Decision details

Internal Audit Progress Report

Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No


In the context of the committee's responsibility to consider updates on the Internal Audit Service's work including key findings, issues of concern and action being taken as a result of internal audit work, the committee is asked to consider the internal audit progress report and outcomes of the work for 2023/24 for the period up to 26 March 2024.


Andy Dalecki, Head of Internal Audit presented an update on the Internal Audit Service's work and outcomes for 2023/24, for the period to 26 March 2024.


In response to questions, members were informed that:


·  The outstanding management action with a 'high' risk rating related to the process to DBS (Disclose and Barring Service) check employees. It was no longer a requirement for employees working with children and vulnerable adults to undertake a DBS check every three years; however, Internal Audit had recommended more frequent checks than were currently undertaken. The People Service was making improvements, but to respond to Internal Audit's recommendations in full could require changes to policy and process, with financial implications.


·  The Head of Internal Audit worked with Democratic Services to determine when information should be included in Part II of the agenda. In the case of cyber security information, publishing Internal Audit's findings could expose the council to risk.


·  New implementation dates were being agreed with any services with outstanding follow-up actions.


·  A councillor had recently raised concern about the council's grant scheme to support Ukrainian refugees re-settling in Lancashire, because the monitoring arrangements were not as robust as other council grant schemes. Internal Audit had not raised any concerns relating to fraud, but the grant scheme had been paused while the relevant service and Director identified improvements to the grant conditions.


Resolved: That the Internal Audit Progress Report be noted.

Divisions Affected: (All Divisions);

Contact: Andrew Dalecki Email: Tel: 01772 533469.

Report author: Andrew Dalecki

Date of decision: 22/04/2024

Decided at meeting: 22/04/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee

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