Members of the public are welcome to attend our meetings to watch them in person at any of the venues across the County. Publicly accessible meetings held in County Hall will be webcast, which means they are available to be watched live or recorded on our website. Please see our webcasting notice here. The Committee may, in certain circumstances, resolve to hold part of the meeting in private. If this is the case, you will be required to leave the meeting.
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Preston
Contact: Dave Gorman Tel: (01772) 534261, Email:
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item | ||||||||
Apologies and Announcements Minutes: Apologies for absence were presented on behalf of County Councillors Anne Cheetham; Paul Greenall; Jenny Molineux; Andrew Snowden and Jeff Sumner.
Suspension of Standing Order B45(3)
The Chairman informed Full Council that he had agreed to suspend Standing Order B45(3) for County Councillor Jenny Purcell only to allow her votes to be counted whilst she was not in her designated seat.
The Queen's Birthday Honours List 2019
The Chairman congratulated two members of the Council who had recently been honoured in the Queen's Birthday Honours 2019:
County Councillor Miles Parkinson as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), and County Councillor Munsif Dad as a Medallist of the Order of the British Empire (BEM), both for political service.
The Chairman also congratulated Mrs Janis Burdin of Longton, Headteacher of Moss Side Community Primary School, Leyland, who had been honoured as a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE), for services to education.
Library Service Award
The library service had recently been named winner of the Lancashire Adult Learning's Partnership Star Award for the ongoing Library Ambitions programme of community learning in libraries.
Janet Hilton, Library Officer; Deborah Rowe, Libraries Team Leader; Diane Scarborough, Operational Libraries Manager; and Tracey Wyke, Business Support Officer, were present at Full Council and were congratulated on this achievement.
Preston Bus Station Awards
During May this year, the county council received three awards at the Royal Institute of British Architects North West Regional awards for conservation; refurbishment; and client of the year. More recently, the county council received the Institute's National Award for the redevelopment works.
Andrew Barrow, Programme Manager; John Brogden, Quantity Surveyor; and Sharon McGuiness, Project Manager, were present at Full Council and were congratulated on this achievement.
Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Minutes:
Questions submitted under Standing Order B28. Minutes: County Councillor Gina Dowding asked her question as follows:
County Councillor Michael Green, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Environment and Planning replied. |
Confirmation of the Minutes from the Meeting held on 23 May 2019 Minutes: Resolved: - That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2019 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
Additional documents: Minutes: County Councillor Phillippa Williamson moved a report setting out details of a finding of fault causing injustice after an investigation by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. The report set out the actions that had already been taken in response to the Ombudsman's recommendations.
Resolved: - That:
(i) The recommendations set out in the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman's report at Appendix 'A' to the report, now presented, be noted. (ii) The actions already taken be noted and the further steps proposed in response to the report's recommendations, as set out in the report, now presented, be noted. |
Additional documents: Minutes: County Councillor Phillippa Williamson moved a report setting out details of a finding of fault causing injustice after an investigation by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. The report set out the actions that had already been taken in response to the Ombudsman's recommendations.
Resolved: - That:
(i) The recommendations set out in the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman's report at Appendix 'A' to the report, now presented, be noted. (ii) The actions already taken be noted and the further steps proposed in response to the report's recommendations, as set out in the report, now presented, be noted.
Urgent Business An item of urgent business may only be considered under this heading where, by reason of special circumstances to be recorded in the Minutes, the Chairman is of the opinion that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Wherever possible, the Chief Executive should be given advance warning of any Member’s intention to raise a matter under this heading. Minutes: There was no urgent business to be considered. |
Report of the Cabinet (Part B) Minutes: County Councillor Geoff Driver moved the report of the Cabinet from its meetings on 16 May and 13 June 2019.
Resolved: - That the report of the Cabinet, now presented, be noted.
The Urgency Committee Minutes: County Councillor Geoff Driver moved the report of the Urgency Committee setting out details of decisions taken by the Monitoring Officer under the county council's urgent business procedure on behalf of the Urgency Committee.
Resolved: - That the report of the Urgency Committee, now presented, be noted. |
The Audit, Risk and Governance Committee Additional documents: Minutes: County Councillor Alan Schofield moved the report of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee from its meeting on 20 May 2019.
Resolved: - That the report of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee, now presented, be noted. |
The Employment Committee Additional documents: Minutes: County Councillor Geoff Driver moved the report of the Employment Committee from its meeting on 8 July 2019.
Resolved: - That the report of the Employment Committee, now presented, be noted. |
The Pension Fund Committee Additional documents: Minutes: County Councillor Eddie Pope moved the report of the Pension Fund Committee from its meeting on 21 June 2019.
Resolved: - That the report of the Pension Fund Committee, now presented, be noted. |
The Overview and Scrutiny Committees Additional documents:
Minutes: County Councillor David O'Toole moved the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees from their meetings as follows:
Children's Services Scrutiny Committee - 13 May 2019 Health Scrutiny Committee - 14 May and 26 June 2019 Internal Scrutiny Committee - 17 May 2019
Resolved: - That the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, now presented, be noted. |
Report of the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority Additional documents: Minutes: County Councillor Frank De Molfetta moved the report of the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority from its meeting on 17 June 2019.
Resolved: - That the report of the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority, now presented, be noted. |
To consider Notices of Motion Submitted under Standing Order B36 Minutes: The Chairman declared a pecuniary interest in the following Notice of Motion, adjourned from the meeting on 23 May 2019, and vacated the Chair. County Councillor Susie Charles, Vice-Chairman, assumed the Chair for consideration of the Notice of Motion.
Notice of Motion adjourned from the meeting on 23 May 2019
The Vice-Chairman referred to the adjustment to the original Notice of Motion which had been requested by County Councillor Gina Dowding, included in the agenda, and which the Monitoring Officer was satisfied should be treated as the same motion.
The Vice-Chairman also informed Full Council that she was waiving Standing Order 37(2) to allow Councillor Dowding to speak again to present this adjusted version of the motion.
It was moved by County Councillor Gina Dowding and seconded by County Councillor Paul Hayhurst that:
Retain the Current Safety Thresholds for Seismic Activity for Shale Gas Operations
Lancashire County Council welcomes the fact that to date the Government has confirmed it has no plans to change the Traffic Light System of seismic thresholds for the fracking industry.
Lancashire County Council resolves to write to the Energy Minister and the Prime Minister welcoming the Government's resolve not to change the thresholds and asks them to continue to prioritise public health and safety; and to write to Lancashire's MPs about the Council's position.
The following amendment was proposed by County Councillor Michael Green, seconded by County Councillor Aidy Riggott:
Lancashire County Council resolves to write to the Energy Minister and the Prime Minister welcoming the Government's resolve to continue to prioritise public health and safety in monitoring the 'fracking' industry and to write to Lancashire's MPs setting out the Council's position.
The amendment was put to the vote and was CARRIED and became the substantive motion.
The following amendment was proposed by County Councillor Gina Dowding and seconded by County Councillor Liz Oades:
Lancashire County Council resolves to write to the Energy Minister and the Prime Minister welcoming the Government's resolve to continue to prioritise public health and safety, and to keep the current Traffic Light System of seismic thresholds in monitoring the 'fracking' industry and to write to Lancashire's MPs setting out the Council's position.
Following a brief adjournment, the Chief Executive advised Full Council that the Vice-Chairman had accepted her advice on the reasons for accepting the original amendment, from County Councillor Green, which was now the substantive motion. This was that the amendment retained two of the three principles of the adjustment put forward by Councillor Dowding and was therefore in order. Furthermore, the Vice-Chairman had accepted her advice that, in accordance with Standing Order 33a, the further amendment from County Councillor Dowding could not be accepted as it sought to rescind the resolution of Full Council which had just been made by seeking to re-insert the reference to the Traffic Light System which had been removed by County Councillor Green's amendment, now the substantive motion.
The substantive motion was then put to the vote and was CARRIED. It was therefore: ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |