Agenda item

New Hospitals Programme - Progress Update


Andrew Bennett, Director of Population Health and System Lead for the New Hospitals Programme LSC ICB, Jane Kenny, Lead Nurse Recovery and Support Programme (RSP) and Lead Nurse for the New Hospitals Programme UHMB and Steve Canty, Divisional Medical Director, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, and Medical Lead for New Hospitals Programme LSCFT attended the meeting to provide a progress update on the New Hospitals Programme.


The report circulated in the agenda pack provided information on the 2 preferred site locations for the New Hospitals Programme, information was also provided on the proposed engagement activity following the announcement of the preferred locations.


The Chair invited questions from committee members and a summary is outlined below:


·  It was highlighted to the committee that the current review of the New Hospital Programme was taking place by central government, and this could affect the timelines of the 2 hospitals opening. Furthermore, members were informed that priority was being given to 'RAAC' hospitals, those with problems with concrete. 


·  Regarding the preferred location in South Ribble to replace Royal Preston Hospital, members queried how this was decided as the preferred site. The committee were informed that identifying a site that was of sufficient size, with adequate transport links was a challenging process. Further to this, members heard that 9 sites were considered in Lancaster and 12 sites in Preston, to which an appraisal process was undertaken for sites that fit the criteria and then were compared. The committee were also informed that public engagement would begin in January 2025.


·  It was explained to the committee that there was a process in order to receive financial support to build the 2 new hospitals, including the production of a business case.


·  The committee queried what services would be available at each hospital. Members were informed that the NHS would consult with the public to inform how services were delivered.


·  Regarding public consultation, it was queried what would happen if the public expressed significant dissatisfaction with the preferred site to replace Royal Preston Hospital. It was highlighted that the change of location was significant and this had been considered, further to this it was explained to members that in order to mitigate this other health facilities could be brought closer to the communities residing furthest from the new site.


·  The committee raised concern over 'RAAC' hospitals and queried what construction methods would be used to ensure the new hospitals would have a longer lifetime than current sites. It was highlighted to the committee that the lifespan of hospitals was due to the buildings being intensely used. Members were informed that modularity and flexibility would be used in the designs with the intention of the buildings being expanded or reconfigured. It was also noted to members that current hospitals could be used to inform the design and ensure longevity.


·  Concern was raised regarding community services not being sufficient and that provision would not be available to support the new hospitals once they were constructed. Members heard that the hospital needed to be a connective model of care, it was further noted that conversations were taken place with GP Surgeries and councils to promote an 'out of hospital' model.


  i.  That information provided on the proposed engagement be considered.

  ii.  That a further update report be provided to the committee at the February meeting to include the following key areas:

a.  Outcome of the Central Government country wide review of New Hospitals Programme and potential impact.

b.  Transport

c.  Construction methods

d.  Timeline of programme

e.  Service provision – to include lessons learnt from previous programmes (e.g. Blackburn/Burnley)

f.  Ongoing engagement


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