Decision Maker: Scrutiny Management Board
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
The 2023/24 work programmes for all the
scrutiny committees and the Scrutiny
Management Board are set out in the report.
An update on the activity of the Political Governance Working Group
is also included.
Members were presented with the 2023/24 work programmes for the scrutiny committees and the Scrutiny Management Board.
The Chairs of each Scrutiny Committee were invited to provide a brief summary of the work that had been undertaken throughout their committees 2023/24 work programme.
County Councillor Gerald Mirfin, Chairman of the Community, Cultural and Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee, wished to pass on his thanks to John Morrissy, the outgoing Director of Organisational Development and Change, for his hard work and effort in supporting the Community, Cultural and Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee.
Resolved: That the work programmes be noted.
Corporate Priorities : N/A;
Divisions Affected: N/A;
Contact: Gary Halsall Email: Tel: (01772) 536989.
Report author: Gary Halsall
Date of decision: 16/04/2024
Decided at meeting: 16/04/2024 - Scrutiny Management Board
Accompanying Documents: