Decision Maker: Regulatory Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Proposed creation by agreement of a public
footpath over land at the Kingfisher Tavern, Kirkham.
A report was presented on the proposed creation by agreement of a public footpath over land at the Kingfisher Tavern, Kirkham. The length of footpath to be created was shown on the Committee plan attached to the agenda papers between points A-B.
It was reported that, as part of a new housing development to the west of the A585 Kirkham with Wesham Bypass, FP0501002 had been diverted with a different point of access to the A585, 65 metres further to the south and nearer to the roundabout junction with Wilson Drive and St Georges Park. A pelican crossing control had been installed adjacent to the access path to the pedestrian entrance to the south-east corner of the housing development on the western side of the A585, and on the eastern side of the A585 adjacent to The Kingfisher Tavern. The eastern section of FP0501002 would connect to the A585 highway at a point where there was no adjacent footway and crossing control point.
Lancashire County Council were keen to secure rights across land at The Kingfisher Tavern, to create a public footpath that connected to the A585, close to the new pedestrian crossing. It was therefore proposed to enter into a public path creation agreement under Section 25 Highways Act 1980 for a new public footpath.
Committee were reminded that Section 25 of the Highways Act 1980 required the county council to consult any other local authority in whose area the proposal was situated before entering into the agreement. Accordingly, the necessary consultation had been carried out with Fylde Borough Council. Consultation with the Lancashire County Council Ecologist had also taken place, with appropriate advice passed to the project team.
(i) That the dedication of a footpath over land at The Kingfisher Tavern as shown on the Committee plan between points A-B, on the main terms as set out in the Committee report, be accepted.
(ii) That the Director of Environment and Planning be authorised to finalise and enter into a Public Path Creation Agreement under Section 25 of the Highways Act 1980 between J W Lees & Co, as the owner of The Kingfisher Tavern, and Lancashire County Council, with completion at a time, and to include wording in accordance with the main terms as set out in the report to dedicate a length of footpath marked by a bold dashed line on the Committee plan and annotated A-B.
Divisions Affected: Fylde East;
Contact: David Goode Email: Tel: 01772 533723.
Report author: David Goode
Date of decision: 27/11/2024
Decided at meeting: 27/11/2024 - Regulatory Committee
Accompanying Documents: