Agenda item

To consider Notices of Motion Submitted under Standing Order B36


1.  It was moved by County Councillor Julie Gibson and seconded by County Councillor Lorraine Beavers that:


This council calls for fair funding for Lancashire Constabulary and the return of the numbers of police officers that Lancashire has lost since 2010.


This council notes that Lancashire Constabulary has seen amongst the highest level of cuts of any police force in the country with a reduction of 753 police officers.


Cuts have consequences - and this has meant that Lancashire has seen an increase in violent crime, knife crime, county lines (drug dealing) and even homicides.


By contrast, many forces in the south of England have seen no impact from austerity. Surrey, for example, has had a reduction of just 8 police officers (government figures) since 2010 and yet will receive 78 back this year. At the same time Lancashire will be allocated additional funding for just 153 police officers. This year Surrey will have 70 more police officers than in 2010 whilst in Lancashire we will still have 600 fewer. This is unfair, unjust and simply unacceptable. Lancashire is not a second class county and we should not be treated as one.


This council wholeheartedly supports the campaign of our Police and Crime Commissioner to get fair funding for Lancashire Police and our Bobbies back on the streets of Lancashire, and resolves that the Chief Executive and Director of Resources writes to the Home Secretary and the Minister of State for Policing and the Fire Service calling on them to establish fair funding for Lancashire Constabulary.


The following friendly amendment was proposed by County Councillor Tim Ashton in accordance with Standing Order B42:


This Council calls for fair funding for Lancashire Constabulary which has been more adversely affected by Government funding policies than many other Police forces.


Council recognises the anomalies in the funding formulae which disproportionately and adversely affect Lancashire Constabulary and resolves to request the Chief Executive and Director of Resources to write to the Home Secretary and the Minister for Policing and the Fire Service requesting that adequate resources are provided for Policing in Lancashire.


The friendly amendment was accepted by County Councillor Gibson and became the substantive motion.


The substantive motion, as amended by County Councillor Ashton's friendly amendment, was then put to the vote and was CARRIED. It was therefore:



Resolved: - That:


This Council calls for fair funding for Lancashire Constabulary which has been more adversely affected by Government funding policies than many other Police forces.


Council recognises the anomalies in the funding formulae which disproportionately and adversely affect Lancashire Constabulary and resolves to request the Chief Executive and Director of Resources to write to the Home Secretary and the Minister for Policing and the Fire Service requesting that adequate resources are provided for Policing in Lancashire.


2.  It was moved by County Councillor Gina Dowding and seconded by County Councillor David Whipp that:


The Greater Lancashire Plan


Lancashire County Council welcomes the statement of intent within the ‘Redefining Lancashire: our approach to recovery’ documentthat the forthcoming Greater Lancashire Plan will be based on the three core components of:


·  delivering economic resilience

·  capitalising on the county’s unique set of environmental assets

·  setting in train a public service reform programme that will transform the delivery of public services across the county 

Lancashire County Council further notes that climate and environmental imperatives must underpin all economic recovery to deliver future economic resilience and well-being of our residents, visitors and workers; and the programmes listed so far fall way short of plan fit for a zero-carbon 21st-century Lancashire.


Lancashire County Council therefore requests that the forthcoming Greater Lancashire Plan:


1.  Focuses a far higher proportion of spending and investment, (currently just £4m of £62.5 m specifically for low carbon energy and technologies) on creating new jobs and investment in low-carbon sectors; rapid adaptation of existing manufacturing and businesses to net zero-carbon; and sustainable transport.


2.  Adopts a transformational approach which embeds in EVERY programme:

·  better health and well-being of the population

·  meeting the demands of the climate challenge and ensuring a high quality environment

·  meaningful, rewarding work, working conditions and pay, training, and the reduction in  economic, environmental, social  and health inequalities

3.  Targets funding, investment and development to:

·  the renewable energy supply sector, including onshore wind, offshore wind, solar, as well as new green hydrogen alternatives

·  the circular economy and  waste recovery

·  a large-scale retrofit and energy efficiency programme for public and private buildings and homes, to reduce fuel poverty, create jobs and training, and ensure comfortable healthier buildings 

·  the manufacture and production of low-carbon products

·  shortening supply chains, not just in manufacturing, and encourage a higher proportion of Lancashire consumption to be met by Lancashire products 


4.  Has greater focus on diversification rather than financial underpinning for the aerospace and nuclear industries, which global economic observers agree are a declining sector; and encourages those businesses to produce new low-carbon products for use in a low-carbon civil society.


The Council also calls on Lancashire leaders to actively encourage relocation of Government departments and civil service jobs directly into Lancashire which will contribute to a well-paid, skilled and sustainable workforce.


The following amendment was proposed by County Councillor Michael Green and seconded by County Councillor Tim Ashton:


The Greater Lancashire Plan


Lancashire County Council welcomes the statement of intent within the 'Redefining Lancashire: our approach to recovery' document that the forthcoming Greater Lancashire Plan will be based on the three core components of:

·  Delivering economic resilience

·  Capitalising on the county's unique set of environmental assets

·  Setting in train a public service reform programme that will transform the delivery of public services across the county


Lancashire County Council further notes that climate and environmental imperatives will be significant factors to be considered in the future economy and wellbeing.


The Greater Lancashire Plan is an intended means to re-position Lancashire into the 'fast track' of places and to demonstrate its overall offer to the sub-national agenda.  It is about:-

·  Clarifying and strengthening best available evidence about Lancashire and producing a credible and compelling case for its immediate and long term sustainable development

·  Pulling together a single and coherent narrative that tells the Lancashire 'story' and trajectory and

·  Exploring in collaboration and at scale how to intervene to tackle challenges, seize opportunities and build positive economic growth and quality of life for the benefit of everyone in Lancashire.


The county council resolves that the Greater Lancashire Plan should seek to build on existing priorities for the region, which include:-

·  Levelling up and further devolution

·  Strategic Economic Framework and Local Industrial Strategy

·  Climate Change and clean growth initiatives

·  Public Service reform embracing 'best in class' service delivery

·  Reinforcing leadership and building an enticing investment portfolio

·  Building local capacity and flexibility to respond to demand across the spectrum

·  Building capacity for housing growth and market and technology foresight to be fit for the future,

·  Future-proofing Lancashire's infrastructure for net zero carbon and digital connectivity and

·  Understanding historic disadvantages and addressing underlying issues such as health and skills inequalities


The amendment was put to the vote and was CARRIED and became the substantive motion.


The substantive motion was then put to the vote and was CARRIED.


It was therefore:


Resolved: - That:


The Greater Lancashire Plan


Lancashire County Council welcomes the statement of intent within the 'Redefining Lancashire: our approach to recovery' document that the forthcoming Greater Lancashire Plan will be based on the three core components of:

·  Delivering economic resilience

·  Capitalising on the county's unique set of environmental assets

·  Setting in train a public service reform programme that will transform the delivery of public services across the county


Lancashire County Council further notes that climate and environmental imperatives will be significant factors to be considered in the future economy and wellbeing.


The Greater Lancashire Plan is an intended means to re-position Lancashire into the 'fast track' of places and to demonstrate its overall offer to the sub-national agenda.  It is about:-

·  Clarifying and strengthening best available evidence about Lancashire and producing a credible and compelling case for its immediate and long term sustainable development

·  Pulling together a single and coherent narrative that tells the Lancashire 'story' and trajectory and

·  Exploring in collaboration and at scale how to intervene to tackle challenges, seize opportunities and build positive economic growth and quality of life for the benefit of everyone in Lancashire.


The county council resolves that the Greater Lancashire Plan should seek to build on existing priorities for the region, which include:-

·  Levelling up and further devolution

·  Strategic Economic Framework and Local Industrial Strategy

·  Climate Change and clean growth initiatives

·  Public Service reform embracing 'best in class' service delivery

·  Reinforcing leadership and building an enticing investment portfolio

·  Building local capacity and flexibility to respond to demand across the spectrum

·  Building capacity for housing growth and market and technology foresight to be fit for the future,

·  Future-proofing Lancashire's infrastructure for net zero carbon and digital connectivity and

·  Understanding historic disadvantages and addressing underlying issues such as health and skills inequalities





Supporting documents: