Issue - meetings

Procurement Report

Meeting: 11/07/2024 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Procurement Report pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Please note that Appendix 'B' to this report is in Part II and appears as Item No. 31 on the Agenda.


Additional documents:


Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to commence the following procurement exercises in accordance with the county council's procurement rules:


  1. Highways Asset Management System (HAMS)
  2. Legionella Risk Assessment
  3. East Lancashire's Levelling Up Fund
  4. Rawtenstall Gyratory Project
  5. Integrated Sexual Health Services All Age Services


It was noted that Appendix 'B' of the report was in Part II and appeared at Item No. 31 on the agenda.


Resolved: That the commencement of procurement exercises for the following be approved:


  1. Highways Asset Management System (HAMS)
  2. Legionella Risk Assessment
  3. East Lancashire's Levelling Up Fund
  4. Rawtenstall Gyratory Project
  5. Integrated Sexual Health Services All Age Services
