Decision details

Lifelong Links

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


Danielle Winkley and Jake, Quality Assurance, Inspection and Safeguarding, Lancashire County Council presented an update on the project which is around reconnecting children in care and care leavers with significant people in their life.  Lancashire County Council is an Accredited Lifelong Links service and has met the requirements of the accreditation framework run by Family Rights Group.


The Board received a presentation which detailed further information on the service and what it has been doing:


·  Aims and Objectives

·  Lancashire's Lifelong Links Journey

Ø  Where we started

Ø  What we have learnt

Ø  Where we are now

·  Who did children want to connect with?

Ø  Professional network

Ø  Isolation

Ø  Maternal and Paternal

Ø  Specific Maternal

Ø  Specific Paternal

Ø  Paternal Family

Ø  Not Specified

Ø  All the above

·  Overview

·  Outcomes from Closed Cases

·  Stories from our Children and Young People

·  Mollies Story

·  What happens now…


Lifelong Links is available to all children and young people with plans of permanence in Lancashire and are referred via their Social Worker who has discussed this with the children and young people's Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO). Care Leavers can also access the service up to the age of 25 years of age and can self-refer or be referred by their Personal Advisor (PA).  Further information can be found on the Local Offer and the Family Rights Group website  Further work continues to highlight what the service is doing and how young people and care leavers can access it.


Resolved:  That the Board welcomed the work the service is doing and wished it continued success.


Date of decision: 20/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 20/11/2024 - Corporate Parenting Board