Members were presented with a SEND update report on the progress made in improving communications for families in the SEND process.
It was reported that the number of EHCP new assessments had doubled in the last two years and as a result it has been a challenge to meet the required statutory deadlines. The report provided the Committee with an update on actions undertaken to date to further support communication to parents and carers.
Members were invited to ask questions and a summary of the discussion is outlined below:
· With regards to a query on the different ways that information is produced, it was reported that the SEND code of practice was available and outlined in the SEND offer webpage. However, it was identified that some information formats could present a challenge for parents and carers to understand and it was agreed that a review could be undertaken on how information was presented.
· On a question raised around the continuity of staff, it was reported that a case manager was assigned to each case as well as a team manager assigned from the colleges. In addition, the College's Forum have been included in conversations to further support.
· On the subject of escalating EHCP enquiries, members were advised that this was in part due to the increasing complexity of education need as well as changes to existing plans. It was reported that an enhanced use of technology was under review to support with managing the number of enquiries and in a timely manner.
· With regards to satisfaction of service provision, it was reported that this was emerging as a process and was being taken forward. However, it was established that more could be done, and further work was being undertaken. Members felt that the monitoring of the satisfaction of service should be included in future reports.
· From a query raised on the capacity and balance of specialist and administrative staff balance required to support the SEND helpline, it was reported that there was a need to understand who needs to support the helpline based on the queries identified, to ensure that queries are dealt with the right person and right time. Further information could be provided to members.
· Members were assured that SEND advice could be provided through the Family Hubs. In addition, support to helpline staff included a comprehensive training package which included wellbeing.
· With regard to access to the SEND helpline, it was reported that the service were currently in the process of identifying options to provide a form to complete online rather than via the telephone.
· It was confirmed that engagement was ongoing with service users and that a young person could contact the helpline themselves if they had concerns and would like to advocate themselves.
Resolved: That the following recommendations be shared with the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills:
i. Further detail to be provided to the Committee on service satisfaction levels.
ii. Review be undertaken on the information currently available to parents and carers on the issuing on EHC Plans to ensure accessibility.
iii. Review be undertaken of support from the faith and community sector in disseminating information relating to EHC Plans.
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