Decision details

Balance 2023-24 structural defects between districts within programme.

Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


The request is to balance the structural defects budget between districts in the 2023-24 programme by moving:
£8,500 from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14019) to 23/24 Fylde Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14021);
£5,500 from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14019) to 23/24 Fylde Structural Defects Masonry (PPMS 14022);
£19,000from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14019) to 23/24 South Ribble Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14028);
£4,000 from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14019) to 23/24 West Lancs Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14030);
£35,000 from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Masonry (PPMS14020) to 23/24 Wyre Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS 14032).


Ridwan Musa, Head of Service Highway Operations and Design, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport, took a decision to approve budget amendment to 23/24 Structural Defects programme as detailed above.


Divisions Affected: (All Divisions);

Contact: Ridwan Musa Email:

Date of decision: 23/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: