Decision details

Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO) Annual Report

Decision Maker: Corporate Parenting Board

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


Danielle Winkley, Quality Assurance, Inspection and Safeguarding, Lancashire County Council gave a brief overview of the Independent Reviewing Officers (IRO) Children Looked After and Safeguarding Annual Reports 2023/24.


The Board received a presentation on the Independent Review Officers (IRO) Children Looked After and Safeguarding Annual Reports 2023/24 which detailed further information on:


·  Key conclusions

·  Good practice examples

·  Priorities


The final Children Looked After and Safeguarding Annual Reports 2023/24 are appended to the minutes.


Resolved:  That the Board noted both the Independent Reviewing Officers Children Looked After and Safeguarding Annual Reports 2023/24.


Date of decision: 20/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 20/11/2024 - Corporate Parenting Board

Accompanying Documents: