Decision details

Local Councillor Decision - LPM Dance

Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Fleetwood East

Status: Decision has been rejected

Is Key decision?: No


This report presents an application from a local organisation requesting £1,970 towards the cost of specialist dance/movement classes for people with disabilities and a Christmas sharing event from the Local Member Grants Scheme.


County Councillor Lorraine Beavers considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to LPM Dance towards the cost of specialist dance/movement classes for people with disabilities and a Christmas sharing event.

The reason for the rejection is the project end date passed before we received a decision from County Councillor Beavers and we cannot award a grant retrospectively.


Divisions Affected: Cleveleys South & Carleton; Fleetwood East; Fleetwood West & Cleveleys West;

Contact: Local Member Grants Email:

Date of decision: 19/12/2024

Accompanying Documents: