Voting record

There will be some occasions when a recorded or named vote is taken on an item of business at Full Council. This can happen on any item of business where, in accordance with Standing Order B45(4), "any six Councillors may request a named vote and shall signify their wish for a named vote by rising in their places. The names for and against and those abstaining shall then be taken down in writing and recorded in the minutes". It is also a requirement of Standing Order B45(7) that all votes on budgetary matters are recorded.

Details of recorded votes which have been taken in past meetings, and how each councillor has voted, i.e. for, against or abstain, are shown here.

Note that the majority of votes are by electronic 'show of hands' and are not included here.

 Full Council, Thursday, 14th March, 2024 1.00 pm

Item: Lancashire Combined County Authority and Devolution Deal

Item 5 - Lancashire Combined County Authority and Devolution Deal - Labour Amendment:

Amendment status:Rejected

County Councillor John Fillis For

Item 5 - Lancashire Combined County Authority and Devolution Deal:

Resolution status:Carried

County Councillor John Fillis Against

 Budget Meeting, Full Council, Friday, 23rd February, 2024 10.30 am

Item: 2024/25 Budget Report

Budget 2024/25 - Labour Amendment:

Amendment status:Rejected

County Councillor John Fillis For

Budget 2024/25 - Liberal Democrats Amendment:

Amendment status:Rejected

County Councillor John Fillis For

Budget 2024/25 - The Green Group Amendment:

Amendment status:Rejected

County Councillor John Fillis For

Budget 2024/25:

Resolution status:Carried

County Councillor John Fillis Against

 Full Council, Thursday, 14th December, 2023 1.00 pm

Item: To consider Notices of Motion Submitted under Standing Order B36

Notice of Motion 4 - Water Companies:

Motion status:Carried

County Councillor John Fillis Against

 Extraordinary General Meeting, Full Council, Monday, 27th November, 2023 10.30 am

Item: Lancashire Combined County Authority and Devolution Proposal

Item 3 - Lancashire Combinet County Authority and Devolution Proposal:

Resolution status:Carried

County Councillor John Fillis For