Members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings to watch them in person at any of the venues across the County. Publicly accessible meetings held in County Hall will be webcast, which means they are available to be watched live or recorded on our website. Please see our webcasting notice here. The Committee may, in certain circumstances, resolve to hold part of the meeting in private. If this is the case, you will be required to leave the meeting.
Venue: Teams Virtual Meeting - Teams. View directions
Contact: Hannah Lysons Tel: 01772 537419 Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies for Absence Minutes: The Chair welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies has been recieved from Jacqui Old CBE, Stephen Sykes, and Heloise MacAndrew. |
Declaration of Interests Minutes: None |
Minutes of the meeting held on 07 March 2024 PDF 120 KB Minutes: Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 07 March 2024 were approved as an accurate record.
Matters Arising Minutes: None |
Lancashire Combined County Authority and Devolution update and evolving Lancashire Economic Plan Verbal update from Simon Lawrence, Director of Growth and Regeneration, Lancashire County Council. Minutes: Simon Lawrence, Director of Growth and Regeneration, Lancashire County Council provided a verbal update to the Board on the arrangement for Devolution and the establishment of the Combined County Authority.
It was reported to the Board that conversations were ongoing to establish a Devolution deal and conversations around the governance structure of the Combined County Authority were still being had. It was reinforced to the Board that the work being done by the Board was valued and that any governance structures would include a direct link for skills input.
The Board will note that since the meeting, the Devolution Deal for Lancashire has now been agreed by central government and will be moving forward toward the establishment of a Combined County Authority.
Following this verbal update Andy Walker, Head of Service – Business Growth, Lancashire County Council gave a presentation to the Board on the progress being made to refresh the Local Economic Growth Plan for Lancashire It was reported that the importance of this Plan demonstrating a unique Lancashire fingerprint was crucial as was the ability to implement such a plan locally.
Questions and comments were as follows:
It was noted the disappointment that Lancashire Colleges had not been included in the formation of a Lancashire Business Board which would feed into the Combined County Authority. It was stated that Colleges have a key relationship to policies regarding Skills, Transport and Economic Growth and it was requested that further consideration be given to the inclusion of Lancashire Colleges in these discussions.
The Board reinforced the need for governance structures to be outcome driven and for engagement to be had at key milestones to ensure that the right input is had at the right times. This was noted and echoed by Officers.
Resolved: The Lancashire Skills and Employment Board noted the updates provided.
Emerging Skills and Employment Policy Minutes: Dr Michele Lawty-Jones, Director, Lancashire Skills Hub, presented a report which summarised the evolving policy in relation to skills and employment from the manifesto and subsequent announcements of the new Labour government as well as early observations regarding implications for skills and employment in Lancashire.
It was noted that the intention was for this document to be evolving and kept up to date with the most recent information to aid members.
The Board were supportive of the report and the information provided.
Comments and questions were as follows:
It was queried whether there was any further information relating to the recruitment to the Cyber Force in Lancashire. It was noted that information is limited due to confidentiality levels at GCHQ but it was known that the facility would open around Easter 2025 and an initial recruitment campaign was planned for January 2025.
Resolved: The Lancashire Skills and Employment Board noted the update provided. |
Multiply Evaluation Presentation from Paul Blott, Eunoia Associates.
Minutes: Nicola Lee, Project Manager – Multiply, Lancashire County Council introduced Paul Blott of Eunoia Associates to give a presentation (circulated) to the Board on the interim evaluation of Multiply across Lancashire.
The presentation provided a positive view of the delivery of the programme with it noted that the delivery had been successful and well managed with positive outcomes evidenced clearly as a result of surveys with participants and providers. It was recommended that the delivery of the programme is continued and expanded, noting that this was subject to future funding.
The Board were supportive of the evaluation and agreed that there was a need to continue with the momentum which had been gained so far and expand the programme. It was also recommended that further feedback is given to ministers to showcase the benefits of the programme with a view to increasing funding in the future.
Action Point: A letter to be drafted and sent to the Secretary of State for Education highlighting the successes and benefits of the Multiply programme across Lancashire, as well as request an extension to the funds as part of the wider UKSPF.
Resolved: The Lancashire Skills and Employment Board noted the presentation as delivered. |
National Skills Fund: Skills Bootcamps for 2025/26 Minutes: Joanna O'Donnell, Project Manager – Skills Bootcamps, Lancashire County Council presented a report (circulated) which outlined the proposal for Skills Bootcamp delivery in Lancashire in 2025/26.
Resolved: The Lancashire Skills and Employment Board:
(i) Considered the opportunity available to secure grant funds for further Skills Bootcamp delivery in Lancashire in 2025/26.
(ii) Recommended to Lancashire County Council (LCC) and the Devolution Development Board (DDB) the acceptance of any successful application for grant funds, and recommended that the Executive Director of Growth, Environment, Transport and Health and Section 151 Officer (both LCC) review and agree the grant funding offer and terms and conditions, give due consideration to any procurement considerations and agree and enter into any legal agreements required to protect the interests of LCC in accordance with the decision making processes of LCC.
(iii) Recommended that LCC consider and extend the contracts for the Project Manager and four Project Officers, in accordance with their decision making processes delegated to the Executive Director of Growth, Environment, Transport and Health and Section 151 Officer subject to advice from HR. |
Update from the Lancashire Skills & Employment Hub and partners Minutes: Dr Michele Lawty-Jones presented a report (circulated) providing the Board with an update from the Lancashire Skills Hub and partners. The following key points were highlighted:
· Careers Hub progression 6.8/8 Gatsby benchmarks against DfE target of 5.5. 45% of Institutions achieving 8 Gatsby benchmarks against a target of 20%. · The Digital Hub workplace encounter pilot saw 2 schools take Year 9 students into Digital Hub co-working spaces to meet micro and SME businesses to learn about the type of companies and jobs in these spaces and develop skills during challenges set by the employers they met. 178 students took part in these encounters. · 132 teachers and tutors across Lancashire had the opportunity to undertake Teacher Encounters this academic year. 81 teachers and tutors had half day experiences at a range of Lancashire businesses, with 51 engaging in a ‘Grand Day Out’ to GCHQ in Greater Manchester · The Early Connect pilot with the Department for Education has been extended until October 2025. · Funds have been approved by MOD UK Strategic Command for the FE Bursary Programme. The programme is being piloted initially in 4 colleges (Blackburn, Blackpool and The Fylde, Cardinal Newman and Runshaw) and an induction event was held in July to welcome the 100 students to the programme. · Through Skills Bootcamps 326 Lancashire residents have achieved a positive outcome, so far as a result of wave 4 (2023-24) delivery. Collaborative work with partners focused on economic inactive residents, (ex) offenders and residents with SEND. · Pause on ‘Universal Support’ but there is appetite to take forward a similar supported employment programme. · A further 100 Young Apprenticeships Grants have been requested, building on success to-date of the current scheme. · Lancashire & South Cumbria was awarded one of 15 national vanguards for the Work Well Partnership Programme, led by the ICB and partners including the Skills Hub. · Lancashire Skills Pledge has continued to grow across all metrics, with the number of businesses registered increasing to 425. The 425 businesses registered their interest in 1,523 pledges. The number of active skills pledges has increased from 547 to 555 pledges, and there are now 257 Skills Pledge Members.
Resolved: The Lancashire Skills and Employment Board noted the updates provided. |
Any Other Business Minutes: None |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Lancashire Skills and Employment Board is scheduled to be held on 5th December 2024 at 8am via Microsoft Teams. Minutes: Resolved: That the next meeting of the Lancashire Skills and Employment Board is scheduled to be held on 5th December 2024 at 8am via Microsoft Teams. |