Decision details

Annual Reports on Complaints and Feedback 2023 to 2024

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


Lancashire County Council has a legal obligation to publish a complaints and customer feedback report on social care statutory complaints on an annual basis. There are two statutory procedures, both different: one for children and young people's social care complaints and one for adult social care complaints.


A benchmarking comparison of data from the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman is set out at Appendix 'A'.


The statutory children's social care annual report on complaints and feedback is set out at Appendix 'B'.


The statutory adult social care annual report on complaints and feedback is set out at Appendix 'C'.


The non-statutory report on complaints made through the Corporate Complaints Procedure, is set out at Appendix 'D'.


The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.

Corporate Priorities : Caring for the vulnerable;

Divisions Affected: (All Divisions);

Contact: Angela Esslinger Email: Tel: 01772 533950.

Date of decision: 14/11/2024

Effective from: 20/11/2024