Issue - meetings

Procurement Report

Meeting: 16/01/2025 - Cabinet (Item 5)

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Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to commence the following procurement exercises in accordance with the county council's procurement rules:


  1. Adult Community Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Services
  2. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Service & Maintenance
  3. Horticultural and Landscape Goods and Services
  4. Residential Digital Front Door Platform
  5. Openreach Agreements


Additional information, setting out the Equality and Diversity implications of each procurement exercise, had been circulated in advance of the meeting and is appended to these minutes.


It was noted that at the conclusion of the procurement processes, any award of contracts would be made under Section 9.52 (36) of the county council's Scheme of Delegation to Officers.


Resolved: That the commencement of procurement exercises for the following be approved:


  1. Adult Community Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Services
  2. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Service & Maintenance
  3. Horticultural and Landscape Goods and Services
  4. Residential Digital Front Door Platform
  5. Openreach Agreements
