Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
This report, and the Executive Summary set out at Appendix 'A', outline the requirements for the development of Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plans and the subsequent development of seven Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan documents for Lancashire.
At this stage, the documents set out broad cycle corridors and walking zones only, within a broad network. In the future the corridors and zones will provide the focus for further work to define detailed routes and locations for active travel infrastructure across the county.
The broad corridors and zones also provide a focus for securing future investment for delivery of infrastructure – such as from developer contributions or external grants. It is at this future funding stage that the detail of the broad routes and zones will be defined.
Consultation and extended stakeholder engagement has taken place to make best use of local knowledge to help inform the proposed broad network – which itself was prepared following a prescribed methodology from the Department for Transport.
This is deemed to be a Key Decision and the requirements of Standing Order C18 have been complied with.
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Reason Key: LCC - Significant effect in 2 or more electoral divisions;
Corporate Priorities : zFormerPriority_Protecting our environment;
Divisions Affected: (All Divisions);
Contact: Chris Hadfield Email: Tel: 01772 530485.
Date of decision: 09/05/2024
Effective from: 15/05/2024