbridge
Transfer of underspends from 18/19, 19/20,
20/21 Footway Micro into unallocated budget.
Unallocated budget will then be used to deliver underfunded schemes
in 21/22, 22/23, 23/24
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 29/07/2024
Effective from: 24/07/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service, Highways and Transport, took the decision on the transfer of underspends from 18/19, 19/20, 20/21 Footway Micro into unallocated budget.
The unallocated budget will then be used to deliver underfunded schemes in 21/22, 22/23, 23/24.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1,890 towards the cost of days
out in Bruges, Brussels and The Netherlands for 4 Brownie units
from Girlguiding in East Lancashire from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Ribble Valley South West
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor Alan Schofield considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £210 to 7th Clitheroe Brownies towards the cost of days out in Bruges, Brussels and The Netherlands for 4 Brownie units from Girlguiding in East Lancashire.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Clitheroe
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor Sue Hind considered and approved a Local Member Grant for the reduced amount of £280 to 7th Clitheroe Brownies towards the cost of days out in Bruges, Brussels and The Netherlands for 4 Brownie units from Girlguiding in East Lancashire.
County Councillor Sue Hind delcared a non-pecuniary interest as an acquaintance of the applicant.
Divisions affected: Brierfield & Nelson West; Clitheroe; Ribble Valley South West; Rossendale West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision on the wavering of Procurement Rules, for the provision of the "Open 4 Community" software solutions.
Decision Maker: Director of Public Health, Wellbeing and Communities
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2023
Sakthi Karunanithi, Director of Public Health, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Director of Public Health, Wellbeing and Communities
The Authority is seeking to procure, via its
Professional/Technical Services Framework, a service provider to
complete the Monitoring and Evaluation "One Year After Report" for
the Preston Western Distributor (PWD) scheme.
Decision Maker: Director of Environment and Planning
Decision published: 26/07/2024
Effective from: 25/07/2024
Andrew Mullaney, Director of Environment and Planning, took the decision on the approval to award a contract for the Provision of Preston Western Distributor Road – Monitoring and Evaluation Reporting to Jacobs UK LTD commencing on or around July 17th 2024 to January 2025.
Award is following a mini competition procedure under LCC's Professional/Technical Services framework, with the evaluation based on Price only.
Divisions affected: Fylde East; Fylde South; Penwortham West; Preston Central West; Preston North; Preston Rural; Preston West;
Lead officer: Megan Hansen
Overspends have been recorded on the projects
with the 19/20 Incentive Fund Programme coloured red in the
attached report. The projects have overspent as a result of:
19/20 Centenary Way PTSI - Actual Outturn slightly higher cost than
estimate, slightly above normal tolerance for the framework
19/20 PBIs Package A Lancashire East - Actual Outturn slightly
higher cost than estimate but still within tolerance (3%).
19/20 Tower Lodge Retaining Wall – Actual works required
larger than scope. Additional works required to stabilise scour.
Works are still ongoing but have been funded in subsequent years by
the Maintenance Budget.
It is proposed to offset these with underspends from the projects
coloured yellow in the attached report.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 24/07/2024
A decision was made that from the 19/20 Incentive Fund Programme that the underspends from: Moss Hey Lane, PBI's Package B, Hargreaves and Turpin PTSI's be used to offset the overspends for Tower Lodge, PBI's Package A and Centenary Way.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: John Davies
A decision on the progression of pensions forfeiture action.
Decision Maker: Director of Law and Governance
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 24/07/2024
Heloise MacAndrew, Director of Law and Governance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Heloise MacAndrew
A decision on the approval of addition to the capital project, for the provision of the Schools Condition Led Programme.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Michael Peppin, Capital Programme Manager, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Rossendale South;
Lead officer: Michael Peppin
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1,880 towards the cost of
running a film screening and art exhibition event from the Local
Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Lancaster Central
Decision published: 25/07/2024
Effective from: 25/07/2024
County Councillor Gina Dowding considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Community Mind Connect C.I.C towards the cost of running a film screening and art exhibition event.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor Dowding wishes to prioritise using her funding to support projects which aim to ameliorate community poverty – particularly in her division.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Central; Lancaster East; Lancaster Rural North;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
The proposals are being pursued as part of a
s278 Agreement under the Highways Act 1980 as part of a new housing
development which will introduce further traffic movements around
Garstang Road, Broughton.
The purpose of the proposed raised junction table at the junction
of Farm Meadow Drive to Garstang Road is to slow traffic and allow
safe passage of pedestrians due to the increase in traffic from the
new housing development.
Formal consultation was carried out between 14 June-2024 and 12
July-2024 which included advertising in the local press and notices
being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Following formal consultation No Objections were received.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 24/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision to approve the proposals.
Divisions affected: Preston Rural;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
The County Council needs to consider the most
appropriate form of construction contract for the engagement of a
contractor for the delivery of projects in the East Lancashire
Levelling Up Fund Programme. These projects have budgets generally
in the region of £1.5M to £5M with construction periods
in the order of 12 months. The projects are currently at detail
design stage and it is intended that a fully detailed client design
will be developed. The majority of schemes of this nature are
delivered nationally through a form of contract contained with the
New Engineering Contract (NEC4) suite of documents. NEC4 is a
modern contract, with options that offer varying degrees of risk to
both the client and contractor.
Decision Maker: Director of Growth, Environment and Planning
Decision published: 24/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
Andy Mullaney, Director of Environment and Planning approved the NEC4 Option A, Priced Contract with Activity Schedule as the form of construction contract for the engagement of a contractor for the delivery of projects in the East Lancashire Levelling Up Fund Programme.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Andrew Mullaney
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £700 towards new equipment for
the scout group from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - West Lancashire West
Decision published: 24/07/2024
Effective from: 24/07/2024
County Councillor David O'Toole considered and approved a Local Member Grant for the reduced amount of £150 to 37th Ormskirk (St. Annes) Scout Group towards the cost of new equipment.
Divisions affected: Ormskirk; Skelmersdale West; West Lancashire East; West Lancashire West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
Following formal consultation it is proposed
to introduce a Puffin Crossing on Comet Road, Leyland.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 24/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision to approve the proposals.
Divisions affected: Moss Side & Farington;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
This proposal is being pursued as part of a
Section 278 Agreement under the Highways Act 1980 as part of a new
housing development which will introduce further traffic movements
around Nell Lane.
The purpose of the proposed 20mph speed limit is to improve the
safety of motorised and non-motorised users, mitigating additional
traffic flows from the new housing development on Nell Lane with a
reduction in the speed limit.
Formal consultation was carried out between 5 December-2023 and 2
January-2024 which included advertising in the local press and
notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Following formal consultation No Objections were received.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 24/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision to approve the proposals.
Divisions affected: Clayton with Whittle;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
The Traffic Calming proposal for Nell Lane is
linked to the approved new development site to the east of the
The Traffic calming is proposed alongside a 20mph Speed Limit Order
to ensure appropriate vehicle speeds are maintained and to promote
highway safety in an area which will see an increase in all traffic
types along a shared surface street.
No objections have been received with regards to the 20mph Speed
Limit Order proposal.
Formal consultation was carried out between 5 December-2023 and 2
January-2024 which included advertising in the local press and
notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 24/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision, following consultation with the cabinet member and consideration of the objections report and officer comments, to approve the proposal.
Divisions affected: Clayton with Whittle;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
The proposal is part of a wider project to provide a toucan
crossing on Manchester Road as part of National Cycle Route 6
The traffic regulations on Manchester Road have previously been
advertised. However, additional traffic regulation orders on Church
Avenue are required following a scheme update as a consequence of
engagement with Active Travel England.
The proposed marked priority full set back crossing will create a
safer crossing facility for pedestrians and cyclists.
The proposal to introduce No Waiting at any Time restrictions aim
to create a safer crossing facility for pedestrians and
Without the No Waiting at Any Time restrictions, vehicles will park
within the visibility zone of the crossing point. Provision of the
parking restrictions reduces the risk of a collision.
Formal consultation was carried out between 24 May-2024 and 21
June-2024 which included advertising in the local press and notices
being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
During the consultation period one response was received from the
Parochial Church Council of St John's Church Baxenden objecting to
the proposal to extend the No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow
lines) on Church Avenue for the following reasons:
• The effect of the proposal would be that 3-4 parking spaces
outside the church would be permanently lost.
• That several church members, who because of age or
disability, would struggle to use the other parking options, of
further down Church Avenue, or on the car park across from the
village club. That community users of the church, usually in the
evenings, face the same issues, with not all of them having a Blue
• That the greatest pedestrian activity is from around
8am-9am, and 3pm-5.30pm, when children and parents go to and from
the school. Therefore they believe that as the No Waiting Monday to
Saturday 8am-6pm (single yellow line) covers these time of
pedestrian activity the double yellow lines do not seem to be
The objector also comments that there is a steel guard rail in the
footway opposite the proposed priority crossing, which narrows the
footway. Therefore suggests that pedestrians may not want to cross
at this point.
Officer's Response
The proposals on Church Avenue form part of a wider scheme which
includes a traffic signal-controlled pedestrian and cyclist
crossing on Manchester Road.
The proposed priority crossing for pedestrians and cyclists is four
meters wide and is set back from the main road junction to allow a
vehicle to give way without causing an obstruction.
The existing double yellow lines on the north west side are
proposed to be lengthened by 6.5 metres which is roughly one
parking space. The existing double yellow lines on the south east
side are proposed to be lengthened by 13 metres which is roughly
two parking spaces.
The proposed double yellow line extensions are to help provide
clear visibility between drivers and crossing users. The
prohibition of waiting at any time is proposed to help create a
safer environment for vulnerable road users at all times.
Blue badge holders can continue to park safely on Church
The guardrail on the southeast footway is proposed to be removed as
part of the scheme.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 24/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision, following consultation with the cabinet member and consideration of the objections report and officer comments, to approve the proposal.
Divisions affected: Accrington South;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
These proposals are being carried out under a
Section 278 Agreement by the developer and are linked to the new
housing development.
The purpose of this proposal is to introduce two new junction
tables on Arthurs Lane. One situated at the junction with Rowan
Lane and one situated at the junction with Goat Willow Drive. This
proposal seeks to slow traffic and allow safe passage of
pedestrians due to the increase in traffic from the new housing
Formal consultation was carried out between 14 June-2024 and 12
July-2024 which included advertising in the local press and notices
being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Following formal consultation No Objections were received.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 24/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision to approve the proposals.
Divisions affected: Thornton & Hambleton;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
These proposals are being funded by Section
278 monies by the developer and are linked to the new housing
The purpose of this proposal is to introduce a No Waiting at Any
Time restriction to prevent obstructive parking behaviour, allowing
for the safe access/egress of the development and to maintain
visibility along this road.
Formal consultation was carried out between 14 June-2024 and 12
July-2024 which included advertising in the local press and notices
being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Following formal consultation No Objections were received.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 24/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision to approve the proposals.
Divisions affected: Pendle Rural;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
LCC/2023/0043 Restoration of Ravenhead Quarry
through importation of non hazardous material. Ravenhead Quarry,
Site Visit report
Decision Maker: Development Control Committee
Made at meeting: 24/04/2024 - Development Control Committee
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 24/04/2024
A report was presented on an application for the restoration of Ravenhead Quarry, Chequer Lane, Up Holland, through the importation of non-hazardous material.
It was reported that this planning application had been received in December 2023 and proposed the restoration of an existing quarry through the importation of non-hazardous materials, comprising construction and excavation materials. The scheme would involve infilling the existing quarry void to levels corresponding to adjacent ground levels. This would amend the previously approved restoration scheme for the site.
The Senior Planner presented a Powerpoint presentation showing site location plans and an aerial view of the site and proposed restoration.
The planning application had attracted 12 representations from members of the public and objections from Up Holland Parish Council. Due to the large scale of the development, it was considered that members of the Committee should visit the site and the surrounding area before they determined the application.
Resolved: That the Committee visit the site before considering the planning application.
Divisions affected: West Lancashire East;
Lead officer: Jonathan Haine
Decision Maker: Development Control Committee
Made at meeting: 24/04/2024 - Development Control Committee
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 24/04/2024
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair.
Proposed development of an Energy Recovery
Centre and associated infrastructure. Land at Hillhouse Business
Park, Bourne Road, Thornton- Cleveleys
Decision Maker: Development Control Committee
Made at meeting: 24/04/2024 - Development Control Committee
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 24/04/2024
A report was presented on an application for the proposed development of an Energy Recovery Centre and associated infrastructure on land at Hillhouse Business Park, Bourne Road, Thornton-Cleveleys.
The proposed development was subject to an environmental impact assessment and the application was accompanied by an Environmental Statement and non-technical summary.
The report included the views of Wyre Council, the Head of Enterprise Zone, the Environment Agency, Atkins Realis (Air Quality), Natural England, Marine Management Organisation, Atkins Realis ((Ecology), Lancashire County Council Ecology, Atkins Realis (Landscape), Lancashire County Council Highways, Lancashire County Council Lead Local Flood Authority, Lancashire County Council Archaeology, the Health and Safety Executive, United Utilities and Cadent. Three representations objecting to the application had been received.
The Senior Planner presented a Powerpoint presentation showing site location plans and an aerial view of the site, proposed site layout, proposed east and west elevations, proposed north and south elevations, Enterprise zone Masterplan, site MRT13 plan and photographs of the view from the north of the site looking south, view towards the east/Wyre Estuary, view towards the west/houses under construction and views along Bourne Road.
George Lucan, applicant (Sesona), addressed the Committee and said the following:
'Sesona are an independent UK business working with a reputable contractor who has delivered and operates multiple energy from waste plants throughout the UK.
What is this facility? It's an energy recovery centre for up to 120,000 tonnes of refuse derived fuel, which is waste which cannot be economically or feasibly recycled at the present time. The plant has the potential to supply electricity and heat to local business or electricity direct into grid. Sesona has an electrical connection agreement in place with Electricity North West and will look to advance this agreement once planning permission is granted. The committee will be pleased to hear that we have already engaged with Victrex PLC to consider the possibility of supplying heat direct from our plant to their neighbouring chemical processing facilities.
How much waste are we talking? Well, between 2019 and 2022, regrettably, landfill waste disposal in Lancashire actually increased by 6.5% from 203,000 tonnes to 217,000 tonnes, and over twice that volume exists in the joint authority area. There is an opportunity to target this waste and move the disposal further up the waste hierarchy.
What are the environmental benefits? Well, avoiding local waste being sent to landfill obviously, and releasing methane to the atmosphere when in landfill. To this must be added the benefits from energy recovery, being the displacement, at least in part, of fossil fuel which would otherwise be burnt to generate grid electricity.
Do we look to improve on these savings? Yes, anticipating ever tightening emission standards, we are already engaged with carbon capture specialists to see what can be retrofitted in the future. Given our considerable distance from the carbon capture hub at Hynet near Liverpool, that would be easy, but we have some solutions already.
What are the local economic and social benefits of the facility? It will provide some hundred jobs during construction, 40 full time employees during operation, and we believe as many again created indirectly as a consequence of operation. We've estimated some 3.2 million positive impact on the local economy annually, including direct benefits in terms of rates.
In conclusion, the facility is compactly designed, being an operating site commensurate with the existing transport network, and fitted with emissions controls which meet with the Environment Agency's best available techniques criteria for our already validly issued permit, we recommend strongly for approval.'
Mark O'Brien, NPL Estates (site landowner), addressed the Committee and said the following:
'I'd like to express my support for the proposed energy centre located at the Hillhouse Enterprise Zone. I'm the managing director of NPL Group and one of my key responsibilities is the development of the Hillhouse Enterprise Zone. I was a member of the team who bid to establish the EZ status in the first place and I helped to develop and continue to develop the master plan on the site.
The Masterplan categorises the land that's nominated for an Energy Recovery Centre. Power for production for use by others on site was always planned for this location.The proposal complements the existing and planned businesses for the site, consistent with the Masterplan. The facility helps with much needed investments in the area that will provide both power and heat for use on the site directly, in addition to the creation of new jobs in the area, both during construction and operations. I look forward to the permission being granted and continuing to work with Sesona to deliver the project and to help the Enterprise Zone reach its full potential.
The ex-ICI plant that was located on the project site was demolished over 25 years ago and it's been unused since. Please support us in our goal to bring a new lease of life to this area to help us introduce new industry to the area and to add new jobs and help the EZ at Hillhouse to reach its full potential. Lancashire County Council and Wyre Council helped us achieve EZ status. Please continue with your support and help us move our plans and objectives forward by granting the application.'
The officers answered questions from Committee. After a discussion it was:
Resolved: That, after first taking into consideration the environmental information, as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, and subject to the applicant first entering into a Section 106 Agreement for a commuted sum of £12,000 for highway safety improvements on Fleetwood Road North and to secure biodiversity net gain, that planning permission be granted subject to conditions including controlling commencement, working programme, construction environmental management plan, building materials, tonnage throughput, reversing alarms, surface water drainage, landscaping, employment and skills, lighting, R1 status, site investigation, groundwater protection, hours of construction working, heat pipes, highway matters, electric charging points, cycle storage, showers and changing facilities, and decommissioning, as set out in the Committee report.
Divisions affected: Cleveleys East;
Lead officer: Jonathan Haine
Decision Maker: Development Control Committee
Made at meeting: 24/04/2024 - Development Control Committee
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 24/04/2024
A report was presented on an application for an amendment to Condition 6 of planning permission 8/10/0241, to allow approval of amended restoration contours together with the submission of a restoration and aftercare scheme to comply with Conditions 29 and 31 of planning permission 8/10/0241 at Round O Quarry, Cobbs Brow Lane, Lathom.
The report included the views of West Lancashire Borough Council, Newburgh Parish Council, the Environment Agency and the Lancashire Badger Group. Three representations objecting to the application had been received.
An updated Powerpoint presentation had been circulated to Committee (copy attached).
The Head of Development Control presented a Powerpoint presentation showing site location plans and an aerial view of the application site, plan showing permitted contours, current contours with restoration proposals, and photographs of the view from Cobbs Brow Lane looking south and north, the view over the site, the view of the northern side of the site and the view of the western boundary.
Mr Martin Ainscough, adjacent landowner, addressed the Committee and said the following:
'I own the land to the north east of the south of the site. Despite over 31 conditions imposed in 2012, the operation has totally ignored them. Your team last visited in 2013 and sadly failed to enforce the main tool you, the committee, uses to control development and preserve our environment.
Condition 3 required details of the removal of the perimeter bounds, it's now OK to keep them. Condition 6 stated that levels were not to exceed agreed levels, which you've seen on the screen just now. It's now OK to accept millions of tonnes of hugely profitable over-tipping. Condition 7 stated that the topographical survey shall be submitted to you, the County Planning authority annually; why was this never asked for?
Condition 27 states that the mounds shall be kept free of vegetation; they were never planted as you've just stated. The fact that this was never done is seen as the reason to keep the mounds. As a result, we have a devastating example of overtipping of millions of profitable tonnes up to the top of the mounds, which should have been removed. And when you have an alien landscape scarred by a huge flat 10 metre tall, 50 acre on landscape heap of who knows what, the hydrology of the area has been seriously impacted, despite what you've just said, and with the blocking of historic water courses across the site leading to the runoff in times of flood and constantly waterlogged fields to the north and west. Now, rather than requiring the operator to put things right, you're being recommended to just roll over and recommend granting retrospective planning permission and this is wrong. In your advice, Mr Haine states that you can make a judgment - please make a judgment that this should be put right.
There's no landscape impact assessment; this is the landscape of historic importance. The site, where 2,000 of Cromwell's parliamentarian troops besieged Lathom House in 1644 and 1645; it is registered of local importance. The bunds should be removed, the site reprofiled to be a more sympathetic rolling landscape, which is what it stated in the original application. The landscape plan I think is really poor and is unsympathetic and amateur. Who plants buddleia, an invasive species, it's just ridiculous, and please refuse this and make them do something more sympathetic on this site.'
Mr Steven Faulkner, West Lancashire Borough Council, addressed the Committee and said the following:
'I'm the planning services manager for West Lancashire Borough Council. The Borough Council objected some 18 months ago to this application, based largely on issues relating to ecological impacts dating back to 2021 and 2022, and we raised points and objection that it's really important to establish whether the proposal can be mitigated based on ecological advice and suggested recommendations.
A considerable period of time has elapsed since our objection was raised, and it's unclear from the report and associated planning conditions what action might have taken place with regard to those details and following our formal objection, and it is concerning that we've not been informed on the more up to date basis and being afforded a further opportunity to comment.
It's also noted that the officer report refers to a restoration statement dated the 6th of December 2023. The report recommendation and subsequent five conditions don't appear to cover whether this or other submitted documentation addresses the specific ecological comments that were provided from me to County in August 2022.
I've also noted that Condition 3 requires various works to be completed within three months of the date of the planning permission, and would ask your officers whether they believe it's realistic for those works to be completed within the express time frame, avoiding what may well be an inevitable breach of condition, whilst ensuring that the site is free at that point of invasive species, and we would also query whether or not the site will be monitored for compliance within that time frame.
We consider this autumn and winter grazing only ought to take place to ensure that biodiversity values are maintained, and we'd also request clarity on the provision of bat boxes to be provided, as the submitted restoration plan did not show this at the time of submission. We'd also ask on what basis your officers have concluded that there would be no impact on badger setts and whether this is informed by the expert advice of County ecologists. It is also unclear to us who has undertaken to be responsible for the habitat works and long term maintenance. It is important that these details are secured, so we believe that the report is lacking clarity over ecological mitigation works and consider if the application should be approved, it lacks a range of further conditions to ensure that biodiversity values are maintained.
So it's recommended from our side as Borough Council that members at the very least defer the application to enable further consideration of those ecological impacts.'
Councillor Katie Juckes, West Lancashire Borough Council, addressed the Committee and said the following:
'This site has a very long history from being an active quarry to present. In the early 90s, at appeal, the Planning Inspectorate refused permission for domestic waste. In 1999, planning was granted with 44 conditions to infill within inert waste. Those conditions included access via the M58 and dual carriageway within 150 metres of the site. Another condition was to restore the site after 10 years to agriculture at original levels. In 2010, permission was granted for 31 conditions to extend the life of the landfill. This timeline and the number of conditions is very important to Newburgh Village. It is now 25 years that they have endured amenity loss. The conditions were not met, lorries plagued the village and they did not follow the designated route. The developer has not accepted responsibility for abiding by the original permissions and conditions. This is an example of a planning system that hasn't worked.
This application is blatant; it requires you to grant permission to regulate the unregulated. Simply it was wrong. They don't want to put it right and they want you to say OK. There is up to 10 metres overfill on the northern boundary, around 4 metres over the mound. The six metre earth mounds were not calculated or engineered to hold back saturated waste. They fulfill a purpose they were not intended to. The surface is plateau like, alien to the rolling landscape the previous decisions intended to mimic. The mounds clearly block views and impact on the openness of the Green Belt, in spite of Jonathan's claim that they don't. That's why we're here today.
Activity has been hidden behind the mounds – it's a case of out of sight out of mind. There was no drainage plan, there are rushes on the surface and on fields, down from the site. The mounds leak secrete water into farmers ditches - the developer has never cleared them. The mounds on the western side have slumped. The ditches and local wells run red; this may be iron oxide. It does occur locally, but not when there is a huge void behind full of waste. No agency has tested it. The villagers need reassurance.
The site is shielded from the road by an ancient line of trees planted by the Lathom estate hundreds of years ago. There has been no landscaping since the mounds are otherwise self-seeded because of neglect over 40 years of no control. The damage is done. The developer has made no compromise. Before you is a cheap and simple plan.
Finally, if this Committee is to recommend permissions with conditions, then the public should have confidence that those conditions are to be adhered to and not flouted. Doing so undermines confidence in the planning system.'
Councillor Mike Roughneen, Newburgh Parish Council, addressed the Committee and said the following:
'Round O Quarry has brought problems to our village since the year 2000, when it was granted permission for an inert landfill. We have lost track of the number of times we have written to the county council and the Environment Agency over the years and received no satisfactory outcome. The overwhelming concerns are being with lorries that have used our village as a shortcut from the A5209, instead of using the motorways of the site. Their movements went unrestricted and now we have an overfill problem.
The LCC portal does not show or represent the number of emails we have sent; the last entry from our PC was 18 months ago. There have been a lot more. In July 2022, we drew LCC's attention to our concern of the lack of formal monitoring after 2013, and the absence of the annual topographic surveys that should have indicated the landfill was nearing capacity at that time. We also drew attention to the fact that this village suffers from excess surface water during periods of rainfall. Our concerns went unheeded. In August 2023, we received a letter from Arley Consultants on behalf of Inglenorth. They claim that overfilling does not completely lie with the operator, who then? While this activity has no doubt provided great economic benefits to Inglenorth, it has left the village to endure many thousands of extra vehicle movements.
Now this application is recommended for approval, even though Mr Haine acknowledges that it was the site operator who took the decision to landfill the site to the crest of the perimeter mounding. Arley asked us to withdraw our objection to the restoration plan. Their letter states that the former quarry has been restored with 'primarily' inert waste. They say there is no evidence to suggest that as being excessive settlement, nor would it be likely, given the largely inert nature of its waste disposal. The PCH asked for clarity, but had no answer. Is it largely or primarily inert waste? We want to know what is else is in the site. We do not want the removal of the excess material as we acknowledge it will bring further disruption to our village. However, it is important to us that concerns raised by our residents are met. These relate to regrading the site to create shape, improved drainage and help blend in with the original landscape, plant hedgerows to create fields instead of scrub land. The western bund is slumping, though it appears nobody can see it and needs investigating. Drainage should be improved by positioning the pond and drainage channels to the south and west of the site to alleviate flooding on farmland. The orange coloured water in the ditches needs investigating. A future management plan, not 10 years, but into the future, with a bond to pay for aftercare if the size is necessary - we know what lack of monitoring and neglect means.
We have raised these concerns before but have had no replies. Our refusal today may well be the only solution. Please refuse this application.'
Mr Martin Lovelock, speaking on behalf of the applicant, addressed the Committee and said the following:
'I'd just like to say that we prepared the application in good faith and we feel that the proposals balance the risks of enforcement and removal of material against ecological. You can argue that there's a lot of ecological damage being caused, but the trees around the perimeter whether they're self-seeded or not offer a wide, diverse ecological setting. The planting or landscaping that's on the surface of the site is of far more ecological value than the agricultural field that was proposed. In terms of environmental impacts and pollution, the Environment Agency, as consultee, has accepted that there is no evidence of that. The operator/landowner complies with their environmental permit in terms of sampling, routine sampling and analysis, monitoring, reporting and they have submitted topographic surveys to the council throughout the process. I think that the objectors feel that they want some recourse but they don't want obviously trucks through the villages again, so I think this offers a balanced and satisfactory solution to the situation that has arisen and I hope that you can see that the additional works proposed offer further benefits and that you'll support the application.'
The officers answered questions from Committee.
After a discussion, it was Proposed and Seconded:
"That the application be deferred pending a site visit, and that a copy of the previous planning permission be circulated to Committee, prior to the site visit taking place."
Upon being put to the Vote, the Motion was Carried.
(i) That the application be deferred pending a site visit.
(ii) That a copy of the previous planning permission be circulated to Committee, prior to the site visit taking place.
Divisions affected: West Lancashire East;
Lead officer: Jonathan Haine
A decision taken on the SCRIM & Scanner Survey & Data.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
John Davies, Head of Highways Network Management, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: John Davies
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1,050 towards the cost of
purchasing 15 frame drums from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Central
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
County Councillor Ash Sutcliffe considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Emerald Earth Medicine towards the cost of purchasing 15 frame drums.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor Sutcliffe does not believe his division will benefit sufficiently from the grant.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Clitheroe
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
County Councillor Sue Hind considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £210 to Emerald Earth Medicine towards the cost of purchasing 15 frame drums.
Divisions affected: Clitheroe; Mid Rossendale; Padiham and Burnley West; Pendle Central; Rossendale East;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2000 towards the cost of
training for Street Pastors from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Skelmersdale Central
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor Terry Aldridge considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Ormskirk Street Pastors towards the cost of training volunteers.
The reason for rejection is that County Councillor Aldridge is reserving funding to support other organisations in his division.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - West Lancashire North
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor David Westley considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Ormskirk Street Pastors towards the cost of training volunteers.
The reason for rejection is that County Councillor Westley did not believe the project would benefit residents in his division.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Skelmersdale West
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor Julie Gibson considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £250 to Ormskirk Street Pastors towards the cost of training for Street Pastors.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Ormskirk
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor Nikki Hennessy considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £250 to Ormskirk Street Pastors towards the cost of training for Street Pastors.
Divisions affected: Burscough & Rufford; Ormskirk; Skelmersdale Central; Skelmersdale East; Skelmersdale West; West Lancashire East; West Lancashire North; West Lancashire West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1250 towards the cost of
running Ormskirk Walks and Talks Projects from the Local Member
Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - West Lancashire North
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor David Westley considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Ormskirk Community Partnership towards the cost of running Walks and Talks Projects.
The reason for rejection is that County Councillor Westley did not believe the project would benefit residents in his division.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Ormskirk
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor Nikki Hennessy considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £250 to Ormskirk Community Partnership towards the cost of training volunteers.
Divisions affected: Burscough & Rufford; Ormskirk; West Lancashire East; West Lancashire North; West Lancashire West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2000 towards the cost of
training volunteers from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - West Lancashire North
Decision published: 30/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor David Westley considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £250 to West Lancs Debt Advice towards the cost of training volunteers.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - West Lancashire West
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor David O'Toole considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to West Lancs Debt Advice towards the cost of training volunteers.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor O'Toole has high demands for his funding this year.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Skelmersdale West
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor Julie Gibson considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £250 to West Lancs Debt Advice towards the cost of training volunteers.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Ormskirk
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 30/07/2024
County Councillor Nikki Hennessy considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £250 to West Lancs Debt Advice towards the cost of training volunteers.
Divisions affected: Burscough & Rufford; Ormskirk; Skelmersdale Central; Skelmersdale East; Skelmersdale West; West Lancashire East; West Lancashire North; West Lancashire West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £400 towards a school visit to
County Hall from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - South Ribble East
Decision published: 22/07/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
County Councillor Barrie Yates considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £400 to PTFA St. Patricks RC Primary School towards the cost of a school visit to County Hall.
Divisions affected: South Ribble East;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision taken on completing a culvert clearance to prevent flooding.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 22/07/2024
Effective from: 19/07/2024
Michael Peppin, Capital Programme Manager, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Chorley Rural East;
Lead officer: Michael Peppin
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1,999.92 towards the cost of
beginning the 2nd phase of footpath repairs around Foulridge
reservoir from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Central
Decision published: 23/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
County Councillor Ash Sutcliffe considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £166.66 to Pendle + Burnley District Angling Association towards the cost of beginning the 2nd phase of footpath repairs around Foulridge reservoir.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Burnley Rural
Decision published: 22/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
County Councillor Cosima Towneley considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Pendle + Burnley District Angling Association towards the cost of beginning the 2nd phase of footpath repairs around Foulridge reservoir.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor Towneley does not believe the footpath access is inclusive enough and has a proliferation of angling club sites in her own division.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Burnley Central East
Decision published: 18/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
County Councillor Sobia Malik considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £166.66 to Pendle + Burnley District Angling Association towards the cost of beginning the 2nd phase of footpath repairs around Foulridge reservoir.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Hill
Decision published: 19/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
County Councillor Howard Hartley considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £166.66 to Pendle + Burnley District Angling Association towards the cost of beginning the 2nd phase of footpath repairs around Foulridge reservoir.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Rural
Decision published: 18/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
County Councillor Jenny Purcell considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £166.66 to Pendle + Burnley District Angling Association towards the cost of beginning the 2nd phase of footpath repairs around Foulridge reservoir.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Rural
Decision published: 22/07/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
County Councillor Mike Goulthorp considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £166.66 to Pendle + Burnley District Angling Association towards the cost of beginning the 2nd phase of footpath repairs around Foulridge reservoir.
Divisions affected: Brierfield & Nelson West; Burnley Central East; Burnley Central West; Burnley North East; Burnley Rural; Burnley South West; Nelson East; Padiham and Burnley West; Pendle Central; Pendle Hill; Pendle Rural;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2,000 towards the cost of
painting and flooring the 'head office' building from the Local
Member Grants scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Central
Decision published: 06/08/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor Ash Sutcliffe considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £117.65 to Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Council for Voluntary Service towards the cost of painting and flooring the 'head office' building.
County Councillor Ash Sutcliffe declared a non-pecuniary interest, as he sits on the board for the organisation.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Rossendale East
Decision published: 07/08/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor Jackie Oakes considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £117.65 to Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Council for Voluntary Service towards the cost of painting and flooring the 'head office' building.
County Councillor Jackie Oakes declared a non-pecuniary interest as a trustee of Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Council for Voluntary Service.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Rural
Decision published: 22/07/2024
Effective from: 06/08/2024
County Councillor Mike Goulthorp considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Council for Voluntary Service towards the cost of painting and flooring the 'head office' building.
The reason for rejection is because County Councillor Mike Goulthorp does not believe his division will benefit from the grant.
Divisions affected: Brierfield & Nelson West; Burnley Central East; Burnley Central West; Burnley North East; Burnley Rural; Burnley South West; Mid Rossendale; Nelson East; Padiham and Burnley West; Pendle Central; Pendle Hill; Pendle Rural; Rossendale East; Rossendale South; Rossendale West; Whitworth & Bacup;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £400 towards a composting
toilet for the pony club field from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Hoghton with Wheelton
Decision published: 19/07/2024
Effective from: 19/07/2024
County Councillor Alan Cullens considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £400 to Wheelton & District Branch of the Pony Club towards the cost of a composting toilet for the pony club field.
Divisions affected: Hoghton with Wheelton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £500 towards the cost of a wooden
house and new chairs from the Champion for Young People
Decision Maker: Champion for Young People
Decision published: 19/07/2024
Effective from: 19/07/2024
The Head Of Service Democratic Services, following consultation with County Councillor Loraine Cox, Champion for Young People, approved a Champions Grant application of £500 to Whitewell Bottom Pre-School towards the cost of a wooden house and new chairs.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £1,500 towards their costs of their
Wednesday breakfast mornings from the Champion for Armed Forces and
Veterans budget.
Decision Maker: Champion for Armed Forces and Veterans
Decision published: 19/07/2024
Effective from: 19/07/2024
The Head of Service Democratic Services, following consultation with County Councillor Alf Clempson, Champion for Armed Forces and Veterans, approved a Champions Grant application for the reduced amount of £1000 to Men's Shed Fleetwood towards the cost of provisions for their Wednesday breakfast club.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £3,585 towards the cost of creative
events and wellbeing workshops from the Champion for Young
Decision Maker: Champion for Young People
Decision published: 19/07/2024
Effective from: 19/07/2024
The Head of Servicde Democratic Services, following consultation with County Councillor Loraine Cox, Champion for Young People, approved a Champions Grant application for the reduced amount of £425 to Durose Studios CIC towards the marketing costs for their dance workshops.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
Following investigations into the ownership of
a number of retaining walls on the highway network the following
recommendations have been made into ownerships:
33957 Kellet Road Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall should be
recorded as Lancashire County Council.
33923 Goodshaw Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall should be
recorded as Lancashire County Council.
33961 Belthorn Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall should be
recorded as Private.
31572 Lancaster Road Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall should be
recorded as private.
33935 Ainsdale Drive Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall should be
recorded as private.
33955 Ashlar House Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall should be
recorded as private.
33912 Size House Village Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall
should be recorded as private.
33905 West Close Avenue Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall should
be recorded as private.
33922 Buck Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall should be recorded
as private.
33924 Hill Top Ret/Wall - The ownership of the wall should be
recorded as Private.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 18/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
John Davies, Head of Highways Network Management, took the decision to approve the above ownerships of retaining walls on the highway network.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: John Davies
Change of Councillor on the Edward Stocks
Massey Bequest Fund - Joint Advisory Committee. County Councillor
Sean Serridge will replace County Councillor Usman Arif.
Decision Maker: Director of Law and Governance
Decision published: 18/07/2024
Effective from: 16/07/2024
Heloise MacAndrew, Director of Law and Governance, took the decision to approve the change of Councillor on the Edward Stocks Massey Bequest Fund - Joint Advisory Committee. County Councillor Sean Serridge will replace County Councillor Usman Arif.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Heloise MacAndrew
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2000 towards the cost of
outdoor learning and nature provision from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - St Annes South
Decision published: 18/07/2024
Effective from: 18/07/2024
County Councillor Steve Rigby considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £1000 to PTA Heyhouses Endowed CofE Primary School towards the cost of outdoor learning and nature provision.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - St Annes North
Decision published: 18/07/2024
Effective from: 18/07/2024
County Councillor Peter Buckley considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £1000 to PTA Heyhouses Endowed CofE Primary School towards the cost of outdoor learning and nature provision.
Divisions affected: St Annes North; St Annes South;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
The Lancashire Teaching Agency (LTA) provides
full/part time supply teachers, teaching assistants and
non-classroom based staff to schools within the Lancashire border
to fulfil long and short-term vacancy needs. The LTA is used as a
vehicle into employment by moving teachers and support staff onto
employment contracts in Lancashire schools.
The current agreement commenced on the 1st September 2018 for an
initial period of 4 years, the contract was extended in 2022 for a
period of 2 years with an option to extend for a further period of
2 years. The latest contract extension will not exceed 31st August
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 17/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
Lucy Thompson, Director of People, took the decision to approve the extension for the Lancashire Teaching Agency Provision of Supply Services to Schools to the 31st August 2026, following a review of the contract performance, usage, contract options, feedback, and discussions between the supplier and key stakeholders.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Lucy Thompson
A decision taken on LUF design commissions.
Decision Maker: Director of Growth, Environment and Planning
Decision published: 17/07/2024
Effective from: 16/07/2024
The Director of Environment and Planning took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Kiara Clarke
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £500 towards the cost of holding
weekly coffee mornings from the Champion for Parishes
Decision Maker: Champion for Parishes
Decision published: 17/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Head of Service Democratic Services, following consultation with County Councillor Paul Rigby, Champion for Parishes, approved a Champions Grant application of £500 to Newburgh Parish Council towards the cost of their coffee mornings.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
A decision taken on an amendment to the evaluation criteria from that which is included in the Procurement Initiative Plan (PIP).
Decision Maker: Director of Public Health, Wellbeing and Communities
Decision published: 17/07/2024
Effective from: 15/07/2024
Dr Sakthi Karunanithi, Director of Public Health, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Dr Sakthi Karunanithi
The purpose of this proposal is to introduce
waiting restrictions to prevent obstructive parking behaviour,
allowing for the safe access and egress and to maintain visibility
at this junction.
These proposals are being funded by Section 278 monies by the
developer and are linked to the new housing development.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 17/07/2024
Effective from: 16/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulations and Enforcement Manager, took the decision to approve the introduction of waiting restrictions.
Divisions affected: Mid Rossendale;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £800 towards the cost of new
uniforms, ID badges and DBS checks for volunteers from the Local
Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Lancaster South East
Decision published: 17/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
County Councillor Erica Lewis considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £160 to Supportive Approachable Friendly Environment (SAFE) towards the cost of new uniforms, ID badges and DBS checks for volunteers.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Central; Lancaster East; Lancaster Rural North; Lancaster South East; Skerton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2000 towards software
development, devices and training from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Accrington South
Decision published: 16/07/2024
Effective from: 16/07/2024
County Councillor Terry Hurn considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Hyndburn Food Pantry towards the cost of towards software development, devices and training.
The reason for the rejection is the project date passed before a decision was received.
Divisions affected: Accrington South;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report recommends the approval of the installation of a wider zebra crossing and raised table on Manchester Road, Preston, and the revocation of the existing parking bay and the reintroduction of a new parking bay further north in order to accommodate the new zebra crossing.
Decision Maker: Leader of the County Council
Decision published: 16/07/2024
Effective from: 16/07/2024
The Leader of the County Council and the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport approved the recommendations as set out in the report.
This decision should be implemented immediately for the purposes of Standing Order C28 as any delay could adversely affect the execution of the county council's responsibilities. The reason for this is that the works are required to be carried out prior to the college returning from the summer holidays.
Divisions affected: Preston City;
Lead officer: Caroline Scholes
A decision taken on the Blessed Sacrament RC Primary School MUGA.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Performance
Decision published: 16/07/2024
Effective from: 11/07/2024
Rebecca Maylor-Bonner, Project Officer, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Preston East;
Lead officer: Rebecca Maylor-Bonner
The proposals are being pursued as part of a s278 Agreement under the Highways Act 1980 as part of a new development which will introduce further traffic movements.
The purpose of the raised junction table on Watery Lane is to slow
traffic and allow safe passage of pedestrians due to the increase
in traffic from the new housing development.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 16/07/2024
Effective from: 16/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision to approve the introduction of a raised junction table on Watery Lane.
Divisions affected: Skerton;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
The purpose of this proposal is to introduce a
bus stop clearway to improve facilities for users of the bus stop
for the adjacent Industrial premises and residential properties.
These proposals are being funded by Section 278 monies by the
developer and are linked to the new Industrial
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 16/07/2024
Effective from: 16/07/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision to approve the introduction of a bus stop clearway.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Central;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
A decision taken on agreements between Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service (CYJS) and Lancashire South Cumbria Foundation Trust (LSCFT) and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals (BTH) for the provision of speech and language support.
Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Service (CYJS) is a multi-agency partnership incorporating statutory partners from the Local Authority (including education), police, health, and probation. As part of this, CYJS procure the services of Speech and Language Therapists, contracted for a set number of hours, to provide expedient pathways into speech and language support for children open to the service.
A decision has been taken, following advice from procurement and commissioning services in LCC, to procure a directly awarded purchase order with two providers: Lancashire South Cumbria Foundation Trust (LSCFT – for the South Central and East areas of Lancashire) and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals (BTH – for the North areas of Lancashire).
This decision was taken due to:
· Current service operating well
· It is a specialist health service with interconnection with other related health services.
· Low value
· Few/if any suppliers in the market
· Ongoing review which could cause potential disruption to current provision.
· Would be a short-term contract resulting in potential lower attraction to wider market.
· Possibility of a break in service between the contract end date at present and the time taken to continue with a 3-quote process, potential to be detrimental to delivery of services.
Decision Maker: Director of Children's Social Care
Decision published: 16/07/2024
Effective from: 09/07/2024
Louise Anderson, Director of Children's Social Care, took the decision to approve the agreement for services to be procured by way of a directly awarded purchase order.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Louise Anderson
A decision taken on the acquisition of St Jame's Vicarage.
Decision Maker: Director of Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 16/07/2024
Effective from: 12/07/2024
Gary Jones, Estates Manager, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Rossendale West;
Lead officer: Gary Jones
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 11/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 12/07/2024
Effective from: 11/07/2024
It was noted that the Part II items listed on the agenda related to appendices for reports already discussed in Part I on the agenda. There being no questions to be raised on the appendices listed, it was agreed that the meeting remain in Part I.
Resolved: That the meeting remain in Part I, open to press and public.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 11/07/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 12/07/2024
Effective from: 11/07/2024
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2024 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
The public health strategy sets out the actions being taken by the county council and signals a clear direction of travel for joint work with public, private, and third-sector leaders to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities. It is an important milestone in the process of improving public health for this and future generations. It will spearhead major programmes to promote wellbeing for all, prevent illness and protect health in our outstanding county.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Jane Grant
Lancashire has received an additional £1,673,989 from the Department of Health and Social Care for 2024/25. The grant is administered through the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID). The allocated monies are based on population and smoking prevalence and are ringfenced to increase the number of referrals into the service and smoking 'quitters' by enhancing the Smokefree Lancashire Service offer.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Mark Burrow
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £240 towards the cost of 2
trips to Level entertainment centre for young people from the Local
Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Preston South West
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 11/07/2024
County Councillor Nweeda Khan considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £240 to Larches and Savick Community Association (LASCA) towards the cost of 2 trips to Level entertainment centre for young people.
Divisions affected: Preston South West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision taken on the Burnley Town 2 Turf Subway Infill.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 04/07/2024
Phil Durnell, Director of Highways and Transport, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Phil Durnell
This report sets out proposals for capital investment to provide match funding in support of a grant application to Arts Council England to fund essential maintenance work to Queen Street Mill Museum, Burnley and to provide a library service in the entrance gallery of the museum.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Burnley Rural;
Lead officer: Martin Slater
Alongside the final local government finance settlement for 2024-25, government announced a requirement for councils in England to produce a Productivity Plan, setting out how they will improve performance and transform service delivery. Councils should ensure there is member oversight and endorsement of the plan before it is submitted and published. The Government has set a 19 July deadline for submission of the Plans.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Kieran Curran
This report outlines proposals to abandon a proposed permanent Traffic Regulation Order that was previously approved by Cabinet for the Prohibition of Driving except Cycles 10am-midnight and midnight-6am on Friargate, Preston and several side roads that was originally advertised as part of the Transforming Friargate North and Ring Way project. It also proposes the making of an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order in its place with timings from 11am-midnight and midnight-6am, which will be monitored thereafter.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Preston City;
Lead officer: Claire Tetlow
The Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report for 2023/24 provides a summary of the work undertaken by the Safeguarding Adults Board in Lancashire over the last year.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Hayley Hughes
Following requests received from local bus users, a bus operator and a divisional county councillor, the Public Transport team has identified a need to install bus stop clearway markings at both bus stops located on Liverpool Road, opposite and adjacent to Crookings Lane, Penwortham.
This report summarises the results of the consultation on the proposed bus stop clearways to which objections have been received.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Penwortham West;
Lead officer: Ben Lovatt
This report sets out the proposals for the allocation of approved capital funding to address a phase of high priority building condition repairs and statutory programmes of remedial works to the operational premises portfolio.
This is deemed to be a Key Decision and the provisions of Standing Order No. C18 have been complied with.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Michael Peppin
This report includes the results of a formal consultation to create additional special school places at Bleasdale School, Silverdale through an increase in provision on the main school site, and to redesignate Bleasdale School as a school which meets the needs of children and young people with generic learning difficulties.
This is deemed to be a Key Decision and the requirements of Standing Order C18 have been complied with.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Central; Lancaster Rural East; Lancaster Rural North; Wyre Rural Central; Wyre Rural East;
Lead officer: Janette Hastings
To support the county council's road safety responsibilities a Best Practice Guidance document has been developed which highlights the temporary road safety signs available to educate drivers to the dangers of speeding, and other dangers, and sets out how these signs are deployed on the highway network via an assessed criterion. These signs include:
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Tony Crook
This report provides an update to Cabinet on the county council's final outturn position across revenue and capital budgets. This report follows the same format as the rest of the year for consistency. The process will be streamlined for Quarter 1 reporting in the current year.
The 2023/24 outturn position is an overspend of £5.220m, which represents 0.5% of the revenue net budget. This compares to the last report to Cabinet at Quarter 3 which forecast an overspend of £5.8m. There have been fluctuations to forecasts since Quarter 3, and overall, the position has improved in the final quarter of the financial year.
The 2023/24 budget contained savings to be delivered totalling c£80m. The county council has a proven track record of delivering savings, and this financial year has further emphasised this, with 91.5% of savings delivered. Those savings not achieved in this financial year will be delivered in future years. A revised profile of savings delivery is shown in Appendix 'A'.
The level of reserves remains robust, particularly the transitional reserve. The reserves are sufficient to support the projected budget shortfall over the medium term financial strategy, with work on-going to review ongoing challenges and the budget gap. Details of the reserves position are shown in Appendix 'A' (page 26 refers).
In February 2023 an indicative Capital Delivery Programme of £239.859m was agreed by Cabinet. Following confirmation of the final 2022/23 outturn, subsequent approved additions together with re-profiling of the programme, the in-year programme decreased to £159.135m. The outturn position for 2023/24 is spend of £153.838m, a variance of £5.296m (-3.33%). The variance is primarily the product of delayed delivery on some agreed schemes which has been mitigated where possible through earlier than originally planned delivery on other schemes within the multi-year programme.
Schools outturn position of schools delegated budget for 2023/24 is an overspend of £3.371m. This has resulted in the level of school balances falling to £69.79m. The detail is shown in Appendix 'C'.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Mark Wynn
In January 2023, Cabinet approved a proposal for the county council's Executive Director of Adult Services to combine her county council role with that of Director of Health and Care Integration for Lancashire Place until December 2025. In early 2023 the Lancashire Place Partnership was established aligning Lancashire Place with the geography of Lancashire County Council. Being one of the two primary statutory partner organisations to the Lancashire Place, Cabinet should be made aware of the service plan and be assured in relation to the delivery against this.
Following a foundational year, the Lancashire Place is now in a position to deliver improvements for Lancashire residents. To this end, the Lancashire Place Plan has been drawn up in collaboration with colleagues from Lancashire County Council, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board, the Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board and wider partners, to act as a service plan with associated targets for delivery. Data from the district level Health and Wellbeing Partnerships has been used to help frame and direct the priority areas of work and Delivery Boards and associated working groups established where necessary to ensure work on the priority areas is advanced. Lancashire Place will measure its progress against the identified metrics set out in the plan and will be looking to maintain or improve outcomes and services for Lancashire residents.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Louise Taylor
The Head teacher and governors at Whittlefield Community Primary School have approached the local authority in relation to the future of the nursery provision at the school. The school has asked the local authority to start the formal statutory process to consult on the proposal to cease the maintained nursery provision by permanently reducing the age range from 3–11-year-olds (Nursery 2 to Year 6) to 4–11-year-olds (Reception to Year 6), with effect from 31 December 2024.
Under The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013 and the Department for Education's statutory guidance, 'Making 'Prescribed Alterations' to Maintained Schools' published in January 2023, the local authority must be the proposer for this type of significant change and carry out a statutory process, which includes publication, representation, decision, rights of appeal and implementation. In line with this, the authority is now required to decide whether to publish a Statutory Notice on the proposal to consult on the future of the maintained nursery provision at Whittlefield Community Primary School, Burnley.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Burnley Central West;
Lead officer: Nan Hogg, Debbie Ormerod
This report sets out the revised Cultural Services Strategy for 2024-2028. A copy of the revised strategy is set out at Appendix 'A'.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Heather Fox
Authorisation for members of the Pension Fund
Committee to participate at external Conferences or other events
and the payment of any associated delegate fees, travel, or
accommodation costs by the Fund.
Decision Maker: Head of Service Pension Fund Client
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 09/07/2024
Mike Neville, Senior Democratic Services Officer, authorised County Councillor J Burrows and Mr P Crewe (Pension Fund Committee) and, if confirmed, Ms F Miller (Chair of Lancashire Local Pension Board) to attend/participate in the Fundamentals Training in October, November and December 2024 and for the payment of any associated delegate fees, travel, or accommodation costs as appropriate, by the Lancashire County Pension Fund.
Divisions affected: None;
Lead officer: Mike Neville
As one of the specific duties of the Equality Act 2010's Public Sector Equality Duty, the county council is required to publish Equality Objectives at least every four years. A refreshed set of Equality Objectives and supporting Equality Strategy for the period 2024-28 are now presented for consideration.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Jeanette Binns
It is proposed to relocate the existing southbound bus stop on Brindle Road, Bamber Bridge outside the Hospital Inn, to a location away from the blind corner at the junction of Bank Head Land and Brindle Road. It is also proposed to maintain and improve the existing northbound bus stop on Brindle Road with clearway markings and bus shelter replacement. As part of the works, these bus stops would be upgraded to be Equality Act compliant with the installation of raised kerbs, boarding points, bus shelter and bus stop clearway markings. These proposals aim to enhance the efficiency and safety of bus operations by providing dedicated spaces for buses to stop, allow safe alighting/boarding of passengers and unimpeded movement of buses.
Consultation and formal advertising of the proposals has been undertaken, and this report summarises the results of the formal advertising to which objections have been received.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: South Ribble East;
Lead officer: Dumisani Mswelanto, Claire Tetlow
The purpose of this report is to provide a programme update on the Lancashire Economic Recovery and Growth Fund and Lancashire Levelling Up Investment Fund and to request approval for the consolidation of unallocated resources into a single funding pot and programme extension.
This is deemed to be a Key Decision and the provisions of Standing Order C18 have been complied with.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Chris Dyson, David Gordon
Consideration of the recommendations of the Edward Stocks Massey Bequest Fund Joint Advisory Committee. A review has been undertaken of its Terms of Reference, and proposals are now presented to the Cabinet to consider.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Burnley Central East; Burnley Central West; Burnley North East; Burnley Rural; Burnley South West; Padiham and Burnley West;
Lead officer: Sam Gorton
Attached at Appendix 'A' are the annual reports of the county council's six Champions for 2023/2024. The reports outline the activities each Champion has undertaken between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024, in relation to their respective roles and the resources allocated to them on an annual basis.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Craig Alker
The annual reports of the Lead Members are
presented at Appendix 'A'.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: None;
Lead officer: Craig Alker
In line with the county council's procurement rules, this report sets out a recommendation to approve the commencement of the following procurement exercises:
(i) Highways Asset Management System (HAMS)
(ii) Legionella Risk Assessment
(iii) East Lancashire's Levelling Up Fund
(iv) Rawtenstall Gyratory Project
(v) Integrated Sexual Health Services All Age Services
This is deemed to be a Key Decision and the requirements of Standing Order C18 have been complied with.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 11/07/2024
Effective from: 17/07/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Paul Fairclough