Decision details

Lancashire County Council (Blackburn Road, Blackburn New Road and Millennium Way, Chorley, Chorley Borough) (Revocation, 40mph and 50mph Speed Limits) Order 202*

Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


The purpose of this proposal is to introduce a 40mph speed limit that is required for the general road safety for all highway users to facilitate development works. The subsequent reduction in length of the 50mph speed limit would be required to reduce the speed of vehicles approaching and navigating the new junction as well as providing additional protection for all road users and pedestrians.
These proposals are being funded by the developer of the site through a Section 278 Agreement.

Formal consultation was carried out between 19 November-2024 and 17 December-2024 which included advertising in the local press and notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Following formal consultation No Objections were received.


Peter Bell, Highway Regulation Manager, took the decision to approve the proposal to introduce a 40mph speed limit.

Divisions Affected: Chorley North; Chorley Rural East;

Contact: Peter Bell Email: Tel: 01772 536818.

Date of decision: 16/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: