Decision details

Responsible Investments Report

Decision Maker: Pension Fund Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No


A report for the committee to note and comment on LCPF progress on responsible investment


The Committee considered a report on responsible investment activity which included a dashboard style update covering Q2 (July to September 2024). The Chair of the RI Task and Finish Group also gave an update on the review the Responsible Investment Policy which was due to be completed in the new year with an updated Policy being presented to the meeting in March 2025.




1.  That the update on Responsible investment activity undertaken by the Fund and Local Pensions Partnership Investments Ltd, as set out in the report and dashboard (Appendix A) is noted.


2.  That the update on the work to date by the Task and Finish Group given at the meeting is noted and that a report on the draft revised LCPF Responsible Investment Policy be presented to the next meeting.


Divisions Affected: N/A;

Contact: James Almond Email: Tel: 01772 539699.

Report author: James Almond

Date of decision: 06/12/2024

Decided at meeting: 06/12/2024 - Pension Fund Committee

Accompanying Documents: