County Councillor John Fillis introduced the report on the activity, findings and suggested recommendations on the implementation of a scored component concerning mental health, on all construction tenders following his investigation on behalf of the Scrutiny Management Board.
The Scrutiny Management Board was asked to support the following suggested recommendations:
That the Cabinet Member for Resources, HR and Property (Deputy Leader) gives consideration to:
1. Amending existing questions within the Common Assessment Standard, used as evaluation criteria in tenders:
a. To reflect a requirement for contractors to signpost employees to substance abuse support services as part of their internal policies.
b. To reflect the requirement for contractors to make a commitment to initiatives equivalent to 'Building mental health in construction' and the 'Building Mental Health Charter'.
2. At an appropriate time, reviewing responses provided to identify and compile good practice and refine the list of questions in the Evaluation Criteria to work with the industry towards a national standard.
3. Carrying out a further review at an appropriate time, on how best to implement questions and processes on addiction including signposting to support services.
4. Establishing a process to ensure employment assistance programmes are reviewed through contract management activity to ensure accountability and assurance that requirements are being met in the submission.
5. Ensuring that sub-contractors are either signposted to support or can access the contractor's employee assistance programme.
In considering the recommendations, it was suggested that the Board records its thanks to County Councillor Fillis and the officers involved with the investigation and that this should be recorded in the minutes.
Resolved: That:
(i) County Councillor John Fillis, Marie Demaine, Paul Fairclough, Gary Halsall, and Lee Harrington be thanked for their work in producing the report and formulating the recommendations.
(ii) The findings and next steps outlined in the report be noted.
(iii)The suggested recommendations proposed by County Councillor John Fillis be supported and submitted to the Cabinet Member for Resources, HR and Property (Deputy Leader) for formal written response.