Decision Maker: Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
This report provides the Committee with a
summary of Internal Audit activity since the last committee
Andy Dalecki, Head of Internal Audit presented an update on the Internal Audit Service's work and outcomes for 2024/25, for the period up to 23 September 2024.
It was noted that paragraph 4.2 of Appendix A should have set out that the number of incomplete management actions had reduced to 15, and there were no outstanding responses from management.
In relation to the audits which had received limited assurance, it was highlighted that the Internal Audit team were working with the relevant services to understand where improvements were needed.
In response to questions, members were informed that:
· The Quality Assurance and Practice Improvement Framework was a system used within Adult Services to assess the practice of social workers and ensure continuous improvement. There was a risk that, without continuous improvement and implementing Internal Audit's recommendations, the service could fall behind best practice.
· The audit of Discharge to Assess and Provider Payments was a big and complex piece of work, linked to capacity and a backlog of social care assessments. It was a priority for the council to resolve in order to limit the potential impact on care providers. Members' suggestion for improved transport capacity would be shared with the service as part of a holistic solution.
· The high-risk outstanding action from 2021/22 related to the frequency of DBS checks for employees. The changes recommended by Internal Audit would require a policy change and would have an impact on employees and financially. People Services were working to resolve the outstanding matters by the end of the financial year. The committee's feedback and hope for a resolution by its next meeting, in January, would be taken into account.
Resolved: That
i) The Internal Audit Progress Report be noted; and
ii) The Internal Audit Service be thanked for their continued work and support.
Divisions Affected: (All Divisions);
Contact: Andrew Dalecki Email: Tel: 01772 533469.
Report author: Andrew Dalecki
Date of decision: 14/10/2024
Decided at meeting: 14/10/2024 - Audit, Risk and Governance Committee
Accompanying Documents: