Decision details

S278 Lytham Road Warton - Additional Funds

Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


As part of S278 works the highway alignment at the junction of A584 Lytham Road and Church Road Warton was modified. Due to unforeseen circumstances additional works were required and as a result of this additional money is required from the developer to complete payments to the contractor.


Ridwan Musa, Head of Highway Operations and Design, on behalf of Matt Townsend the Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to bring an additional amount of £173,179 into the Capital Programme to cover the additional costs incurred by the contractor on the S278 works on Lytham Road Warton. This will allow the county council to complete payments to the contractor. 

Divisions Affected: Fylde South;

Contact: Ridwan Musa Email:

Date of decision: 07/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: