Decision Maker: Lancashire Local Pension Board
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
A summary of the training received by Board
members since the last meeting
Mr Neville, Senior Democratic Services Officer, presented a report on two pension related training events which had taken place since the last meeting together with an update on the online training modules completed by Board members.
Board members commented on their experience of the online training and the Chair confirmed that this would be an element of her discussions with individual Board members as part of the annual review of the operation of the Pension Board. Mr Ellard also gave feedback on his experience at the PLSA Conference and referenced sessions on the Pensions Dashboard, encouraging young people to think about their pensions, and the new government's plans for the future.
Resolved: That the participation of individual Board members in the training events referred to in the report (together with feedback given at the meeting) is noted and reflected in the Training Record for the Pension Board.
Divisions Affected: None;
Contact: Mike Neville Email: Tel: (01772) 533431.
Report author: Mike Neville
Date of decision: 28/01/2025
Decided at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Lancashire Local Pension Board
Accompanying Documents: