Issue - meetings

A582/B5253 South Ribble Western Distributor and Realignment of Footpath Network - Preparation of Full Business Case and Approval for Use of Powers and Preparation of Various Orders and Schemes including Compulsory Purchase Order at the Croston Road J

Meeting: 16/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 A582/B5253 South Ribble Western Distributor and Realignment of Footpath Network - Preparation of Full Business Case and Approval for Use of Powers and Preparation of Various Orders and Schemes including Compulsory Purchase Order at the Croston Road Junction pdf icon PDF 155 KB


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Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to prepare a full business case for the A582 Major Road Network Focused Scheme, as well as requesting use of the county council's powers of Compulsory Purchase and to authorise both the preparation of Compulsory Purchase and Side Road Orders and a Statement of Reasons for the junction configuration at and near the Croston Road Junction in the Moss Side and Farington Division, and to acquisition by agreement to facilitate that part of the scheme.


The report also sought approval to use up to £6m of previously approved local match funding to facilitate the ongoing development activity, including the matters in the report, and land acquisition.


Resolved: That


  i.  The preparation of a Full Business Case for the A582 Major Road Network Focused Scheme be approved;

  ii.  The use of the county council's powers of Compulsory Purchase contained in the Highways Act 1980, and all other enabling legislation, to acquire all the necessary land and rights of access for the construction/improvement and future maintenance and drainage of the proposed Croston Road Junction forming part of the A582 Focused scheme and the realigned rights of way network associated with this together with landscaping and ecological mitigation, as set out at Appendix 'A' of the report, be approved;

  iii.  The preparation of Compulsory Purchase and Side Road Orders and a Statement of Reasons for the junction configuration as part of the Focused scheme at and near Croston Road Junction and other appropriate Notices, Orders and Schemes under the Highways Act 1980 and the taking of all other procedural steps in connection with the Orders and Schemes be authorised, prior to approval and sealing and making of the formal Orders and Schemes in 2025.

  iv.  The acquisition by agreement in advance of Compulsory Purchase powers of all rights, interests, enabling arrangements to facilitate the A582 Major Road Network Focused Scheme, be approved; and

  v.  The use of up to £6m of the local match funding to be used earlier than previously approved to facilitate ongoing development activity and land acquisition, be approved.
