Decision details

Overview of Audit Findings

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


Laura Gardner, Quality Assurance, Inspection and Safeguarding, Lancashire County Council presented to the Board the Audit Activity, Quarter 3 (October 2024 – December 2024).


The Board noted the findings/outcomes from the report, which were highlighted, and further details presented as follows on:


·  Children in Our Care – Learning Spaces Quarter 3 2024

Ø  Learning spaces completed

Ø  Combined overall grades

Ø  Combined overall impact and outcomes

Ø  Combined overall grades and overall impact

·  Key Strengths for Children in Our Care

Ø  Assessment Quality

Ø  Plan Quality

Ø  Multi-Agency Working

Ø  Child's Voice and Understanding

·  Key Learning/Further Development for Children in Our Care

Ø  Assessments

Ø  Inclusion of Parents

Ø  Supervision and Management Oversight

Ø  Child's Voice and Direct Work

·  Leaving Care Learning Spaces Quarter 3 2024

Ø  Learning Spaces Completed

Ø  Combined Overall Grades

Ø  Combined Overall Impact and Outcomes

Ø  Combined Overall Grades and Overall Impact

·  Key Strengths for Leaving Care

Ø  Assessment Quality

Ø  Plan Quality

Ø  Outcomes

Ø  Supervision and Management Oversight

·  Key Learning/Further Development for Leaving Care

Ø  Assessments

Ø  Plans

Ø  Decision Making and Management Oversight

Ø  Outcomes


Following the presentation, the Board noted that Children's Services review recordings in terms of supervision every month and all team managers and the Head of Service has access to this.  The audit reviews provide a wider understanding about footprint in terms of management oversight and decision making when it comes to supervision and also wider decisions that might need to be made for children.  With regards to the audits, Social Workers have commented that they feel very supported by their managers.


In terms of celebrating success and boosting moral, this is something that the Service does around sharing outstanding work with Heads of Service, which then results in direct communication with that member of staff.  The Principal Social Worker also celebrates success following positive feedback from the workforce as well as the Corporate shout out page for all staff and local shout outs too.


As part of the learning spaces audit, part of the audit does seek feedback from the young person as well as families and carers and is sought for every audit, is shared, and developed internally.


Resolved:  That the Board discussed and commented on the audit findings.


Date of decision: 22/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 22/01/2025 - Corporate Parenting Board