Decision details

Report of the Employment Committee - Appointment of Interim Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service and County Council's Returning Officer

Decision Maker: Full Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


This report sets out the recommendation of the Employment Committee to appoint an Interim Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service, until a permanent post holder is appointed to the role.


The Chairman informed Full Council that, in accordance with Standing Order B21.2, Item 6 - Report of the Employment Committee, was being brought forward to this point in the meeting.


County Councillor Phillippa Williamson moved a report setting out the recommendation of the Employment Committee from its meeting held on 18 July 2024 regarding the appointment of an Interim Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service together with the proposed appointment of a Returning Officer for elections of councillors to the county council.


Resolved: - That:


(i)  The recommendation of the Employment Committee, as set out in the report, now presented, to appoint Mark Wynn to the role of Interim Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service be approved.

(ii)  Subject to (i) above, Section 9.5 of the council's Constitution, which provides that the Head of Paid Service cannot be the Chief Financial Officer, be waived until a permanent appointment to the role of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service is confirmed, as set out in the report, now presented.

(iii)  Subject to (i) above, the appointment of Mark Wynn as Returning Officer for the election of councillors to the county council be approved, as set out in the report, now presented.

Corporate Priorities : zFormerPriority_Delivering better services;

Divisions Affected: N/A;

Contact: Hannah Race Email:

Report author: Hannah Race

Date of decision: 17/10/2024

Decided at meeting: 17/10/2024 - Full Council

Accompanying Documents: