Issue - meetings

Lancashire County Council Plan 2025-30: Building a Better Lancashire

Meeting: 05/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Lancashire County Council Plan 2025-30: Building a Better Lancashire pdf icon PDF 177 KB


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Cabinet considered a report on the Lancashire County Council Plan 2025-2030: Building a better Lancashire. It was noted that the Plan set out the Council's vision, ambitions, and priorities for the next five years and would guide future decision making and form the basis of specific service delivery plans and a new performance management framework. The Plan had been shaped by engagement with a range of stakeholders and would align with wider strategies.


Resolved: That


i.  Full Council be asked to consider and approve the Lancashire County Council Plan 2025-30: Building a Better Lancashire at its meeting on 12 December 2024;

ii.  Full Council be asked to authorise the Director of Strategy and Innovation, in consultation with the Leader of the County Council, to make any necessary minor amendments to the Plan during its lifetime; and

iii.  Subject to Full Council approval, Cabinet would continue to support successful delivery of the new vision and ambitions, ensuring that future decisions, policies, plans and performance management arrangements were aligned to the Council Plan.
