Issue - meetings

The County Council's Financial Position - 2023/24 Outturn

Meeting: 11/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 The County Council's Financial Position - 2023/24 Outturn pdf icon PDF 158 KB


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Cabinet considered a report that provided an update on the county council's final outturn position across revenue and capital budgets.


It was noted that the 2023/24 outturn position was an overspend of £5.220m, which represented 0.5% of the revenue net budget. This compared to the last report to Cabinet at Quarter 3 which forecasted an overspend of £5.8m. There had been fluctuations to forecasts since Quarter 3, and overall, the position had improved in the final quarter of the financial year. 


It was also noted that the 2023/24 budget contained savings to be delivered totalling c£80m and that the county council had a proven track record of delivering savings, and this financial year had further emphasised this, with 91.5% of savings being delivered.


Resolved: That


  1. The council's final revenue and capital outturn position for 2023/24, be noted;
  2. The transfer from the transitional reserve for the 2023/24 overspend of £5.220m, be approved;
  3. The revised list of savings (incorporating mitigations for those savings delayed) for 2024/25 and beyond, be approved;
  4. The schools budget outturn position for 2023/24, be noted; and
  5. The overview of the council's Chief Finance Officer as set out in Appendix 'D', be noted.
