Decision details

Lancashire County Council (Clayton Brook and Clayton Green Area, Chorley and South Ribble Boroughs) (Removal and Introduction of Bus Stop Clearways) Legal Reference: LSG4/894.19966/AFR

Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


The purpose of the proposed Bus Stop Clearways are to facilitate the safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians, providing Equality Act (2010) compliant bus stops.
The introduction of Bus Stop Clearways will prevent parked vehicles from obstructing kerbside boarding / alighting and improve bus journey times and consistency.

The proposals also seek to relocate a Bus Stop Clearway from an existing layby on the south side of Westwood Road into the carriageway and reduce its length by 5 metres. Similarly, an existing Bus Stop Clearway on the north side of Westwood Road is proposed to be extended (by 8 metres) to allow the buses to pull in and out safely.

Formal consultation was carried out between 03 December 2024 and 03 January 2025 which included frontagers to the proposed location of the Bus Stop being notified and notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were consulted along with the council's usual consultees.

Following formal consultation 1 objection was received. This was then formally withdrawn once additional information and an explanation of the modification was provided by the engineer.


Peter Bell, Highway Regulation Manager, took a decision to approve the remove, introduction and relocation of bus stop clearways in Clayton Brook and Clayton Green Area, Chorley and South Ribble Boroughs.

Divisions Affected: South Ribble East;

Contact: Peter Bell Email: Tel: 01772 536818.

Date of decision: 16/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: