Decision details

Developer Contribution for Education - S106 Land at Whalley Road, Wilpshire

Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No


To provide authority to enter into a Section 106 agreement to secure a primary education contribution of £439,758, adjusted by BCIS indexation, in connection with the housing development at Land at Whalley Road, Wilpshire. The S106 will be presented to the Planning Inspector at Public Inquiry (Planning Appeal Ref. APP/T2350/W/24/3352614)


Sarah Robinson, Head of Service Property on behalf of Noel O'Neill, Director of Finance and Commerce, took a decision to enter into a Section 106 agreement to secure a primary education contribution of £439,758, adjusted by BCIS indexation, in connection with the housing development at Land at Whalley Road, Wilpshire. The S106 will be presented to the Planning Inspector at Public Inquiry (Planning Appeal Ref. APP/T2350/W/24/3352614).

Divisions Affected: Ribble Valley South West;

Contact: Sarah Robinson Email:

Date of decision: 27/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: