Agenda item

Revenue Budget 2019/20 and Financial Strategy 2019/20 to 2022/23; Capital Delivery Programme 2019/20; Council Tax and Precept 2019/20; Treasury Management Strategy and Non-Treasury Investment Strategy 2019/20


County Councillor Geoff Driver, Leader of the County Council, moved the report of the Cabinet from its meeting on 7 February 2019 regarding the:


-  Revenue Budget 2019/20 and Financial Strategy 2019/20 to 2022/23;

-  Capital Delivery Programme 2019/20;

-  Council Tax and Precept 2019/20;


together with the report of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee from its meeting on 28 January 2019, regarding the Treasury Management Strategy and Non-Treasury Investment Strategy 2019/20.


The motion was seconded by County Councillor Albert Atkinson, Deputy Leader of the County Council.


Following a brief adjournment, County Councillor Tony Martin, on behalf of the Labour Group, then made his Budget speech and moved an Amendment to the Budget revenue proposals on behalf of the Labour Group, which was seconded by County Councillor Azhar Ali.


A copy of the Amendment was circulated to all Members and is set out at Annex 1 to these minutes.


Following a period of debate, a recorded vote on the Amendment was taken. The names of those Members who voted for or against the Amendment, and those who abstained, are set out below:


For (32)


A Aldridge

C Crompton

J Gibson

S Malik

M Parkinson

A Ali

M Dad

P Hayhurst

T Martin

J Parr

L Beavers

B Dawson

N Hennessy

J Mein

M Pattison

J Berry

F De Molfetta

S Holgate

J Molineux

K Snape

T Burns

G Dowding

M Iqbal

Y Motala


L Collinge

K Ellard

H Khan

L Oades


L Cox

J Fillis

E Lewis

G Oliver



Against (44)


A Atkinson

J Cooney

A Kay

M Salter

C Wakeford

M Barron

G Driver

J Marsh

A Schofield

G Wilkins

P Britcliffe

J Eaton

S Morris

J Shedwick

P Williamson

I Brown

C Edwards

E Nash

D Smith

B Yates

P Buckley

D Foxcroft

D O'Toole

A Snowden


J Burrows

A Gardiner

M Perks

D Stansfield


S Charles

G Gooch

E Pope

P Steen


A Cheetham

M Green

J Rear

C Towneley


S Clarke

P Greenall

P Rigby

S Turner


A Clempson

K Iddon

A Riggott

A Vincent



Abstain (4)


D Howarth

J Potter

J Sumner

D Whipp


The Labour Group's amendment was therefore LOST.


County Councillor David Whipp, on behalf of the Liberal Democrat Group, then made his Budget speech and moved an amendment to the Budget proposals on behalf of the Liberal Democrat Group, which was seconded by County Councillor David Howarth.


A copy of the Amendment was circulated to all Members and is set out at Annex 2 to these minutes.


Following a period of debate, a recorded vote on the Amendment was taken. The names of Members who voted for or against the Amendment, and those who abstained, are set out below:


For (4)


D Howarth

J Potter

J Sumner

D Whipp


Against (45)


A Atkinson

A Clempson

P Greenall

E Pope

D Stansfield

M Barron

J Cooney

P Hayhurst

J Rear

P Steen

P Britcliffe

G Driver

K Iddon

P Rigby

C Towneley

I Brown

J Eaton

A Kay

A Riggott

S Turner

P Buckley

C Edwards

J Marsh

M Salter

A Vincent

J Burrows

D Foxcroft

S Morris

A Schofield

C Wakeford

S Charles

A Gardiner

E Nash

J Shedwick

G Wilkins

A Cheetham

G Gooch

D O'Toole

D Smith

P Williamson

S Clarke

M Green

L Oades

A Snowden

B Yates


Abstain (30)


T Aldridge

L Cox

K Ellard

H Khan

Y Motala

A Ali

C Crompton

J Fillis

E Lewis

G Oliver

L Beavers

M Dad

J Gibson

S Malik

M Parkinson

J Berry

B Dawson

N Hennessy

T Martin

J Parr

T Burns

F De Molfetta

S Holgate

J Mein

M Pattison

L Collinge

G Dowding

M Iqbal

J Molineux

K Snape


The Liberal Democrat Group's amendment was therefore LOST.


The following amendment to the Capital Delivery Programme 2019/20 was proposed by County Councillor Kim Snape and seconded by County Councillor Julia Berry:


Proposed additions to the capital programme:




Feasibility Study - Midgehall Railway Station



Feasibility Study - Back on Track (Fleetwood)



Feasibility Study - Coppull Railway Station



The additions to the capital programme to be funded from the transitional reserve.


Following a period of debate, a recorded vote on the Amendment was taken. The names of Members who voted for or against the Amendment, and those who abstained, are set out below:


For (36)


T Aldridge

C Crompton

P Greenall

T Martin

J Potter

A Ali

M Dad

N Hennessy

J Mein

K Snape

L Beavers

B Dawson

S Holgate

J Molineux

J Sumner

J Berry

F De Molfetta

D Howarth

Y Motala

D Whipp

T Burns

G Dowding

M Iqbal

G Oliver


S Clarke

K Ellard

H Khan

M Parkinson


L Collinge

J Fillis

E Lewis

J Parr


L Cox

J Gibson

S Malik

M Pattison



Against (43)


A Atkinson

J Cooney

K Iddon

P Rigby

C Towneley

M Barron

G Driver

A Kay

A Riggott

S Turner

P Britcliffe

J Eaton

J Marsh

M Salter

A Vincent

I Brown

C Edwards

S Morris

A Schofield

C Wakeford

P Buckley

D Foxcroft

E Nash

J Shedwick

G Wilkins

J Burrows

A Gardiner

D O'Toole

D Smith

P Williamson

S Charles

G Gooch

L Oades

A Snowden

B Yates

A Cheetham

M Green

E Pope

D Stansfield


A Clempson

P Hayhurst

J Rear

P Steen



Abstentions (0)


The Amendment was therefore LOST.


The following amendment to the Capital Delivery Programme 2019/20 was proposed by County Councillor John Fillis and seconded by County Councillor Gillian Oliver:




Proposed addition to the capital programme:




Residents Parking Schemes





The addition to the capital programme to be funded from the transitional reserve.


Following a period of debate, a recorded vote on the Amendment was taken. The names of Members who voted for or against the Amendment, and those who abstained, are set out below:


For (35)


T Aldridge

M Dad

P Greenall

S Malik

M Parkinson

A Ali

B Dawson

N Hennessy

T Martin

J Parr

L Beavers

F De Molfetta

S Holgate

J Mein

M Pattison

J Berry

G Dowding

D Howarth

J Molineux

J Potter

L Collinge

K Ellard

M Iqbal

Y Motala

K Snape

L Cox

J Fillis

H Khan

L Oades

J Sumner

C Crompton

J Gibson

E Lewis

G Oliver

D Whipp


Against (43)


A Atkinson

A Clempson

P Hayhurst

P Rigby

C Towneley

M Barron

J Cooney

K Iddon

A Riggott

S Turner

P Britcliffe

G Driver

A Kay

M Salter

A Vincent

I Brown

J Eaton

J Marsh

A Schofield

C Wakeford

P Buckley

C Edwards

S Morris

J Shedwick

G Wilkins

J Burrows

D Foxcroft

E Nash

D Smith

P Williamson

S Charles

A Gardiner

D O'Toole

A Snowden

B Yates

A Cheetham

G Gooch

E Pope

D Stansfield


S Clarke

M Green

J Rear

P Steen



Abstentions (0)


The Amendment was therefore LOST.


The following amendment to the Capital Delivery Programme 2019/20 was proposed by County Councillor Erica Lewis and seconded by County Councillor Yousuf Motala:


Proposed addition to the capital programme:




Gully Cleaning Smart Sensors







The addition to the capital programme to be funded from the transitional reserve.


Following a period of debate, a recorded vote on the Amendment was taken. The names of Members who voted for or against the Amendment, and those who abstained, are set out below:


For (30)


T Aldridge

L Cox

K Ellard

H Khan

Y Motala

A Ali

C Crompton

J Fillis

E Lewis

G Oliver

L Beavers

M Dad

J Gibson

S Malik

M Parkinson

J Berry

B Dawson

N Hennessy

T Martin

J Parr

T Burns

F De Molfetta

S Holgate

J Mein

M Pattison

L Collinge

G Dowding

M Iqbal

J Molineux

K Snape


Against (44)


A Atkinson

A Clempson

P Hayhurst

J Rear

P Steen

M Barron

J Cooney

K Iddon

P Rigby

C Towneley

P Britcliffe

G Driver

A Kay

A Riggott

S Turner

I Brown

J Eaton

J Marsh

M Salter

A Vincent

P Buckley

C Edwards

S Morris

A Schofield

C Wakeford

J Burrows

D Foxcroft

E Nash

J Shedwick

G Wilkins

S Charles

A Gardiner

D O'Toole

D Smith

P Williamson

A Cheetham

G Gooch

L Oades

A Snowden

B Yates

S Clarke

M Green

E Pope

D Stansfield



Abstain (5)


P Greenall

D Howarth

J Potter

J Sumner

D Whipp


The Amendment was therefore LOST.


The following amendment to the Capital Delivery Programme 2019/20 was proposed by County Councillor Azhar Ali and seconded by County Councillor Miles Parkinson:


Proposed additions to the capital programme




Provide a full business case for the M65/Pendle village bypass and request the DFT and TFN to match fund jointly



Provide a full business case to connect Rossendale to Greater Manchester by rail. Match funding to be sought from DFT & TFN.




The additions to the capital programme to be funded from the transitional reserve.


During consideration of this item, County Councillor Anne Cheetham declared a pecuniary interest as a Director of the East Lancashire Railway and vacated the Chair. County Councillor Paul Rigby, Vice-Chairman of the County Council, took the Chair and presided for the consideration of this item only.


Following a period of debate, a recorded vote on the Amendment was taken. The names of Members who voted for or against the Amendment, and those who abstained, are set out below:


For (30)


T Aldridge

C Crompton

J Gibson

S Malik

M Parkinson

A Ali

M Dad

N Hennessy

T Martin

J Parr

L Beavers

B Dawson

S Holgate

J Mein

M Pattison

T Burns

F De Molfetta

M Iqbal

J Molineux

J Potter

L Collinge

K Ellard

H Khan

Y Motala

K Snape

L Cox

J Fillis

E Lewis

G Oliver

D Whipp


Against (45)


A Atkinson

J Cooney

P Greenall

E Pope

D Stansfield

M Barron

G Dowding

P Hayhurst

J Rear

P Steen

P Britcliffe

G Driver

K Iddon

P Rigby

C Towneley

I Brown

J Eaton

A Kay

A Riggott

S Turner

P Buckley

C Edwards

J Marsh

M Salter

A Vincent

J Burrows

D Foxcroft

S Morris

A Schofield

C Wakeford

S Charles

A Gardiner

E Nash

J Shedwick

G Wilkins

S Clarke

G Gooch

D O'Toole

D Smith

P Williamson

A Clempson

M Green

L Oades

A Snowden

B Yates


Abstentions (0)


The Amendment was therefore LOST.


As no further Amendments were moved, the Chairman put the Motion on the County Council's Budget and asked the Full Council to approve the recommendations of the Cabinet on the:


-  Revenue Budget 2019/20 and Financial Strategy 2019/20 to 2022/23;

-  Capital Delivery Programme 2019/20;

-  Council Tax and Precept 2019/20;


together with the recommendations of the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee regarding the Treasury Management Strategy and Non-Treasury Investment Strategy 2019/20.


A recorded vote was taken and the names of Members who voted for or against the Motion, and those who abstained, are set out below:


For (42)


A Atkinson

A Clempson

K Iddon

A Riggott

S Turner

M Barron

J Cooney

A Kay

M Salter

A Vincent

P Britcliffe

G Driver

J Marsh

A Schofield

C Wakeford

I Brown

J Eaton

S Morris

J Shedwick

G Wilkins

P Buckley

C Edwards

E Nash

D Smith

P Williamson

J Burrows

D Foxcroft

D O'Toole

A Snowden

B Yates

S Charles

A Gardiner

E Pope

D Stansfield


A Cheetham

G Gooch

J Rear

P Steen


S Clarke

M Green

P Rigby

C Towneley



Against (35)


T Aldridge

C Crompton

J Gibson

E Lewis

G Oliver

A Ali

M Dad

P Greenall

S Malik

M Parkinson

L Beavers

B Dawson

P Hayhurst

T Martin

J Parr

J Berry

F De Molfetta

N Hennessy

J Mein

M Pattison

T Burns

G Dowding

S Holgate

J Molineux

J Potter

L Collinge

K Ellard

M Iqbal

Y Motala

K Snape

L Cox

J Fillis

H Khan

L Oades

D Whipp


Abstain (0)


The motion was CARRIED and it was:


Resolved: -


That the Cabinet's recommendations in respect of:


-  The revenue budget for 2019/20 and financial strategy 2019/20 to 2022/23;

-  The capital delivery programme for 2019/20;

-  The council tax requirement and precept for 2019/20;


and the Audit, Risk and Governance Committee's recommendations on the Treasury Management Strategy and Non-Treasury Investment Strategy 2019/20,


as set out in the report, now presented, be approved.

Supporting documents: