Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Gina Power and Moya McKinney, Permanence Service and Caroline Waldron, Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board delivered a presentation which contained data for Children in Care and Care Leavers.
Relevant information was received around:
Children's Social Care – Context Data (October 2024)
· There had been an increase in contact for support to Children's Services (Early Help and Children's Social Care).
· From those contacts there had been an increase to Children's Social Care, however this was lower than the England and Northwest rate.
· Children subject to a Child in Need Plan had remained the same and this was lower than England and the Northwest rate.
· There had been an increase in children that were subject to a Child Protection Plan, and this was lower than England and the Northwest rate.
Children in Our Care (October 2024)
· On average there are about twice as many alternative orders (Special Guardianship Order), Child Arrangement Order, Supervision Order granted than are ordered.
· Children in care had reduced from over 2000 in 2020 to 1707 in October 2024 and this was lower than England and the Northwest rate.
Health and Wellbeing for Children in Our Care
· Children with up-to-date Health Assessments has increased and are in line with England and the Northwest rate.
· Children with up-to-date Dental Check has increased and is higher than England and the Northwest rate.
· Children with up-to-date Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) has remained the same.
· Children with a Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in the normal range had decreased.
· Children with a Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in the borderline range had decreased.
· Children with a Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in the elevated range had increased.
Where our Children Live
· Children living in foster homes has remained the same.
· Children living in residential homes has increased.
· Most children supported by Children in Our Care who moved into a residential home moved from a foster home.
· Children living with their parents remained the same.
· 162 children have been discharged from care to parents and families by Children in Our Care Teams over the last two years and all had a plan, long term to be looked after by Lancashire County Council. This is due to the work that the service is doing.
Lasting Homes
· Children who have lived in the same home for at least two years has decreased slightly however, it is higher than the England and the Northwest rate.
· Out of those that have not yet lived in the same home for at least two years, 43% have lived in their home for 12-24 months.
· Children in a Lasting Home (fostering, kinship or with parents only) has increased.
Care Leavers – General Data
· Number of care leavers aged 18-20 years old has increased.
· Number of care leavers aged 21-25 years old as decreased.
· Number of care leavers aged 18-25 years old has remained the same.
· Number of eligible care leavers aged 16/17 years old has increased.
Care Leavers – Future Demand
· Predicted number of 17 years olds by 2026 is showing a possible increase.
Care Leavers – Suitable Accommodation
· 17-18 year olds in suitable accommodation has increased and is in line with England, however, below the Northwest rate.
· 19-20 year olds in suitable accommodation has increased and is higher than the England and Northwest rate.
· 21+ year olds in suitable accommodation has decreased.
· The Board received a breakdown of the unsuitable accommodation data for all age groups.
Care Leavers – Education, Employment and Training
· 17 & 18 year olds in Education, Employment and Training has increased, however are below the England and Northwest rate.
· 19 & 20 year olds in Education, Employment and Training remain the same and are below the England and Northwest rate.
· 21+ year olds in Education, Employment and Training remains the same.
Resolved: That the Board received the data pertinent to children in care and care leavers.
Date of decision: 20/11/2024
Decided at meeting: 20/11/2024 - Corporate Parenting Board