Decision details

Lancashire County Council (North Promenade, Cleveleys, Wyre Borough) (Pedestrian Crossing)

Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


Public realm improvements are being made to Cleveleys, which is the most important section of the existing high street area. As part of the scheme, the footways are being widened and the carriageway on Princess Road is being narrowed to allow a public events space and market.

Introduction of Pedestrian Crossing
As a result of the above measures, it is proposed to remove an existing splitter island on North Promenade and replace it with a Zebra Crossing in a similar location.

Formal consultation was carried out between 4 December-2024 and 1 Januaery-2025 which included advertising in the local press and notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the consultation documents posted on the council's website.

Following formal consultation No Objections were received.


Peter Bell, Highway Regulation Manager, took a decision to approve the introduction of Pedestrian Crossing on North Promenade.

Divisions Affected: Fleetwood West & Cleveleys West;

Contact: Peter Bell Email: Tel: 01772 536818.

Date of decision: 16/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: