Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
The purpose of this proposal is to introduce
No Waiting at Any Time restrictions to prevent obstructive parking
behaviour, allowing for the safe access/egress of the development
and to maintain visibility along this road.
These proposals are being funded by Section 278 monies by the
developer and are linked to the new retail development.
Formal consultation was carried out between 22 November-2024 and 20
December-2024 which included advertising in the local press and
notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Following formal consultation No Objections were
Peter Bell, Highways Regulation Manager, took the decision to approve the proposed introduction of No Waiting at Any Time restrictions.
Divisions Affected: Rossendale East;
Contact: Peter Bell Email: Tel: 01772 536818.
Date of decision: 16/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: