Decision details

Lancashire County Council (Bridge Street, Church Street, High Street And Market Place, Garstang, Wyre Borough) (Revocation, Prohibition And Garstang, Wyre Borough) (Revocation, Prohibition And Restriction Of Waiting And Limited Waiting Parking Place)

Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No



The purpose of these proposals are to rectify anomalies within the Traffic Regulation Order that have been identified in the area to allow for effective enforcement.

The proposals are necessary to ensure that the legal order accurately matches the current restrictions and do not seek to alter the existing restrictions as marked and signed on site.



Formal consultation was carried out from 13 December 2023 until 10 January 2024 which included advertising in the local press and notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the consultation documents posted on the council's website.


During the formal consultation a responses were received from the Bus Operators and Garstang Town Council requesting that the proposal for ‘No waiting Monday to Saturday 8am – 6pm should be amended to ‘No waiting at Any time’.


Following concerns from the Bus Operators and the Town Council a modification to remove the No Waiting Monday to Saturday 8am – 6pm restriction and introduce a No Waiting at Any Time restriction to assist with the free flow of traffic.


The modification consultation was carried out from 20 November-2024 until 11 December-2024 and no further responses received. Subsequently the objections have been withdrawn.



Peter Bell, Highway Regulation Manager, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to approve the proposals to rectify anomalies within the Traffic Regulation Order.


Divisions Affected: Wyre Rural East;

Contact: Peter Bell Email: Tel: 01772 536818.

Date of decision: 15/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: