10 Samlesbury Enterprise Zone Update and Innovation Hub Proposal PDF 146 KB
Please note that Appendix 'A' to this report is in Part II and appears as Item No. 18 on the Agenda.
Cabinet considered a report setting out a proposal to develop an Innovation Hub facility at the internationally significant Samlesbury Enterprise Zone following an allocation of £6m Devolution Capital Funding as part of the broader £20m Lancashire Combined County Authority allocation by government for a series of projects across Lancashire, Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen.
The report also provided an update on a range of key workstreams facilitating the delivery of the Enterprise Zone including, progress made on the broader site preparation programme, the commercial master planning of Zone A to complement the proposed Innovation Hub, the securing of an updated Local Development Order and of the future marketing strategy.
It was noted that Appendix 'A' to the report was in Part II and appeared at Item No. 18 on the Agenda.
Resolved: That
i. The allocation of the £6m devolution funding towards the proposed Samlesbury Enterprise Zone Innovation Hub facility, be approved.
ii. An initial allocation of £0.6m from Devolution Capital Funding to procure and commission the professional team to undertake a detailed design and costing exercise, advise upon the delivery programme and support the county council in assessing risk and a potential mitigation strategy, be approved.
iii. The Director of Growth and Regeneration be authorised, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance, the Director of Finance, and the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Growth, to agree and enter into any legal documentation/contracts associated with the appointment of the professional team and required activities.
iv. The project principles as expressed in this report and the provisional allocation of a £7.2m county council contribution towards the current estimated total Innovation Hub capital cost of £13.2m be approved, subject to Full Council approving the proposed capital programme for 2025/26 onwards; and
v. The additional steps and actions as set out at Appendix 'A' of the report, be approved.