Members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings to watch them in person at any of the venues across the County. Publicly accessible meetings held in County Hall will be webcast, which means they are available to be watched live or recorded on our website. Please see our webcasting notice here. The Committee may, in certain circumstances, resolve to hold part of the meeting in private. If this is the case, you will be required to leave the meeting.
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Preston
Contact: Dave Gorman Tel: (01772) 534261, Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies and Announcements Minutes: Apologies for absence were presented on behalf of County Councillors Jenny Purcell and Matthew Tomlinson. |
Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Minutes: The Full Council was notified that Members had been invited to make declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in matters on the agenda in accordance with the County Council's Code of Conduct for Members. The following interests were declared:
Report of the Cabinet (Part A) - Lancashire County Council's Corporate Strategy PDF 85 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: County Councillor Geoff Driver, Leader of the County Council, moved a report setting out the recommendations of the Cabinet in respect of the County Council's Corporate Strategy.
Resolved: - That:
(i) The adoption of the county council's corporate strategy entitled 'Our Vision for Lancashire' as set out in the report, now presented, be approved; (ii) The set of accompanying high level key performance metrics as set out in the report, now presented, be approved and that the intention to engage scrutiny in their ongoing development be noted.
Additional documents:
Minutes: County Councillor Geoff Driver, Leader of the County Council, moved the report of the Cabinet from its meeting on 7 February 2019 regarding the:
- Revenue Budget 2019/20 and Financial Strategy 2019/20 to 2022/23; - Capital Delivery Programme 2019/20; - Council Tax and Precept 2019/20;
together with the report of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee from its meeting on 28 January 2019, regarding the Treasury Management Strategy and Non-Treasury Investment Strategy 2019/20.
The motion was seconded by County Councillor Albert Atkinson, Deputy Leader of the County Council.
Following a brief adjournment, County Councillor Tony Martin, on behalf of the Labour Group, then made his Budget speech and moved an Amendment to the Budget revenue proposals on behalf of the Labour Group, which was seconded by County Councillor Azhar Ali.
A copy of the Amendment was circulated to all Members and is set out at Annex 1 to these minutes.
Following a period of debate, a recorded vote on the Amendment was taken. The names of those Members who voted for or against the Amendment, and those who abstained, are set out below:
For (32)
Against (44)
Abstain (4)
The Labour Group's amendment was therefore LOST.
County Councillor David Whipp, on behalf of the Liberal Democrat Group, then made his Budget speech and moved an amendment to the Budget proposals on behalf of the Liberal Democrat Group, which was seconded by County Councillor David Howarth.
A copy of the Amendment was circulated to all Members and is set out at Annex 2 to these minutes.
Following a period of debate, a recorded vote on the Amendment was taken. The names of Members who voted for or against the Amendment, and those who abstained, are set out below:
For (4)
Against (45)
Annexes Minutes: Annex 1 - Labour Group Amendment
Proposed additions to the revenue budget
The amendments to be funded from the transitional reserve.
View of the Chief Executive and Director of Resources (S151)
The proposals have been validated as being deliverable financially in 2019/20. In validating the proposals, I have been mindful that:
Over the term of the financial strategy, the proposals would further increase the structural funding gap by £10.568m to £57.984m in 2022/23.
The transitional reserve would be depleted more quickly, and would be exhausted during 2022/23.
Annex 2 - Liberal Democrat Group Amendment
(1) Proposed Additions to the Revenue Budget Additional Cost of Proposals 19/20
Reinstate funding for Household Waste Recycling Centres (SC001): 0.367
Reinstate funding for SEND Breaktime service (SC119): 0.683
Reinstate funding for Lancashire Wellbeing Service (SC610): 0.503
Reinstate funding for Welfare Rights Service (SC608) .000
nil effect 19/20
of investment across 2019/20 and 2020/21 from not implementing the proposal. flexible policy on times of dimming in locations where there are community safety concerns: 0.500
Fund additional reactive maintenance to highway drainage, with delegation to districts where there is local capacity to carry out work (including drainage schemes in capital programme): 0.318
Fund set up costs of a Local Lancashire Lottery with the aim to generate funds to replace the funding lost to charitable and other organisations being cut through axing of LCC funding streams: 0.007
Fund six person team (part year) to market county council facilities and services to generate income (see savings): 0.200
Cost of Proposed Amendments:
Financing the Proposed Additions to the Budget Revenue Savings
Reduction in costs of agency staff: 1.000
Additional net income from profitable use of county council’s Physical assets (e.g. weddings at Wycoller), traded services and greater income generation from Outdoor ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |