Decision Maker: Development Control Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Construction of a 3m high wooden acoustic
fence along the eastern side of the access road. Hapton Valley
Transfer Station, Hapton Valley Estate, Accrington Road,
A report was presented on an application for the construction of a 3m high wooden acoustic fence along the eastern side of the access road at Hapton Valley Transfer Station, Hapton Valley Estate, Accrington Road, Burnley.
The report included the views of LCC Development Control Highways and 2 representations objecting to the application, the details of which were provided in the Committee report. No comments were received from Burnley Council or Hapton Parish Council.
The Head of Development Control presented a revised Powerpoint presentation (copy attached) showing a site location plan and aerial view of the site and photographs of the access road and existing fence line.
Committee had undertaken a site visit to the Hapton Valley Estate in November 2023.
An extra condition to be attached to the planning permission was suggested by the officer that required the fencing to be retained and maintained during the period of the waste management operations on the site, to ensure there was no deterioration of the fence, over the period of the lifetime of the site.
The officer answered questions from Committee.
It was Proposed and Seconded that the wooden acoustic fence be up to 3 metres high, rather than stipulating it should be 3 metres high. After a discussion, the Amendment was Withdrawn.
It was therefore:
Resolved: That planning permission be granted subject to:
(i) conditions controlling commencement, working programme, and construction working hours, as set out in the Committee report.
(ii) The following additional condition:
4. The fencing shall be retained and maintained throughout the duration of waste management operations on the Hapton Valley site.
Reason : In the interests of local amenity and to conform with Policy NE5 of the Burnley Local Plan.
Divisions Affected: Padiham and Burnley West;
Contact: Jonathan Haine Email: Tel: 01772 531948.
Report author: Jonathan Haine
Date of decision: 04/09/2024
Decided at meeting: 04/09/2024 - Development Control Committee
Accompanying Documents: