Decision details

Wyre Borough : LCC/2024/0010 Increase width of existing vehicle site access and provision of pedestrian access gate with footpath Ringway Tutorial Centre, Ringway, Thornton Cleveleys

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


Increase width of existing vehicle site access and provision of pedestrian access gate with footpath.
Ringway Tutorial Centre, Ringway, Thornton Cleveleys


A report was presented on an application to increase the width of existing vehicle site access and provision of a pedestrian access gate with footpath at Ringway Tutorial Centre, Ringway, Thornton Cleveleys.


The report included the views of Lancashire County Council Highways. No comments had been provided by Wyre Council. One representation objecting to the application had been received, the details of which were set out in the Committee report.


The Senior Planner presented a Powerpoint presentation showing site location plans and an aerial view of the site, existing site layout, proposed site layout, and photographs of the existing entrance, view looking south along Ringway and view of the side elevation of 123 Ringway.


Resolved: That planning permission be granted subject to conditions controlling time limits, approved plans and surface water drainage, as set out in the Committee report.



Divisions Affected: Cleveleys East;

Contact: Jonathan Haine Email: Tel: 01772 531948.

Report author: Jonathan Haine

Date of decision: 17/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 17/07/2024 - Development Control Committee

Accompanying Documents: