Use the search options below to find decisions.
Alternatively you can view delegated decisions that have been taken by individual councillors in relation to council officers under the Scheme of Delegation to Officers:
Key Decision definition: A key decision means an executive decision which is likely:
(a) to result in the council incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are significant having regard to the council's budget for the service or function which the decision relates; or
(b) to be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards or electoral divisions in the area of the council.
For the purposes of (a) above, the threshold for "significant" is £2.2 million (from 1 April 2024).
It is proposed to make amendments to 21/22, 22/23, 23/24 LDF Programmes as set out in Appendix A.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 10/09/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
Ridwan Musa, HOS Highways and Transport Operations, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to approve adjustment of budgets.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 05/09/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
It was noted that the Part II item listed on the agenda related to an appendix for a report already discussed in Part I on the agenda. There being no questions to be raised on the appendix, it was agreed that the meeting remain in Part I.
Resolved: That the meeting remain in Part I, open to press and public.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 05/09/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
Resolved: That the three urgent decisions taken by the Leader of the County Council, and the relevant Cabinet Members, since the last meeting of Cabinet, be noted.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 05/09/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July 2024 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
A decision on the approval of a change control – Impower.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Innovation
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
Laurence Ainsworth, Director of Strategy and Performance took a decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Laurence Ainsworth
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2000 towards running community
workshops from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Leyland Central
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
County Councillor Matthew Tomlinson considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £250 to Chorley Women's Centre towards the cost of running community workshops.
Divisions affected: Chorley South; Leyland Central; Lostock Hall & Bamber Bridge; Penwortham West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2000 towards a Summer
Treatment Programme from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Rural
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
County Councillor Jenny Purcell considered and approved a Local Member Grant for the reduced amount of £100 to Rolls Football Club towards the cost of the Summer Treatment Programme.
The reason for the reduction is County Councillor Purcell is reserving funding to support other projects in her division.
Divisions affected: Pendle Central; Pendle Rural;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £500 towards community
allotment sessions from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Accrington South
Decision published: 06/09/2024
Effective from: 06/09/2024
County Councillor Terry Hurn considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £500 to Growing Wild towards the cost of community allotment sessions.
Divisions affected: Accrington South;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1360 towards a members trip to
Barton Grange.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Burnley Central East
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 05/09/2024
County Councillor Sobia Malik considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £340 to Fun4Stroke towards the cost of a members trip to Barton Grange.
Divisions affected: Burnley Central East; Burnley Central West; Burnley North East; Burnley South West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A repoprt on a contract modification for the provision of a Digital Platform (Low Code) provided by Netcall via Softcat Plc.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 19/08/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, on behalf of Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital took a decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
A decision on the procurement of frozen halal poultry.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
Clare Joynson, Head of Facilities Management, on behalf of the Noel O'Neill, Director of Finance and Commerce, took a decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Clare Joynson
This report sets out a recommendation, following completion of a competitive tendering exercise, conducted in accordance with the County Council's standing orders, to approve the award of a single supplier contract for the provision of a High Volume Production Scanner including service & maintenance.
This is deemed to be a non-key decision with spend under £2 million.
Authority to take this decision has been delegated to The Head of Service – Carol
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, on behalf of Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital, took a decision to approve the award of a single supplier contract for the provision of a High Volume Production Scanner including service & maintenance.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
In Aug 2021 the funding was transferred to
SLGC as the work was to be completed as part of that programme. The
amount transferred was £751,778.50 but during its time in the
Programme only design work was incurred at a cost of £41,088.
It has now been agreed that the work will return to the original
Safer Roads scheme for completion of the project and the remaining
grant funding of £710,690.50 will be transferred back to the
Transport Programme.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 04/09/2024
John Davies, Head of Highways Network Management, on behalf of Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport, took a decision to approve the transfer of the grant funding of £710,690.50 back to the Transport Programme.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Central; Lancaster South East;
Lead officer: John Davies
Pupil projections indicate there will be a shortfall of primary school places in the Goosnargh and Grimsargh planning area in Preston, and the adjoining planning area of Longridge in Ribble Valley from 2025/26.
To address the increased demand in these two areas, approval is being sought to commence a public consultation in relation to a proposal to expand Goosnargh Oliverson's Church of England Primary School, increasing the school's published admission number from 30 to 60. This would gradually increase the capacity of the school from 210 to 420 places.
It is intended to provide the expansion initially through a one-year temporary increase to the published admission number from 30 to 60 from September 2025 facilitated by the provision of temporary accommodation. The expansion would then become permanent from September 2026, following the completion of the capital build project.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Longridge with Bowland; Preston Rural;
Lead officer: Paula Durrant
This report includes the results of the formal consultations to create Special Educational Needs Units at Carnforth Community Primary School, North Road, Carnforth; Clayton Brook Primary School, Great Greens Lane, Clayton Brook, Bamber Bridge, Preston; and St Joseph's Roman Catholic Primary School, Cedar Road, Chorley.
This is deemed to be a Key Decision and the requirements of the council's Cabinet procedure rules (Standing Order C18, Consideration of Key Decisions) have been complied with.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janette Hastings
This report provides the first overview of performance for 2024/25. There are 42 key performance indicators established which will be monitored over the course of the year, with an additional key performance indicator on the proportion of key performance indicators on track to be delivered. In 2023 there was a comprehensive review of the key performance indicators, and a lighter review has taken place for this year, with some realignment of metrics to ensure that the council's priority areas are fully reflected.
This report is set out to provide an overview of performance to monitor the delivery of the four priorities of the corporate strategy:
With an additional section on corporate health.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Donna Talbot
This report provides an update to Cabinet on the county council's 2024/25 revenue and capital financial position, as at the end of June 2024. The Quarter 1 monitoring position contains assumptions relating to demand levels and savings delivery across a number of services, most particularly social care, which at this stage in the financial year are based on a number of assumptions based on costs and income to date and service knowledge.
There are spending challenges across all of council services as is common with most councils across the country. Whilst Lancashire remains in a relatively strong financial position, this is within a sector with declining financial sustainability that needs addressing at a national level. This report sets out some of the financial challenges the council currently faces. It also sets out some of the achievements and progress that has been made this year to date.
The forecast outturn position is £7.590m after implementing £20.76m of remedial actions and use of one-off funding. Directorates have been asked to complete further remedial action plans to look to produce a balanced budget by the end of the financial year.
The capital delivery programme for 2024/25 is £187.095m following confirmation of slippage from 2023/24 in the outturn report to Cabinet in July. The forecast expenditure is £186.322m giving an underspend of £0.773m (0.41%).
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Kate Lee
In line with the county council's procurement rules, this report sets out a recommendation to approve the commencement of the following procurement exercises:
(i) Renewal of ServiceNow Licenses
(ii) Acceptance and Disposal of Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating containing Persistent Organic Pollutants services
(iii) Agency Staff Neutral Vendor Managed Service and Workforce Solutions
(iv) Responsive Minor Adaptations
(v) Traditional Road Surfacing and Associated Services
This is deemed to be a Key Decision and the requirements of the council's Cabinet procedure rules (Standing Order C18, Consideration of Key Decisions) have been complied with.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Paul Fairclough
A new Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System Dementia Strategy 2024-29 is presented to Cabinet, following extensive engagement with partners in health and social care, hospices, the voluntary sector, and with those with lived experience and their carers in Lancashire and South Cumbria. The Dementia Strategy identifies five key priorities for the Integrated Care System to focus on over the next five years, to be delivered through five sub-groups which ensure broad and inclusive representation.
This is deemed to be a Key Decision and the requirements of the council's Cabinet procedure rules (Standing Order C18, Consideration of Key Decisions) have been complied with.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Natalie Burfitt
The Lancashire Children and Young People's Plan 2024-2028 sets out the county council's vision and priorities to ensure that children and young people are safe, healthy, happy, develop skills for life and are active citizens who feel they have a voice and influence.
Subject to agreement by Cabinet, and the production of a version for publication, the final draft of the Lancashire Children and Young People's Plan 2024-2028 will be presented to Full Council for approval in October 2024.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Dave Carr
This report sets out a recommendation, following completion of a competitive tendering exercise, conducted in accordance with the County Council's standing orders, to approve the award of a single supplier contract for the provision of Adobe Sign software.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, on behalf of the Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital, took a decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
This report presents the Lancashire Child and Youth Justice Plan for 2024/25.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision published: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 11/09/2024
The Cabinet approved the recommendation(s) as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Georgine Lee
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £500 towards the cost of the roof
repairs from the Champion for Young People budget.
Decision Maker: Champion for Young People
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 04/09/2024
The Head of Service Democratic Services, following consultation with County Councillor Loraine Cox, Champion for Young People, approved a Champions Grant application for the reduced amount of £500 to Sea Cadets Chorley (unit 526) towards the cost of their roof repairs.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £500 towards the costs to hold their
monthly from the Champion for Mental Health budget.
Decision Maker: Champion for Mental Health
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 04/09/2024
The Head of Service Democratic Services, following consultation with County Councillor Stuart C Morris, Champion for Mental Health, approved a Champions Grant application of £500 to Critical and Creative Approaches to Mental Health Practice towards the cost of their monthly wellbeing meetings.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
This basis of this report is to gain approval to commence procurement for the second lot of 25 minibuses out of 50 total.
The invest to save decision was part of Appendix A Savings Template 2023/24 - 2026/27 (Reference - T002 Vehicle Purchase and reduced taxi provision).
Funding has been approved for a total of 50 vehicles, with the procurement process completed for the first lot of 25 vehicles.
To achieve target delivery of September 2025, the Invite to Tender (ITT) needs to be initiated on 23rd August 2024. An agreement to commence procurement needs to be gained prior to ITT.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 19/08/2024
Phil Green, Executive Director of Growth, Environment, Transport & Health took a decision to approve the commencement of procurement for the second lot of 25 minibuses out of 50 relating to the invest to save decision as part of Appendix A Savings Template 2023/24 - 2026/27 (Reference - T002 Vehicle Purchase and reduced taxi provision).
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Phil Green
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £2,000 towards a Beacon to
commemorate VE day from the Champions for Armed Forces and Veterans
and Mental Health budget.
Decision Maker: Champion for Armed Forces and Veterans
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 04/09/2024
The Head of Service Democratic Services, following consultation with County Councillor Alf Clempson, Champion for Armed Forces and Veterans, approved a Champions Grant application for the reduced amount of £500 to Kirkham Town Council towards the cost of a beacon to commemorate VE day and a memorial plaque.
Decision Maker: Champion for Armed Forces and Veterans
Decision published: 04/09/2024
Effective from: 04/09/2024
The Head of Service Democratic Services, following consultation
with County Councillor Stuart C Morris, Champion for Mental Health,
rejected a Champions Grant application to Kirkham Town Council
towards the cost of a beacon to commemorate VE day and a memorial
The reason for the rejection was Cllr Morris feels that Champion
grants are for small independent bodies.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £1,400 towards the running costs and
transport to their monthly meetings and larger event later this
year from the Champion for Disabled People budget.
Decision Maker: Champion for Disabled People
Decision published: 03/09/2024
Effective from: 03/09/2024
The Democratic and Member Services Manager, following consultation with County Councillor Peter Britcliffe, Champion for Disabled People, approved a Champions Grant application of £1400 to The Visual Impairment Forum for LCC Area towards the cost of the transport and running costs of their montly meetings.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
Adjustment of costs to clear unprocessed costs
on 24/25 ABC Capital budget.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 30/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service Highways Operations & Design, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport, took a decision to approve the adjustment of the budgets.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
The DfT retaining walls programme was established in 2019 to cover repairs to retaining walls on priority routes in the East of the County. The programme has been in progress since with most projects now complete.
There is one remaining high priority project in progress for which funding is in place for completion.
There are two low priority projects outstanding where the scope has been reduced and funding can be made available to support other projects within the programme. These are:
There are three completed projects that currently have an overspend and require additional funding to reconcile the budgets and allow the projects to be closed out financially. These are:
It is proposed to transfer £55,000 of available funds from the two low priority projects to cover the overspends on the three overspent projects as follows:
There is no change to the overall programme budget, all the projects are in the same programme year and the total of all the changes for this programme are less than £100,000.
Head of service is asked to approve the transfer in order to financially reconcile the programme.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 02/09/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service Highways Operations and Design, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to make changes to project budgets within the Bridges Maintenance - DfT Retaining Walls Programme in order to financially reconcile the programme.
Divisions affected: Chorley Rural East; Mid Rossendale; Rossendale South;
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
A report on the support contract for hybrid meeting rooms.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 13/08/2024
Noel O'Neil, Director of Finance and Commerce, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Noel O'Neill
A report on the Provision of Cashless Parking Solutions – Contract (CR/CORP/LCC/21/1081) and the Provision of Parking Meter Cash Collection & Cash in Transit Services – Contract (CR/CORP/LCC/21/1084).
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 13/08/2024
Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Matt Townsend
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £874.99 towards the cost of a
camera from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - South Ribble West
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 31/08/2024
County Councillor Graham Gooch considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Hutton Church of England Grammar School towards the cost of electrical repairs.
The reason for the rejection was that he has very few funds remaining.
In taking this decision, County Councillor Graham Gooch declared a non-Pecuniary interest in the application as he is the Chairman of the Hutton Grammar School Foundation Trust.
Divisions affected: South Ribble West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
The 18/19 Strategic Initiatives - Incentive Fund programme was established to support Highway Maintenance projects across the County. The programme has been in progress since with projects now complete.
Changes to the programme budgets totalling £12000 are required in order to reconcile the budgets for overspent projects and close out projects where there is residual available funds.
The proposed changes are as follows:
There is no change to the overall programme budget, all the projects are in the same programme year and the total of all the changes for this programme are less than £100,000.
Head of service is asked to approve the transfer in order to financially reconcile the programme.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 02/09/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service, Highways Operations and Design, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to approve changes to Strategic Initiatives project budgets for transfers in order to financially reconcile the programme.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
A report on a Deed of Variation for Land Lying to the North-West of Wheatley Lane Road Barrowford.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategy and Performance
Decision published: 02/09/2024
Effective from: 01/09/2024
Noel O'Neil, Director of Finance & Commerce, (Director of Strategy and Performance) took a decision to agree a Deed of Variation for Land northwest of Wheatley Lane, Barrowford on 1st September 2024.
Divisions affected: Pendle Central;
Lead officer: Noel O'Neill
A decision on the approval of a contract for the provision of continuity contract for the renewal of the Siteimprove Web Governance Suite.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 22/07/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance on behalf of the Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
The Financial Safeguarding Team (FST) currently act as corporate appointee and deputy for people who receive services from LCC and lack capacity to manage their own finances. The team have reached capacity and have a growing waiting list of people requiring the service. In addition, LCC's Disability Service has a number of people who have no current arrangements in place to manage their finances.
This presents a major safeguarding issue as people are unable to pay their rent, utilities and groceries. This has increased the use of temporary arrangements such as using petty cash in care homes, corporate credit cards and visits to food banks.
Following discussion with Legal and Procurement it was agreed that a direct award could be made under Schedule 3 'Light Touch' procurement.
The rationale for making a direct award is due to the ongoing and growing safeguarding issue of people being unable to access their finances. There are a few organisations who provide services for appointeeships or deputyships, but few can manage both. The decision was made to award the contract to Money Carer Foundation as a preferred provider, who provide a comprehensive service and are based in the North-west.
The contract will either be to the value of £600,000 or 2 years, whichever happens first. The short-term arrangement will provide extra capacity and will allow for an options appraisal and procurement of a long-term solution for managing the finances of vulnerable adults. The contract value would not be paid by LCC but is indicative of the total value of referrals we would send to the provider, paid from the benefits and savings of the people referred.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 19/07/2024
Kashif Ahmed, Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning, took a decision to approve the direct award of the contract, to the value of £600,000, to Moneycarer Foundation to manage the finances of vulnerable adults in Lancashire.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Kashif Ahmed
A decision to approve the contract
modification for the provision of Replacement CART System, provided
by 365 Response to include the modification of corporate change as
detailed in this report.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 18/06/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, on behalf of Peter Lloyd, the Director of Digital, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
Transfer of £415.00 from Unallocated
(PPMS13953) to PPMS Collingwood Road (PPMS 12498)
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 28/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Highways and Transport, on behalf of Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to approve allocation of budget.
Divisions affected: Euxton, Buckshaw & Astley;
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
A decision on the approval of a contract for the provision of procurement for DSE Assessments and Ergonomic Chairs and Equipment.
Decision Maker: Director of Public Health
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 28/08/2024
Sakthi Karunanithi, Director of Public Health, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Dr Sakthi Karunanithi
A decision to approve the award of a single supplier contract for the continued provision of the Authority's Education Management System.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, on behalf of Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
Adjustment of budgets to balance unprocessed
costs on 24/25 Capital drainage budget.
£6100 taken from PPMS 14795 Elton Road
To be allocated as follows:
£100 PPMS 14408 Parrs Lane
£6000 PPMS 15176 Stoney Lane
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 29/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service Highways and Transport, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport, took a decision to adjust budgets to balance unprocessed costs.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
A decision to award the contract/framework for the provision of Rookery Cloud Config Snapshot Licence & E-Business Support.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 30/08/2024
Effective from: 27/07/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, on behalf of the Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
The peer advocacy contract was agreed to be
extended from 30 days to 59 days to give slightly more evaluation
time due to some last-minute changes in documentation as time
scales are extremely tight. This would result in a longer
mobilisation period, the current 30 day extension would have been a
tight turnaround for the providers, this decision will mitigate a
situation where there is a gap in service delivery.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 02/04/2024
Nichola Morris, Commissioning Manager, took the decision to approve the increase from a 30-day extension to a 59-day extension.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Kashif Ahmed
A decision to approve maximising occupancy to mitigate Rent Void Payments.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 12/02/2024
Kash Ahmed Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Clitheroe;
Lead officer: Kashif Ahmed
A decision on the approval to waiver the County Council's procurement rules for the provision of the "AskSARA" Software Solution, as provided via DLF.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 13/06/2024
Kashif Ahmed, Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Kashif Ahmed
Transfer of £37,081.49 from 23/24 UU
Knowlys Ave (PPMS 13814) to clear unprocessed costs on 24/25 UU
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 29/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service, on behalf of Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to adjust budgets as requested.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
A decision on a recommendation requesting the Executive Director of Growth, Environment, Transport and Health take a decision in accordance with the Council's Scheme of Delegation to approve the award of a multi-supplier framework for the supply of civil engineering materials.
Decision Maker: Executive Director of Growth, Environment, Transport & Health
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Phil Green, Executive Director of Growth, Environment, Transport & Health took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Phil Green
Cabinet gave approval for 29 placements for
Mental Health Rehabilitation in January 2023. Since then we have
identified two schemes, totalling 14 placements in Central and East
Lancashire. However, we had significant difficulty sourcing
provision in the North of the county.
In February 2024, Safe as Houses, a developer, approached us with
an offer for a scheme, comprising 12 flats in Fleetwood, which
would provide 11 flats for rehabilitation plus a staff flat. The
scheme is complete, and ready for procurement of support
We are seeking permission to confirm our intention to use the
Fleetwood property for Mental Health Rehabilitation.
Decision Maker: Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 20/05/2024
Kashif Ahmed, Director of Strategic & Integrated Commissioning, took the decision to approve the use of the scheme at Abbey Lodge, Riddle Road, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 7BX for mental health rehabilitation.
Divisions affected: Fleetwood East; Fleetwood West & Cleveleys West;
Lead officer: Kashif Ahmed
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £160 towards the cost of new
uniforms, ID badges and DBS checks for volunteers from the Local
Member Grant Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Lancaster Rural North
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 27/08/2024
County Councillor Phillippa Williamson considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £160 to Supportive Approachable Friendly Environment (SAFE) towards the cost of new uniforms, ID badges and DBS checks for volunteers.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Rural North;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £300 towards the cost of a
cycle hangar for local residents use from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Lancaster Central
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 27/08/2024
County Councillor Gina Dowding considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £300 to Fairfield Association towards the cost of a cycle hangar for local residents use.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Central;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision on the
direct award of a Level 5 Digital Learning Designer
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 27/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
A decision on the direct award of a Level 3 Civil Engineer Technician apprenticeship.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 27/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
A decision on the extension of a contract award for the provison of Digital Operating Model.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Peter Lloyd
A decision on the direct award of a Level 3 Installation and Maintenance Electrician Apprenticeship.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
The request is to balance the structural
defects budget between districts in the 2023-24 programme by
£8,500 from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS
14019) to 23/24 Fylde Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS
£5,500 from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS
14019) to 23/24 Fylde Structural Defects Masonry (PPMS
£19,000from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS
14019) to 23/24 South Ribble Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS
£4,000 from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS
14019) to 23/24 West Lancs Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS
£35,000 from 23/24 Chorley Structural Defects Masonry
(PPMS14020) to 23/24 Wyre Structural Defects Blacktop (PPMS
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service Highway Operations and Design, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport, took a decision to approve budget amendment to 23/24 Structural Defects programme as detailed above.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2000 towards supporting
students on their Exodus Recovery Project from the Local Member
Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Burnley Central West
Decision published: 23/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
County Councillor Scott Cunliffe considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £300 to Church on the Street Ministries towards the cost of supporting students on their Exodus Recovery Project.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Burnley Central East
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
County Councillor Sobia Malik considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £300 to Church on the Street Ministries towards the cost of supporting students on their Exodus Recovery Project.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Brierfield & Nelson West
Decision published: 29/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
County Councillor Ash Sutcliffe considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Church on the Street Ministries towards the cost of supporting students on their Exodus Recovery Project.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor Sutcliffe does not believe the grant will benefit his division.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children and Families
Decision published: 27/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
County Councillor Cosima Towneley considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Church on the Street Ministries towards the cost of supporting students on their Exodus Recovery Project.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor Towneley wishes to reserve funding for other organisations in her division as she believes the organisation receive other specialist funding.
Divisions affected: Brierfield & Nelson West; Burnley Central East; Burnley Central West; Burnley North East; Burnley Rural; Burnley South West; Nelson East; Padiham and Burnley West; Pendle Central;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £250 towards the cost of a
dehumidifier from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Hill
Decision published: 25/08/2024
Effective from: 25/08/2024
County Coucillor Howard Hartley considered and approved a Local member Grant of £250 to Higham Village Hall Committee towards the cost of a dehumidifier.
Divisions affected: Pendle Hill;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £500 towards the cost of
purchasing all weather composite benches form the Local Member
Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Fylde West
Decision published: 23/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
County Councillor John R Singleton JP considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £500 to Singleton Church Hall Bowling Club towards the cost of purchasing all weather composite benches.
Divisions affected: Fylde West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision on the fit out and installation of Savick Library.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 23/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
Sue Haworth, Property Review Principal, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Preston South West;
Lead officer: Sue Haworth
A decision on the disposal of a former council building.
Decision Maker: Director of Growth and Regeneration
Decision published: 23/08/2024
Effective from: 22/08/2024
Gary Jones Estates Manager, on behalf of the Simon Lawrence, Director of Growth and Regeneration took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Burnley Rural;
Lead officer: Gary Jones
Finance utilise a tool called CFO Insights that provides a database that allows the team to produce benchmarking information to support budget management across the county council. To ensure consistency in data and build on the knowledge that has been developed in using the tool this decision is to extend the contract.
The contract is to extend for a value of £10k per annum for 3 years.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 22/08/2024
Effective from: 22/08/2024
Noel O'Neill, Director of Finance and Commerce took a decision to extend the contract provision for CFO Insights.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Noel O'Neill
A decision on the procurement to establish a contract for the provision of external audit services and tax advisory services.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 22/08/2024
Effective from: 21/08/2024
Khadija Saeed, Head of Corporate Finance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Khadija Saeed
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £500 towards the cost of
replacing the existing railings around the Pre-school from the
Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Morecambe North
Decision published: 22/08/2024
Effective from: 22/08/2024
County Councillor Stewart Morris considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £500 to Bolton-Le-Sands Pre-school, Playgroup and Toddlers towards the cost of replacing the existing railings around the Pre-school.
Divisions affected: Morecambe North;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision on the approval of a project to facilitate the payment of hire costs and classroom purchase in relation to Brunshaw Primary - Classroom Purchase.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 22/08/2024
Effective from: 22/08/2024
Paul Richardson, Capital Programme Principal, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Burnley Central East;
Lead officer: Paul Richardson
This purpose of this proposal is to extend the
length of the restricted road status due to the presence of a
system of street lighting and revoke part of an existing Speed
Limit Order.
The purpose of the extended 30mph speed limit is to improve the
safety for all highway users and increase the sustainability for
the development. The subsequent reduction in length of the 40mph
section would provide protection and more time for vehicles to
navigate the new junction.
These proposals are being funded by the developer of the site under
Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980
Formal consultation was carried out between 4 July-2024 and 1
August-2024 which included advertising in the local press and
notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Following formal consultation No Objections were received.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 19/08/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took a decision to approve of Lancashire County Council (Langthwaite Brow And Wyresdale Road, Lancaster, Lancaster City) (Revocation And 40mph Speed Limit) Order 202*.
Divisions affected: Lancaster South East;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
The purpose of this proposal is to correct the
names of the newly constructed roads from their temporary moniker,
as well as to correct a few minor errors relating to the
measurements of the various speed limits within this order. This
proposal also reduces the speed limit on Lea Lane (U4584) from
40mph to 30mph. The construction of the new Preston Western
Distributor Road has now cut off this section of road and a 40mph
speed limit is no longer considered a safe or appropriate limit,
given the new nature of this road.
Formal consultation was carried out between 5 July-2024 and 2
August-2024 which included advertising in the local press and
notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Following formal consultation four responses were received
objecting to the proposal to reduce the speed limit on Lea Lane
from 40mph to 30mph.
The main points raised in the objections along with Officer
comments are outlined in Appendix C.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 19/08/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took a decision on to approve the order following consideration of the objections, officer responses, and consultation with the Cabinet Member.
Divisions affected: Fylde East; Preston Rural; Preston West;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
The proposals are being pursued as part of an
s38 Agreement under the Highways Act 1980 as part of a new housing
development which will introduce further traffic movements at the
junction of Wheelton Lane with Atlantean Drive.
The purpose of the proposed 20mph speed limit is to improve the
safety of motorised and non-motorised users, mitigating additional
traffic flows from the new housing development on Wheelton Lane
with a reduction in the speed limit.
Formal consultation was carried out between 5 July-2024 and 2
August-2024 which included advertising in the local press and
notices being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
Following formal consultation No Objections were received.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 19/08/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took a decision on the approval of Lancashire County Council Assembly Avenue, Atlantean Drive, Llama Close and Terrier Grove, Leyland, South Ribble Borough) (20mph Speed Limit) Order 202*.
Divisions affected: Moss Side & Farington;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £800 towards the cost of new
uniforms, ID badges and DBS checks for volunteers from the Local
Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Skerton
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 21/08/2024
County Councillor Jean Parr considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £160 to Supportive Approachable Friendly Environment (SAFE) towards the cost of new uniforms, ID badges and DBS checks for volunteers.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Central; Lancaster East; Lancaster Rural North; Lancaster South East; Skerton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1,000 towards the cost of 'The
Beauty of Morecambe Bay' photo competition from the Local Member
Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Skerton
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 21/08/2024
County Councillor Jean Parr considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £210 to The Bay International Film Festival towards the cost of 'The Beauty of Morecambe Bay' photo competition.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Central; Lancaster East; Morecambe Central; Morecambe South; Skerton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This is a decision to make changes, to correct minor errors and resolve inconsistencies, to the Constitution.
The Scheme of Delegation to Officers authorises Directors and Executive Directors to take procurement-related decisions, including:
All officer decisions are subject to the Key Decision threshold, currently £2.2m. However, this limit does not apply where Cabinet has previously approved (for example when approving to commence a procurement process) the contract value and/or that a contract may be extended for a certain length of time or cost.
To clarify this distinction in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers, to avoid misinterpretation, and to prevent decisions unnecessarily being taken by Cabinet twice, section 9.52 of the Scheme of Delegation to Officers will be amended to add the italicised text below:
The Scheme of Delegation to Officers also reserves to the Executive Director of Resources (Chief Financial Officer) the power to write off debt owed to the council. However, this is impractical for the small values which may be required to be written off. These decisions only require the Chief Financial Officer's approval when a debt needs to be written off other than in accordance with the council's Debt Management Policy. Therefore, section 9.52, paragraph 9 of the Scheme of Delegation to Officers will be amended to add the following italicised text: "To agree to write off a debt owed to the Council, other than in accordance with the council's Debt Management Policy."
Finally, section 9.51 of the Scheme of Delegation to Officers requires amendment to reflect the updated management structure of the council, as follows:
Decision Maker: Director of Law and Governance
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 21/08/2024
Heloise MacAndrew, Director of Law and Governance, took a decision to make the following changes to the council's Constitution, to correct an error or resolve an inconsistency:
i) For clarification, to amend Section 9.52, paragraph 36 (Scheme of Delegation to Officers) to: "The award of contracts (including the selection of a contractor from a framework). The thresholds listed do not apply where Cabinet has already approved the contract value at the commencement of a procurement process."
ii) For clarification, to amend section 9.52, paragraph 37 (Scheme of Delegation to Officers) to: "To exercise an option to extend a contract where the amount or duration has not previously been approved by Cabinet".
iii) For clarification, to amend section 9.52, paragraph 9 (Scheme of Delegation to Officers) to: "To agree to write off a debt owed to the Council, other than in accordance with the council's Debt Management Policy."
iv) For accuracy, to amend section 9.51 (Scheme of Delegation to Officers) so the areas of responsibility for the Executive Director of Resources, Director of Finance and Commerce, and Director of Strategy and Transformation are corrected.
Divisions affected: N/A;
Lead officer: Director of Law and Governance
To fund the purchase of land managed by LCC
Estates to facilitate the reconstruction and widening of the
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 19/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service Operations on behalf of Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to move £1800 from PPMS ID 9261 Gravel Lane Phase 2 into PPMS ID 9262 Bone Hill Lane.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
Approval of the Procurement Initiative Plan
for the supply of Trees and Planting Products (Winter
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 20/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service Highway Operations and Design, on behalf of Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to approve the Procurement Initiative Plan for the supply of Trees and Planting Products (Winter 2024).
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
A report to Capital board was approved on 27th July 2024 for funding to be allocated to the Burnley Road (Laund) project to allow that project to continue to completion.
The funding was from projects within the existing Bridges Maintenance approved capital programme consisting of an amount from the 22/23 unallocated budget and cancellation of two projects for repairs to Larkhill Lane footbridge that cannot be delivered due to issues with adjacent properties.
The approved amounts are as follows:
12772 22/23 9661 Lark Hill Lane £100,637.70
11634 21/22 Lark Hill Lane £107,387.00
15404 Unallocated bridges maintenance 23/24 £68,964.38
The total approved allocation is £276,989.08.
The revised budget for the 13936 22/23 Burnley Road (Laund) project is £598,892.59.
In November 2022 the "Burnley Road Laund" Highway retaining wall supporting the A682 between Rawtenstall and Burnley collapsed into the adjacent river.
The A682 is part of the resilient route network and classified as a 3a priority main distributor road.
In early 2023 a project was established to enable temporary measures to be installed to prevent further collapse, protect public safety, safeguard essential utilities, and allow the road to remain open.
The site is currently barriered off with, no footway provision and an open excavation to the river. It is in a safe condition but is vulnerable to further damage if water levels increase. The status of the route, the risk of disruption to infrastructure and the vulnerability of the site mean that this is the highest priority site currently in the bridges programme.
Design of a project to repair the wall has been ongoing and works are now planned to commence this year to complete the reinstatement.
The anticipated cost of the proposed works has increased beyond those originally envisaged due to the proximity of major utilities and difficult ground conditions.
The current available budget is £150,630.98 and additional funding is required to allow the works to commence.
The project was established within the 20/21 DfT retaining wall programme. The retaining wall programme covered to works to a number of retaining walls in East Lancashire identified as requiring varying priorities of maintenance. An initial budget was established by moving funding from projects that were either completed or could sustain a reduction in scope. One project was cancelled on the basis that it was a lower priority and could be funded from a future allocation within the bridges maintenance capital programme.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 23/07/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service Highway Operations and Design, took a decision to approve the reallocation of funds to deliver the Burnley Road (Laund) Retaining wall repair project.
Divisions affected: Mid Rossendale;
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1,050 towards the cost of
purchasing 15 frame drums from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Rossendale East
Decision published: 23/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
County Councillor Jackie Oakes considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Emerald Earth Medicine towards the cost of purchasing 15 frame drums.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor Oakes is reserving funding for organisations and projects that align with her priorities.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Mid Rossendale
Decision published: 21/08/2024
Effective from: 23/08/2024
County Councillor Sean Serridge considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Emerald Earth Medicine towards the cost of purchasing 15 frame drums.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor Serridge does not believe his division will benefit sufficiently from the grant.
Divisions affected: Clitheroe; Mid Rossendale; Padiham and Burnley West; Pendle Central; Rossendale East;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report requests the waiver of the county council's Procurement Rules for the purchase of two double modular classrooms for Brunshaw Primary School, to be used as a Special Educational Needs unit on the site to provide accommodation for additional special educational needs pupils.
Decision Maker: Leader of the County Council
Decision published: 20/08/2024
Effective from: 20/08/2024
The Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Resources, HR and Property (Deputy Leader) approved the recommendations as set out in the report.
This decision should be implemented immediately for the purposes of Standing Order C28 as any delay could adversely affect the execution of the county council's responsibilities. The reason for this is set out in the report.
Divisions affected: Burnley Central East;
Lead officer: Michael Peppin
This proposal are being pursued as part of a
Section 278 Agreement under the Highways Act 1980 as part of a new
development which will introduce further traffic movements. These
proposals are being funded by Section s278 monies deposited by the
developer and linked to the adjacent housing development.
A new access is to be constructed onto Main Road Galgate. In order
to reduce the speed of vehicles approaching the new junction the
30mph speed limit location requires relocating northwards.
The purpose of this proposed order is to reduce the 50mph speed
limit along Main Road reverting the section of road around the new
access to 30mph by virtue of street lighting.
Formal consultation was carried out between 25 April-2025 and 23
May-2024 which included advertising in the local press and notices
being displayed on site. Divisional county councillors were
consulted along with the council's usual consultees and the
consultation documents posted on the council's website.
One response was received to the consultation from Scotforth Parish
Council supporting the proposal for extending the 30mph to include
the entrance to the new housing estate, however, raising the
following concerns and suggestions:
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 19/08/2024
Effective from: 19/08/2024
Peter Bell, Regulation and Enforcement Manager, took a decision to approve Lancashire County Council (Main Road (A6), Galgate, Lancaster City) (Revocation and 50mph Speed Limit) Order 202*.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Central; Lancaster Rural East; Lancaster South East;
Lead officer: Peter Bell
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £473.59 towards the cost of a
Mod Roc Clay Modelling art class for 20 children from the Local
Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Preston East
Decision published: 18/08/2024
Effective from: 18/08/2024
County Councillor Anna Hindle considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £473.59 to Let's Grow Preston towards the cost of a Mod Roc Clay Modelling art class for 20 children.
County Councillor Anna Hindle declared a non-pecuniary interest as a trustee of Let's Grow Preston.
Divisions affected: Preston East;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £500 towards the cost of
refurbishing the church kitchen from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Skerton
Decision published: 16/08/2024
Effective from: 16/08/2024
County Councillor Jean Parr considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £500 to Fathers House Elim Church towards the cost of refurbishing the church kitchen.
Divisions affected: Skerton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision on the waiving of Procurement Regulations for the provision of a contract award to Esri (UK) Ltd.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 16/08/2024
Effective from: 25/06/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £2000 towards the cost of
training volunteers from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Skelmersdale Central
Decision published: 16/08/2024
Effective from: 16/08/2024
County Councillor Terry Aldridge considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to West Lancs Debt Advice towards the cost of training volunteers.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor Aldridge is reserving funding to support other organisations in his division.
Divisions affected: Burscough & Rufford; Ormskirk; Skelmersdale Central; Skelmersdale East; Skelmersdale West; West Lancashire East; West Lancashire North; West Lancashire West;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
Approval for the waiver under Procurement
Regulations for a unique programme supplied by NBS Ltd that allows
the writing of technical specifications used within the Design and
Construction area.
The supplier does not use resellers and are not on any frameworks
so approval is required to waive Procurement Rule 9 which requires
3 quotes, and purchase from them via a direct award.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 15/08/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, on behalf of the Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital took a decision to approve the waiver under Procurement Rule 9 which requires three quotes and purchase from NBS Ltd under direct award.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £500 towards the cost of adding
names to the war memorial, and a booklet celebrating the parks
centenary year from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Pendle Hill
Decision published: 15/08/2024
Effective from: 15/08/2024
County Councillor Howard Hartley considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £500 to Friends of Barrowford Memorial Park towards the cost of adding names to the war memorial, and a booklet celebrating the parks centenary year.
Divisions affected: Pendle Hill;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
EVOLVE is an online system for the planning,
approval and management of educational visits, sports fixtures and
extra-curricular activities.
This waiver is to seek to waive Procurement Rule 9 which requires 3
quotes for requirements between £10,000 to £74,999. The
product is unique and from a proprietary supplier which is the
reason for not completing a further competition.
The supplier has advised that they do not work with resellers so we
are unable to explore compliant routes to market via a reseller
framework. No alternative options exist but to purchase through a
direct award route.
The customer, Alan Wilton, Head of Service from the Safety &
Resilience team has been consulted in the decision making process
to waive procurement rules.
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 15/08/2024
Effective from: 25/06/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance on behalf of Peter Lloyd, Director of Digital, took a decision to waive Procurement Rule 9 which requires 3 quotes for requirements between £10,000 to £74,999 and accepts the provisions of this waiver and to award a 36 month contract extension to Edufocus Ltd to the value of £34,464.09.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Helen Patten
A decision on the award of places on Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) for the provision of Children's Home Services.
Decision Maker: Director of Policy, Commissioning and Children's Health
Decision published: 15/08/2024
Effective from: 15/08/2024
Dave Carr, Director of Policy, Commissioning and Children's Health, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Dave Carr
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £630 towards the cost of venue
hire, promotional flyers and posters and a Microsoft account from
the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Poulton-le-Fylde
Decision published: 22/08/2024
Effective from: 22/08/2024
County Councillor Alf Clempson considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £210 to Neurokin Family towards the cost of venue hire, promotional flyers and posters and a Microsoft account.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Cleveleys South & Carleton
Decision published: 15/08/2024
Effective from: 22/08/2024
County Councillor Alan Vincent considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £210 to Neurokin Family towards the cost of venue hire, promotional flyers and posters and a Microsoft account.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Thornton & Hambleton
Decision published: 15/08/2024
Effective from: 22/08/2024
County Councillor John Shedwick considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £210 to Neurokin Family towards the cost of venue hire, promotional flyers and posters and a Microsoft account.
Divisions affected: Cleveleys South & Carleton; Poulton le Fylde; Thornton & Hambleton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision on the waiver of
Procurement rules for the provision of Funasset Ltd – R1071
– Annual Licence, Support and Maintenance of Hybrid Mail
Software (Minkz).
Decision Maker: Director of Digital
Decision published: 15/08/2024
Effective from: 06/06/2024
Carol Groom, Head of ICT Strategy & Assurance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Carol Groom
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £1,600 towards two outings in
September and December from the Champion for Young
Decision Maker: Champion for Young People
Decision published: 14/08/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
The Head of Servive Democratic and Member Services, following consultation with County Councillor Loraine Cox, Champion for Young People, approved a Champions Grant application for the reduced amount of £500 to 1st Oswaldtwistle Girls’ Brigade towards the cost of two trips for their members.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
This report presents an application from an
organisation requesting £644.99 towards the cost of a new
shed from the Champion for Parishes budget.
Decision Maker: Champion for Parishes
Decision published: 14/08/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
The Head of Service Democratic Services, following consultation with County Councillor Paul Rigby, Champion for Parishes, approved a Champions Grant application of £644.99 to Whalley Parish Council towards the cost of a new shed.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Janet Nuttall
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requested £800 towards the cost of a new
shed from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Cleveleys East
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 13/08/2024
County Councillor Andrea Kay considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £800 to Fylde Coast Mens Shed CIC towards the cost of a new shed.
Divisions affected: Cleveleys East;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
Approval is sought for the County Council to
enter into a Section 106 agreement (Deed of variation), under
Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in relation
to Ribble Valley Borough Council planning application 3/2018/0910
for outline planning permission application for the development
comprising 20 bungalows.
A planning contribution of £24,000 for the upgrade of the
nearest bus stop and associated costs for the service has been paid
in March 2024 to Lancashire County Council under the original S106
The deed of variation removes this obligation as it has been
fulfilled. It also updates the land owner and surety provider and
land ownership boundary.
Authority to take this decision has been delegated under the Scheme
of Delegation to Heads of Service.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 13/08/2024
John Davies, Head of Highways Network Management, on behalf of Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to approve the Director of Law and Governance to enter into a Section 106 agreement (Deed of variation) under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 in connection with the proposed development.
Divisions affected: Ribble Valley North East;
Lead officer: John Davies
Transfer from capital (PPMS code 6401 -England
Coast Path) to PROW revenue budget for the recovery of costs
associated to the establishment of the KCIIIECP Section
Decision Maker: Director of Environment and Planning
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Debbie King, Head of Environment & Climate, took the decision to approve atransfer from capital (PPMS code 6401 -England Coast Path) to PROW revenue budget for the recovery of costs associated to the establishment of the KCIIIECP Section 4.
Divisions affected: West Lancashire East; West Lancashire North; West Lancashire West;
Lead officer: Debbie King
Works are currently in progress to repair a
collapsed retaining wall at Burnley Road Laund in Rawtenstall. The
wall supports the A682 adjacent Limey Water.
There is an Environment Agency restriction on the works period that
requires works to be completed by the end of September.
The project requires the use of specialist equipment to undertake
installation of temporary works. This is needed because of ground
conditions and limits on vibration for vulnerable utilities.
Prices for the works have been sought from a number of suppliers
but only one has provided a response for the work specified.
If the work was retendered, the project could not be completed
within the current programme resulting in the works being delayed
until summer 2025.
This would expose the site to risk of inundation by the river and
potential further collapse with associated risk to utilities and
use of the highway.
Head of Service is asked to approve the direct award to a single
supplier for the provision of a specialist works on the basis that
there is an urgent need for the works to be carried out within the
planned programme and that retendering is unlikely to result in a
reduction in cost for provision of the work because of the
specialist nature of the work and the equipment needed.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 07/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Highways Operations and Design, took the decision to agree the proposed single tender action on the basis that there is an urgent requirement to undertake the works.
Divisions affected: Mid Rossendale;
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
Approval is sought for the County Council for
a deed of variation for a previous agreed Section 106 of the Town
and Country Planning Act 1990, for an obligation for the developer
to pay a sum of £6,000 for Travel Planning support and
contribute £67,200 towards the Poulton Highway Mitigation
Authority to take this decision has been delegated under the Scheme
of Delegation to Heads of Service.
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 13/08/2024
John Davies, Head of Highways Network Management, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to approve the Director of Law and Governance to approve the deed of variation for the Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 in connection with the proposed development, providing for obligations on the owner or developer of the land to pay sums totalling £73,200.
Divisions affected: Cleveleys South & Carleton;
Lead officer: John Davies
Proposal to move £800 from PPMS 14947 to
PPMS 14941
Decision Maker: Director of Highways and Transport
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Ridwan Musa, Head of Service, on behalf of the Matt Townsend, Director of Highways and Transport took a decision to approve amendment to budgets as detailed.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Ridwan Musa
A decision on the direct award of Level 6 Chartered Surveyor Apprenticeship to the University of Central Lancashire.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
A decision on the direct award of level 7 Archivist and Records Management apprenticeship to Westminster Adult Education.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
A decision on the direct award of Level 3 HR Support apprenticeship to Runshaw College.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
A decision on the direct award of Level 6 construction site management apprenticeship to Salford University.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
A decision on the direct award of Level 3 groundworker apprenticeship to Nelson and Colne College.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
A decision on the direct award of Level 3 Heavy Goods Vehicle apprenticeship to Lancaster Training.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
A decision on the direct award of Level 6 Youth Worker apprenticeship to the University of Central Lancashire.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
A decision on the direct award of Level 6 Occupational Therapist apprenticeship to the University of Central Lancashire.
Decision Maker: Director of People
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Rachel Rump, Head of Talent & Performance, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Rachel Rump
The Arnside and Silverdale National Landscape
(previously known as the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) is
managed by a Partnership. The County Council is a key partner and
is represented on the Executive Committee. The Partnership receives
an annual grant from Government via the Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), matched with local authority
partner contributions. The County Council's annual contribution is
currently £14,180. The Arnside and Silverdale National
Landscape Executive Committee has requested that this increases on
an annual basis inline with inflation to cover inflationary price
Decision Maker: Director of Environment and Planning
Decision published: 13/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
Debbie King, Head of Environment & Climate, on behalf of the Director of Environment and Planning took a decision to increase the annual contribution to the Arnside & Silverdale National Landscape in line with inflation.
Divisions affected: Lancaster Rural North;
Lead officer: Debbie King
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £600 towards the cost of a
special bag for every choir member and publication of poetry books
to mark the choir's 3rd anniversary from the Local Member Grants
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - St Annes North
Decision published: 12/08/2024
Effective from: 12/08/2024
County Councillor Peter Buckley considered and rejected a Local Member Grant to Trinitas Day Choir towards the cost of a special bag for every choir member and publication of poetry books to mark the choir's 3rd anniversary.
The reason for rejection is County Councillor Buckley does not believe the project will directly benefit residents in his division.
Divisions affected: Cleveleys East; Fleetwood West & Cleveleys West; St Annes North; Thornton & Hambleton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
This report presents an application from a
local organisation requesting £1800 towards electrical
repairs from the Local Member Grants Scheme.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Chorley North
Decision published: 14/08/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
County Councillor Hasina Khan considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £225 to Sea Cadets Chorley towards the cost of electrical repairs.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Clayton with Whittle
Decision published: 23/08/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
County Councillor Mark Clifford considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £225 to Sea Cadets Chorley towards the cost of electrical repairs.
Decision Maker: Local Councillor Decision - Hoghton with Wheelton
Decision published: 15/08/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
County Councillor Alan Cullens considered and approved a Local Member Grant of £225 to Sea Cadets Chorley towards the cost of electrical repairs.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Growth
Decision published: 12/08/2024
Effective from: 14/08/2024
The reason for the rejection is County Councillor Aidy Riggott is reserving funding for other organisations.
Divisions affected: Chorley Central; Chorley North; Chorley Rural East; Chorley Rural West; Chorley South; Clayton with Whittle; Euxton, Buckshaw & Astley; Hoghton with Wheelton;
Lead officer: Local Member Grants
A decision on the approval to award a single supplier contract for the provision of Site Security Services.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commerce
Decision published: 09/08/2024
Effective from: 09/08/2024
Noel O'Neill, Director of Finance and Commerce, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Director of Finance and Commerce
A decision on the approval of LUF Atkins Preliminary Commissions.
Decision Maker: Director of Environment and Planning
Decision published: 09/08/2024
Effective from: 29/06/2023
Andy Mullaney, Director of Environment and Planning, took the decision as set out in the report.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Kiara Clarke