Decision details

Proposed Zebra Crossing on Manchester Road, Preston

Decision Maker: Leader of the County Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


This report recommends the approval of the installation of a wider zebra crossing and raised table on Manchester Road, Preston, and the revocation of the existing parking bay and the reintroduction of a new parking bay further north in order to accommodate the new zebra crossing.


The Leader of the County Council and the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport approved the recommendations as set out in the report.


This decision should be implemented immediately for the purposes of Standing Order C28 as any delay could adversely affect the execution of the county council's responsibilities. The reason for this is that the works are required to be carried out prior to the college returning from the summer holidays. 

Corporate Priorities : zFormerPriority_Delivering better services;

Divisions Affected: Preston City;

Contact: Caroline Scholes Email: Tel: 10772 534562.

Urgent item?: Yes

Date of decision: 16/07/2024

Accompanying Documents: