Decision details

Lancashire County Council (Church Avenue, Accrington, Hyndburn Borough) (Revocation, Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) Order 202*

Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


The proposal is part of a wider project to provide a toucan crossing on Manchester Road as part of National Cycle Route 6 improvements.

The traffic regulations on Manchester Road have previously been advertised. However, additional traffic regulation orders on Church Avenue are required following a scheme update as a consequence of engagement with Active Travel England.

The proposed marked priority full set back crossing will create a safer crossing facility for pedestrians and cyclists.

The proposal to introduce No Waiting at any Time restrictions aim to create a safer crossing facility for pedestrians and cyclists.

Without the No Waiting at Any Time restrictions, vehicles will park within the visibility zone of the crossing point. Provision of the parking restrictions reduces the risk of a collision.

Formal consultation was carried out between 24 May-2024 and 21 June-2024 which included advertising in the local press and notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the consultation documents posted on the council's website.

During the consultation period one response was received from the Parochial Church Council of St John's Church Baxenden objecting to the proposal to extend the No Waiting at Any Time (double yellow lines) on Church Avenue for the following reasons:

• The effect of the proposal would be that 3-4 parking spaces outside the church would be permanently lost.
• That several church members, who because of age or disability, would struggle to use the other parking options, of further down Church Avenue, or on the car park across from the village club. That community users of the church, usually in the evenings, face the same issues, with not all of them having a Blue Badge.
• That the greatest pedestrian activity is from around 8am-9am, and 3pm-5.30pm, when children and parents go to and from the school. Therefore they believe that as the No Waiting Monday to Saturday 8am-6pm (single yellow line) covers these time of pedestrian activity the double yellow lines do not seem to be justified.
The objector also comments that there is a steel guard rail in the footway opposite the proposed priority crossing, which narrows the footway. Therefore suggests that pedestrians may not want to cross at this point.

Officer's Response
The proposals on Church Avenue form part of a wider scheme which includes a traffic signal-controlled pedestrian and cyclist crossing on Manchester Road.

The proposed priority crossing for pedestrians and cyclists is four meters wide and is set back from the main road junction to allow a vehicle to give way without causing an obstruction.

The existing double yellow lines on the north west side are proposed to be lengthened by 6.5 metres which is roughly one parking space. The existing double yellow lines on the south east side are proposed to be lengthened by 13 metres which is roughly two parking spaces.

The proposed double yellow line extensions are to help provide clear visibility between drivers and crossing users. The prohibition of waiting at any time is proposed to help create a safer environment for vulnerable road users at all times.

Blue badge holders can continue to park safely on Church Avenue.

The guardrail on the southeast footway is proposed to be removed as part of the scheme.


Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took the decision, following consultation with the cabinet member and consideration of the objections report and officer comments, to approve the proposal.


Divisions Affected: Accrington South;

Contact: Peter Bell Email: Tel: 01772 536818.

Date of decision: 23/07/2024

Accompanying Documents: